shaman of wands

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 5 April 2019

The new moon in Aries calls us to contemplate the Shaman of Wands from the Motherpeace Tarot. This card show us a bearded man, wearing a patterned loincloth. He holds a staff which rests on the waning crescent of the Moon Goddess, symbolising matrilineal descent. His right hand is open, a gesture of invitation, gift giving and healing energy. Behind the man we see the falcon of the sun God Horus, crowned with his authoritative solar disc, symbolising strength and clarity. The falcon’s talons hold the ankh of life force, the sign of the Goddess Isis. To the left of the man, the throne of Pharaoh is situated, indicating the presence of kingly power. The round basket and the large protea flower signify the Shaman’s appreciation of the female.

The card represents positive male power and fatherhood, a philosopher or teacher. This is a strong man with verbal skills and a warm presence. He is ruled by Mars and Jupiter, representing force and healing power. With Mars in Gemini until 15 May, ideas may overflow, and we can use the Shaman’s potent fire to choose what to focus on. He also reminds us that with Jupiter in Sagittarius until 2 December 2019, we shall expand in areas which light us up, like the fire of the Shaman’s wand we can follow our dreams. The inspiration which rises as Jupiter activates ideas and possibilities is strengthened now.

Receiving this card is a confirmation that long term goals are possible and should be focused on. Anything that fills you with passion, and any accomplishments you are now ready for, are arriving with the help and support of the Shaman of Wands.

Meditation with the Shaman of Wands

Try this meditation with the Shaman of Wands card and sense what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Shaman of Wands and note how the man is grounded and fully present on being the centre of authority. Strong and welcoming, filled with fiery and positive energy, he welcomes you into his sphere. Behind him the presence of the Pharaoh and the falcon fortify your wishes and your creations. You are simultaneously supported by a newly found solar power emanating from the Shaman and nurtured by soft female energy represented by the woven basket and the pink protea flower.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you best focus on your creative projects in this new season?

How can you integrate longevity and balanced creation in your body, mind and soul?

Create a space in your home which is reserved only for you. This can be a space for meditation, writing, making art or anything else that makes you focus on being fully present. Listen to your soul and hear what is most needed at this time. Spend time in your sacred space and do what truly makes you happy.
