Full Moon in Aries 29 September 2023 – by Flavia

September goes out with a bang. And the aftershocks continue through the middle of October. We have a fiery Full Super-moon in Aries that is characterised by frustrated anger and muddled expression. The Full Super-moon takes place on 29 September, 2023, at 09:57 GMT, and at 06 degrees of Aries. The full moon’s dispositor, Mars, is in detriment in balance and harmony seeking Libra. A Venus ruled sign. Mars wants excess and wants to fight for what he really wants in his own assertive independent way. Mars will still compete and demand, but he has to do it through the libran skills of diplomacy, strategy and negotiation. With the Sun in Libra, we are directed in trying to achieve our goals through delegation. Let others do it. Let others represent you. Let others take the fight on your behalf.

The tarot spread with The High Priestess, the Two of Coins, and the Three of Rods sets up the scene perfectly. It is the perspective of the Three of Rods that is looking optimistically to the future. We have an open space and a resolution. There is movement with initiative and ambition. The Three of Rods is significantly a card of success. A culmination of a situation that drives us to move on with what we are planning. What we have been working on in the last six months has come to a completion that itself can be the spark to something new. And we can do all of that fairly quickly. The Two of Coins and the Three of Rods are quick moving and noisy energies. They create an uplifting change where there is hardship or stagnant waters.

However, even though the road ahead is open after we have fulfilled our role, in this culminating moment, we still hesitate. The sun in Libra is opposite the moon in Aries. Our emotions are attached to our sense of self. It’s the sun in Libra that will always be indecisive, as it is trying to assess conflicting views, and, ultimately, rule through others. It’s more about justice than kindness. It’s about being who we are, but also needing others to create our meaning. It’s the axis Aries-Libra, the self and the other that are illuminated. Both cardinal signs. Both leaders. Opposites that pull in one or the other direction, that eventually complete each other.

We have The High Priestess, yet another symbol of high authority and justice. A receptive sacred knowledge that we command through our intuition. She is the moon’s representative. There is no doubt that we are powerful in our sovereign knowledge of the self, self identity and the drive to progress. The sign of Libra is the beauty of administering justice, knowledge and value in the contract. As we find ourselves at the end of September, we know we have left the summer and its many activities behind. Something new is starting to be built and we are heading in that direction.

The energies are shifting left and right for now, and we are still jumping and balancing, but eventually, they will go forward. And we will move along with those energies. With this forward movement we are asked to sign our name into things that hold value. It’s about us and our contract to the other. As we move into October, indecisiveness will give way to more combativeness and clarity with planets moving into Scorpio. Communication becomes focused and discernment takes over. We become serious about what we consider frivolous and unnecessary. The full moon in Aries burns up the remainder of anything superfluous or toxic. We are deciding, or situations are deciding for us, what we keep and take with us into the future, and what we let go to allow the new experiences to come in. And by the time October arrives we have entered eclipse season with its karmic endings and new beginnings to give further significance to events around the full moon in Aries. But for now, that’s all in the future. With the Tree of Rods we have firmly left the comfort of our past behind and we are committing to explore new situations and discover unfamiliar terrains. It’s all happening with enthusiasm and an optimist outlook.
