
Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 19 May 2019

The Daughter of Cups from the Motherpeace Tarot comes forward to guide us this week. In the card we see a woman who sits in a pool of water, with one arm and leg raised to receive a flowing stream from above. Red rock walls surround her and there is a tree to the right. A turtle walks slowly past her, carrying a white jar with sacred water on its’ back.

The card signifies that it is time to invoke joy and playfulness into our lives. We need to pause and immerse ourselves in the beauty of our inner world. Playing in the sensual waters, the Daughter of Cups has a sense of humour, she tells us to feel good about ourselves and be receptive. The magical mineral waters flow into her crown chakra like cosmic light and then splashes all over her body, reminding us to celebrate our body but also to pay attention to heightened psychic awareness. The tree reaches out to the Daughter, representing life, while the rock walls enclose her in love. The turtle represents the ability to enter and exit our inner world. In Native American mythology the turtle carries the world on its’ back. The Hopi plant a water jar where they wish to settle, a ceremony conducted in a state of purity to ensure that water will always flow from the ground.

Receiving this card indicates that you are currently feeling a range of emotions strongly, this is a call from your inner child who wants to be noticed. It doesn’t matter whether she is sad or happy, it is the process of immersing and experiencing her emotions which is important. This will lead to self-revelation and a playful state of being, which in turn will bring transformation. The essence of the Daughter of Cups is magnetic and inclusive, she uses creative visualisations to make her desires and dreams come true. She tells us that there is an opening of the inner voice after a fearless dive into the soul.

The card resonates with the recent full moon in Scorpio. Now is the time to look deep inside yourself and admit to the big dreams. This will lead to an emerging joy of wisdom and the knowing that a deep transformation is occurring.

Meditation with the Daughter of Cups

Try this meditation with the Daughter of Cups and tune into what the card wants to say to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the woman sitting in a pool of water. Observe how playful she is and how much she loves just being and playing in the flowing stream. The slow moving turtle is passing by, balancing the sacred water jar on its’ back and creating the world through a peaceful and steady pace. The red colour of the rock walls ignite movement while the green colour is soothing.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you let your inner child out to play?

What dreams did you have as a child which you have not fulfilled yet?

Additional practice – transforming negative patterns with Malachite

Malachite is a striking green opaque stone with a silken surface, its’ internal structure is monoclinic, providing an energetic vibration of balance and smoothness. The name malachite comes from the Greek molochitis lithos meaning “mallow-green stone” because it resembles the leaves from the mallow plant. Egyptians associated green with death and the power of resurrection, calling the afterlife “Field of Malachite”. From antiquity to the 1800s, malachite was used as a mineral pigment in paint. As a stone of healing, malachite ignites transformation and removes emotional blockages by dissolving old belief systems which no longer serve you. Toxic energy is neutralised by malachite and it also guards against negativity. The rich green colour of malachite infuses us with the possibilities of change and supports our soul-growth through living an abundant heart-centred life.

For the healing ceremony, sit or lie down. Hold the malachite between your palms, in front of your solar plexus chakra. Imagine any negative people and situations leaving your auric field through the solar plexus. Sense how the green colour of the malachite purifies your energy channels and then strengthens your whole being, on all levels of the body, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and say thank you to malachite and its’ transformational gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish. It will assist in detoxifying your relationships and any situations which have become a burden and provides a space for more light to enter.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 7 May 2019

This week we will look at the Four of Disks from the Motherpeace Tarot. This card shows us a woman who is closing the door to the outside world. She has lit a fire at the centre of the room, the smoke rises to the hole in the ceiling and there are four shields hanging on the wall.

The card represents an inner sanctuary, the woman needs silence, a private, uncluttered space, where she can open and close the door at her own will. Here she finds the stillness she needs to be able to listen to her inner guidance. The four shield-disks on the wall represent, from left to right, the spiral to the centre to self, a magical flight to the heavenly realm, rhythmic balance of going in and out of a space/self, and the last one represents the integration of the four elements. The number four represents structure, therefore this card signifies that the solid foundation you desire is currently created by both internal and external forces.

Receiving this card indicates that you are building a foundation for yourself, an inner strength which is best constructed alone. This card suggests that you will need to say no to others’ needs at the moment, until you find out what you need and desire for yourself. By putting up shields, you can focus on your path and not be influenced by others who may want to tear down your structures. Your intuition will guide you to those you can trust. Meanwhile, your door stays closed while you build up the strength to reveal your grandeur.

With the recent new moon in Taurus and the retrogrades of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, the card asks you to slow down and take a deep look inside to find out how to nurture your foundation. With the Taurus steadiness and desire for a proper structure you can now do things at your own pace. There is enough time to both realise and receive the big dream. Like the woman in the card, share your dreams only with those who you allow through the door, the ones who support you with an open heart.

Meditation with the Four of Disks

Try this meditation with the Four of Disks and feel what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the woman closing the door and the fire rising to the ceiling. Notice how the four shield-disks on the wall provide a symbolic narrative for the woman’s inner sanctuary. The warm colours are nurturing and calming. There is a lovely quiet moment of finding your centre and your inner soul space.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Is it safe to share your dreams or do you need to work on them behind closed doors for a bit longer?

What would make you feel more safe in in sharing your dreams?

Additional practice – create a bodily grounding ceremony with pyrite

Pyrite is commonly called Fool’s Gold, while its’ actual name pyrite comes from the Greek pyror, pyros, meaning “fire” since it emits sparks when pieces are struck together. Native Americans used pyrite for healing and magic, polishing it into mirrors for gazing and divination. Pyrite was used in Victorian jewellery as marcasite, creating beautiful items, popular due to their sparkle. The internal structure of pyrite is cubic and energetically this provides grounding and calls in structured abundance. Tactually, its’ heavy weight is comforting and when holding pyrite you can embody a sense of wealth, stability, positivity and sparkling protection.

For the grounding ceremony, hold the pyrite between your palms, in front of your root chakra. Stand with your bare feet on the ground for five minutes, or longer if you wish. Feel how you are earthing and growing sparkling nourishing roots into the soil. Say thank you to the universe for providing you with the grounding you need.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish or when you feel ungrounded. The nurture you give your body with repeated grounding practices will help to strengthen your internal structure, and this in turn, strengthens the materialisation of your dreams.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 29 January 2019

The Death card from the Motherpeace Tarot brings us a striking image of recovery after the Leo full moon eclipse, which may have shaken our perception and distorted our personal vision. A skeleton lies on the ground by two birches, surrounded by autumnal yellow leaves. The clean bones are exposed to the forces of nature, reminding us of our own sensitivity to external powers which we feel we may not be able control. A snake has shed its yellow and red skin, symbolising transformation and rebirth.

The black space of the card, the infinite void, points to the possibilities of total renewal. Like a Shamanic journey to the underworld, the knowledge of something greater is being revealed. You can fill this empty space with anything you wish and more. Be ready to transform and welcome the unbelievable. After the realisation that the Death card offers us full release of the burdens we perceive as obstacles, we can welcome the imagery as a quiet solace of healing.

Becoming whole again after a difficult time requires self-awareness to forgive everything and everyone. The bones of our ancestors may have called to us momentarily during the eclipse season. Now we are ready to embrace their messages as we are starting to move slowly towards the lighter season. The imagery of the card shows us how to return to our roots, the passions we once lived for, and reminds us of the potential to resurrect these.

Meditation with the Death card

Try this meditation with the Death card and take a note of what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Death card and observe how the peaceful image of the skeleton is lying on the ground. The black colour brings the perfect ground for transformation. The shedded snake skin was suffocating and poisonous. Now it is gone. You can step out and breathe the fresh air of transformation and renewal at both soul and bodily levels. The mind is at ease after it has conquered its troubling thoughts.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you honour your deepest transformation after a very difficult time?

What kind of physical movement can you engage in to become grounded in your body?

Build an altar to your deepest dream life. Include photos and objects which represent the energy of total bliss. This physical imagery will help to manifest your wishes. Say thank you to everything that is and receive.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 11 September 2018

ace of swords

Fresh out of the Virgo new moon’s earthy vibrations, this week we will journey with the Ace of Swords.  In the Motherpeace Tarot, a beautiful red and purple butterfly is flying in front of a hand which is holding a sword.  A meditative woman sits with her eyes closed in a yogic pose, with her hands resting on the crescent moon, the centre of her body aligned with the sword. This image represents focus, an intellectual idea which surfaces once we feel connected to our highest good and which will bring us peace. The Ace of Swords reminds us to re-build our body of light so that we can transcend stuckness and tells us to rely on our gift of inner vision and clairvoyance. The sword, held in the right hand, points upward, and affirms the positive outcome to an idea.

This card promises a new start, and arrives as a confirmation that your ideas are valid. You can now strategise and move forward. Use your intellect and remember to align your thoughts with your body as you proceed  with your plan. Blessed with the gift of the sight, you can achieve all you have set out to do.

Lemon Chrysoprase brings joy and a renewed sense of optimism. It is also ideal for meditation and focusing on new ideas. It helps the mind to settle by sieving away busy thoughts and provides a clear vision of joy.


The Ace of Swords Meditation

Try this meditation with the Ace of Swords and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your heart.

Focus on the image of the Ace of Swords and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the woman is at peace, her body seems weightless as she is in deep meditation. The butterfly is flying into and out of her realm, bringing transformation and joy.  The success of her idea, the sword, shines a golden light, rays extending outwards and aligning with the woman’s wisdom.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What ideas are you afraid to try out?

How can you release your fear and become your own wise woman?


Stay quiet, and let the Ace of Swords light your thoughts, see yourself shine and accept your wisdom.

