november 2019

Monthly Muses by Flavia – November 2019

Rejoice for November! Well, sort of. Not exactly. But at least the Tower is behind us now, and so are all the fast moving upheavals of October. We have entered Scorpio season and all the big planets are charging ahead. Here we have three minor arcana cards to ease us through this transformative season. It wasn’t all bad. There was adventure, achievements, dreaming and passions. The self exploded in creativity. The turbulent emotions of September and October’s manifestations have given way to the weariness of battle. There is a sense of exhaustion. The summertime has wrapped up and we are within the depths of autumn holding onto the energy of change. The most contradictory set of expressions are emerging.

In the 5 of Swords we too are moving away to somewhere else. We are collecting what has been left behind, and only the basics that we can walk away with. Because while we are still looking back, whatever it was that was going on, has come to an end. So November is the beginning of a different state of being. We are certainly not thrilled but we have survived. Perhaps there was deception and perhaps there was just too much going on to cope with. And perhaps there was loss. A scattered energy that involved others has thrown us off course. This is the day after the day before.

The 4 of Pentacles certainly is an indication that we are left trying to hold on to something material to make up for either loss and sadness from the past, or a fearful projection of the future. There is stillness. Around us there is abundance but we are not interested. Looks like we have limited our identity to a material possession. We are holding on tight to representations of wealth while we are frozen in activity or motivation. And perhaps this is the time to be practical in our approach to remove stagnation or negativity that results in us becoming immobile and entrenched.

The 8 of pentacles shows us the way out. If we are tired from the fight and have become stuck in a situation that goes nowhere, we can fall back on our skills and talents. We can immerse ourselves in study, work, creativity. Away from the madding crowd we can find our truth. With repetition and care for detailed work we can transcend. This is about mastery in everyday life. The lesson is clear.

With Mercury going retrograde in Scorpio for three weeks the focus is about knowing ourselves and being clever with our hands, going over things and perfecting, slowly moving and repeating tasks. Whatever we engage with and put our energy into is for the long term. So act wisely, be methodical, humble, filter out the noise, you’ve got everything you need to excel.

This month will end very differently to how it’s starting! It will be transformative and our mastery will be impactful! There is light in the dark. We are enlightened. And the light spreads for others out in the world as we become one with nature!
