shaman of cups

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol-29 October 2018

shaman of cups tarot card

The Shaman of Cups shows us a man standing inside a temple, his face is painted white and he is pouring alchemical liquid into a boiling cauldron. Behind him, playful dolphins, snakes and a shell adorn the wall of the sacred space.

The card is a thoughtful image of the depths of emotional knowledge which makes us human. Acknowledging our innate skills of caring for ourselves and for others, we find that we can better navigate our emotions and learn from our experiences. We can control our feelings and transmute our passion to detached awareness. The white face paint expresses the shamans readiness for spiritual work, which is enhanced by the alchemical brew in the cauldron. This interplay is supporting profound change and increasing spiritual and emotional maturity.

The message of the Shaman of Cups is poignant during this Samhain and Halloween week as the veils between the natural and the supernatual world are thinning and the ancestral spirits loom around us. Any emotional ties which still bind you to the past can be released with gratitude, which in itself will increase your receptivity to flow. Being masked helps to process and understand difficult feelings that might arise during this seasonal change. And simultaneously the mask will enable you to unfold your magical healing work into the world.


The Shaman of Cups Meditation

Try this meditation with the Shaman of Cups and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Shaman of Cups. Observe how his powers as a masked shaman are heightened when he pours the magical liquid into the cauldron. The playful dolphins remind us of the joy of life. The image shows us all aspects of our emotions which we can own and funnel to create our passion projects, or simply to maintain our pure and balanced existence in everyday proceedings. Mask yourself and journey inward.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What would you achieve if you put on your magical mask of manifestation?

What wishes would you put in your magic cauldron to retrieve in 6 months time?


Create your ancestral altar, bless your current path, and know that the right way is unfolding naturally.
