ten of wands

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 30 September 2018

ten of wands tarot card

The Ten of Wands in the Motherpeace Tarot shows us a powerful image of seven women dancing together in a trance, releasing their kundalini energy as they move wildly to the rhythmic beat of the drum.  In the foreground, three women bring positive guidance and focus for the energy which has been freed up through the dance. One woman plays the drum, keeping the rhythm of trance work and the shamanic journey with a psychic opening. The woman in the middle represents an adolescent who is speaking with oracular power, in tongues, as she is surrendering to the cosmic powers in a trusted community. The woman to the left translates her messages with a stylus onto a clay tablet, recording the sacred messages for the future.

This card represents the release of built up energies which overwhelm us, the contracts and commitments in our everyday life, our tensions, anxieties and strains, as well as our hopes and fears.  Containing the energy of the number ten, the card also represents coming full circle. With the fire of the wands, the overabundance of the element is being experienced in a community where it can be utilised for the greater good.

The Ten of Wands arrives as a timely guide after the recent full moon in Aries which focused on transformation and liberation of the self. The card reminds us that there is power in numbers and any injustice towards women shall indeed be healed, with time. By speaking and recording our truthful messages to the world, they will be remembered and bring positive change.


The Ten of Wands Meditation

Try this meditation with the Ten of Wands and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your knees, with the palms facing down.

Focus on the image of the Ten of Wands and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the women dance in ecstasy, freeing themselves from anything that bind them, while channeling energy through their bodies. The women in the foreground are setting the scene with powerful psychic rhythm, sound and oracular messages. The image is full of movement, passion and truth.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below:

What can you celebrate right now?

How can you translate your unheard song and its’ connection to your soul’s mission?


Dance with the ecstasy of life and release the wild-woman within.

