
Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 20 April 2019

This week we will look at the Ten of Swords from the Motherpeace Tarot. This card shows us ten priestesses leaping off a cliff and into the sea. The temple at the edge of the cliff may be that of the Goddess Athena, who shaped her own identity by following her own path, taking risks and doing the unexpected. With their arms raised, the priestesses appear to leap of joy rather than with fear. The swords point in the opposite direction, they have been released by the priestesses and are no longer part of their mission. Beneath the temple, a wave is crashing into the wall, and the water is waiting to receive the priestesses.

The card represents the final letting go of an idea which the ego has been attached to, this can mean a dramatic end to a repeated cycle, and the realisation that the acceptance of what is, and not what you hoped for, is in fact a blessing. This allows you to get on with your bigger purpose in world. Simultaneously a sacrifice and a relief, the struggle has now ended. Letting go and diving deep into the waters initiates a new experience of emotional sensitivity. The number ten marks a transition into something new, the completion has now occurred, and is often associated with community.

Receiving this card is a confirmation that you are stepping into a new phase in your life. It might be a spiritual, mental or physical phase, or a combination of all of these. The priestesses of Athena will support you in all you wish to do. Your hardship and the repeated cycle of worry has come to an end. You are free to pursue your path and you will receive the help of the world in doing so.

Meditation with the Ten of Swords

Try this meditation with the Ten of Swords and sense what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Ten of Swords and observe how the priestesses are leaping off the cliff, they are confident and joyful. They know that they will be safe and that their descent into the ocean will cleanse them and bring renewed inspiration to carry on. Letting go of the swords has released a burden which they have been carrying for too long. The image is one of transformation, hope and finding your joy.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you best release the heaviness that has weighed you down?

Write down your soul’s true mission and not your ego’s.

Involve yourself in a ceremony of your own choice. It can be a solitary ritual or a group event. Verbalise your intentions and embody the ideas you have considered. The airwaves of the recent Libra full moon will carry your spoken mission into the near future.
