new moon

New Moon in Sagittarius – 22 November 2019

A new moon is always a push forward. But this time the new moon is also big in blessings. And it’s spiritual. We are in the New Moon in Sagittarius. With optimism and open to new possibilities, it’s the sacred self that will guide us. While all the big planets are sitting in earth and fixed signs we are grateful for Sagittarius fire. It’s the spirit to propel us to something magnificent.

Venus will be meeting Jupiter, and both will enter ambitious but also limiting Capricorn later in the month. Their meeting in Sagittarius is significant for what we value and our beliefs are now rooted in a grand context. Mercury already moving ahead in Scorpio makes for a focused and powerful energy that is coming to push forwards and outwards into the world. The muddled sense of lack of direction permeating the last few weeks is replaced by a forceful desire for learning, for exploration, for achieving with others something bigger than ourselves.

Both Shekinah and Diana are spirit goddesses of the Moon energy. Sacred self is wisdom. Focused intention will bring forward gifts. Intuition is accentuated. It’s a further reminder that we have not yet left Scorpio’s feminine influence, so being strategic, calculative, passionate for what we want but also going all out with purpose, assertiveness and determination are with us. It’s a hunt and a prayer.

Sagittarius represented here by Diana will guide us to aim high and to always strive to transcend our situation, looking for justice and higher purpose according to our authentic self. On a more material level, Diana, Greek Goddess Artemis of nature and wildlife among other things, will encourage us to find our strength and mental focus by going out and making the most of the physical environment.

Love and life are everywhere outside, day and night. It’s time to think hard about our desires and go after them without fear! There is no need to hold back. The best will materialize.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 27 October 2019

This week we will look at card number 54 from the Iris Oracle Deck by Mary Elizabeth Evans. The card has an open green hand with a blue keyhole in it, and there are two different keys below the hand. Seven stars form an arch above the hand and the all-seeing eye is looking out from above the stars. The background is a heart-felt pink.

This card signifies that you might have felt lost for a while and feeling like you can not find the solution to your issues. The card asks you to hold off any big decisions until you have found peace of mind, when this occurs you will be handed the keys and the answers you are seeking for your next move.

With the new moon in Scorpio, we may feel that secrets have been withheld from us, or alternatively, we may have been keeping secrets from others. Personal integrity, feeling safe and forging boundaries from people whose presence cause energy leakage are topics heightened during this new moon cycle. Scorpio is tenacious and will be rewarded richly after her patience has taken her far, but she also needs rest and nurture. Being the occult sign of the Zodiac, use this Scorpio new moon to quietly connect with your true self, meditate in a darkened room and cocoon yourself inside your soul to stabilise and recharge.

Meditation with the card

Try this meditation with the card and take note of the message for you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the card. Feel the radiance of the seven stars comforting your aura. Let the all-seeing eye reveal your very own secrets to yourself. Observe the open hand and the keyhole. Which key will fit with your personal quest? Let the answers flood through you, but do not let anything stick for now.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What would your two keys represent?

How can you unlock your potential – or is there a need to do so at the moment?

You might want to unlock a completely new potential which is personal and secretive and not make any decisions until you feel completely certain of the answer.

Additional practice – calling in strength with Bumblebee Jasper

Bumblebee Jasper is a beautiful yellow, black and white coloured stone, formed by volcanic matter, anhydrite and hematite, and also sulphur and arsenic. The patterns are reminiscent of that of a bee, giving the stone its’ name Bumblebee Jasper. Since it is volcanic, Bumblebee Jasper has powerful earth energy which vitalises our body, mind and soul when we feel depleted and tired. It can be used on the sacral and solar plexus chakras to stimulate and release stuck and old energy we no longer need.

Bumblebee Jasper increases self-esteem and helps to accept change and to find new opportunities. It will enable you to get answers and a clear vision of what to do next, it initiates and organises a practical plan for changing your life around. Bumblebee Jasper will help you to make decisions without relying too much on emotions. Physically, Bumblebee Jasper may help with allergies, issues of the abdomen and disorders of the nervous and circulatory system.

It is also known as Eclipse stone and Fumarolic or Fumarole Jasper. The yellow colour is due to the presence of sulphur and arsenic so it is not suitable for gem elixirs. Always wash your hands after using Bumblebee Jasper.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Bumblebee Jasper on your solar plexus. Imagine how the beautiful yellow colour is strengthening your whole abdomen. Sense how the yellow colour is spreading all over your body, all the way down the feet and toes, and then all the way up to your crown chakra at the top of your head. Feel how the yellow energy is creating a powerful and awakening vibration in your whole being. Stay in the supportive energy of Bumblebee Jasper and feel how your body, mind and soul are united. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Bumblebee Jasper and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to strengthen yourself and to find encouragement in your daily life.


New Moon Libra by Flavia – 28 September 2019

With the New Moon in Libra we are now climbing up the chart heading for the top. Angelite and Citrine can be our friends this month. They will help us to stay on track. They are healing and soothing, bringing the resplendent light they reflect to be part of us.

We took off with Aries initiating, and creating new beginnings by knowing the self, with a focus on identity. As we moved into Taurus our values and what we love started to materialize and begun to take form. In Gemini our thoughts and communication became paramount. Travelling through Cancer, and as the season begun to shape up, our home and our environment around us, gave us grounding and a foundation from where we could build. And so we are still moving through the bottom of the chart. Leo arrived full of exuberance and creativity. All things love mattered: the self became King and Queen. But calmly and steadily we reached Virgo. It was a timeline about care, mastery and preparation.

And now all of a sudden – and yet not too soon – we find ourselves in Libra, and half-way through the astrological year. We are now climbing higher in the chart with the realization that others matter. We are in relationship mode. We see ourselves in others and the people we hang out with, the groups we belong to, the friendships we make, reflect who we really are.

Angelite confirms this. We can hold, or think of, this stone as a reminder that we will find happiness and emotional expansion by staying close to those that are aligned with our values. We can join groups or travel to places where we can be with people that have similar ideas and aspirations as us. We are looking out for people we admire and those that represent our aesthetic values, beauty, history, spirituality and higher self. This will give us strength and confidence in ourselves to develop further, and grow emotionally, creatively, intellectually, and even materially. If we are having problems with health, work, substances, mental blocks or direction, and we want to address them, now it’s the right time to seek those who can help us. We are not alone. We are all reflected in each other.

And so Citrine further encourages us beyond taking practical steps to be with like-minded people, that we can draw power and energy from Citrine which shines through to be optimistic and purposeful. The self in others and the greater picture are illuminated by the New Moon in Libra.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 31 July 2019

The Exemplar of the Pipes from the Medicine Woman Tarot steps forward this week to guide us. Traditionally this card is the King of Wands, a fiery man with authority. In the Medicine Woman Tarot, the card shows us a powerful woman, wearing a pink dress with a cloak, and a feathered headdress, holding a staff and a smoking pipe. A white deer and the sun are depicted on the shield behind her. She sits on a boulder, and there is a flute with flowers below her.

The card represents a charismatic leader who is entrepreneurial, ambitious and creative. She can take on a big challenge and lead herself and her people through any blocks which present themselves along the way. The card reminds us to be an exemplary leader, in our own life and also in the lives of those around you. We know what we have to do and decision making comes easily to us now. This is not the time to hesitate or feel small since the possibility of success is now open and there are no substantial obstacles. You can take your desired course of action, it will harmonize with your wishes.

There is a performative aspect to this card which is aligned with the new moon in Leo on 1 August. Accessing our leadership qualities might necessitate a performance. However, this acting is coming from the heart as the leonine passion is heart-centred and bold, with a touch of the theatrical. The Exemplar of the Pipes indicates that there is an initiation of a new era, coupled with the Leo new moon energy, there is an awakening of our creativity. Take the opportunities which are presented within the next six months, and have no fear, because everything is waiting for you.

Meditation with the Exemplar of the Pipes

Try this meditation with the the Exemplar of the Pipes and tune into what the card wants to say to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Exemplar sitting in an authoritative position, holding the staff and a smoking pipe. Notice how her posture simultaneously emits confidence and calmness. Sense how you can embody her self-confidence and trust your own power. The sacred white deer on the shield is giving you a message to stand tall and the sun reminds you to let your unique identity shine.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you embody the sun in your own life to access leadership?

What opportunities can you take a clear decision on now?

Additional practice – connecting to your feminine fire with Carnelian

Carnelian is a warm and joyful crystal which is energising, empowering and awakening. It has a colour range from pink-orange to rusty brown. The internal structure of carnelian is trigonic, and it is a variety of chalcedony belonging to the quartz family. Carnelian is derived from a Latin word meaning flesh and it has a stimulating energy which ignites passion. Carnelian was worn by ancient warriors to enhance courage and physical power. In Egypt, carnelian was called the setting sun and its’ orange colour was identified with receptive or passive female energies and associated with the Goddess Isis fertile menstrual blood. Carnelian encourages action and helps us to overcome procrastination and/or indecision and it tells us to stop waiting for our dreams to appear and instead activates us to bring them into reality. It connects us to feminine power, sensuality, sexuality, abundance, prosperity and creativity. Carnelian is stimulating and motivating and it awakens our leadership qualities and courage.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the carnelian on your sacral chakra. Imagine how the beautiful orange colour of the carnelian comforts your sacral area. Sense how the colour is spreading down to your root chakra and down the legs to your feet, and then up from your sacral chakra though the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. Feel how the orange energy of the carnelian is aligning your chakras and making you feel balanced and vibrant. Stay in the shimmering warmth of the carnelian and feel how your feminine power is arising. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to carnelian and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish. It will help to awaken your leadership qualities, feminine fire, courage and ignites you to take action today.


Monthly Muses by Flavia – June 2019

It is June and summer has officially started. It’s also Gemini season when we naturally become more curious, adventurous and sociable. The new moon in Gemini is a calling to favour a breadth of activities rather than depth in what we do. And it will be busy. Venus enters Gemini on the 8th of June, strengthening the vibe of flirtation, living in the moment and finding beauty in experiences and mental stimulation. All this is taking place right in the middle of the year. It is a time for taking stock and recalibrating our intentions, examining our situation and progress. We look at our achievements in the year so far, what was a triumph, and what has let us down or veered in the wrong direction, now we can set it straight or add to previous glories.

Thinking about it from that perspective, the cards that turned up look rather ominous. Messages of bad news or difficult forebodings, even notions of misfortune. But let’s take them in Gemini style. Not one at a time, but all together simultaneously. Lets try and listen to their meaning as they all talk to us at once. What do they tell us? Perhaps they tell us: we are at the beginning of everything. In some sense or another agency is with us.

We can make a course correction as we assess where we stand in relation to people and circumstances. Even at the lowest point emotionally or physically – the number one – is that we can keep our dignity and self respect, our pride and self acceptance with humility. We might be experiencing a level of anxiety or just exhaustion from a long and demanding winter. We could be feeling a heavy energy not because we are in a bad place – indeed the opposite is just as likely – but because to get where we are, took a lot out of us.

We are still carrying a heavy load we can’t let go of, and we need support. How we feel and see the world is important. The challenges we face tell us there’s a lot that has to be resolved. In order to do this, we are going to be kind to ourselves. If we need help, we should ask for it, and it’s there for us. If others need our help, we should not hesitate. A reminder that helping others is part of our own well-being, strength and dignity. Charity starts at home and it is personal as the Sun moves through the lower part of the chart, regardless where it stands on the individual one. Love, forgiveness, generosity and everything associated with Charity will guide us in moving forward.

The Misero is moving slowly. His message is to take it easy, and keep going, bring determination and acceptance into the forefront. It’s not time yet to materialise the possibilities. But they are ahead of us. What seems rough on the outside is only the beginning, not the end. We are back at the beginning of everything every single day. And there is the other side to get to. We are not there yet. Let’s not rush the journey.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 7 May 2019

This week we will look at the Four of Disks from the Motherpeace Tarot. This card shows us a woman who is closing the door to the outside world. She has lit a fire at the centre of the room, the smoke rises to the hole in the ceiling and there are four shields hanging on the wall.

The card represents an inner sanctuary, the woman needs silence, a private, uncluttered space, where she can open and close the door at her own will. Here she finds the stillness she needs to be able to listen to her inner guidance. The four shield-disks on the wall represent, from left to right, the spiral to the centre to self, a magical flight to the heavenly realm, rhythmic balance of going in and out of a space/self, and the last one represents the integration of the four elements. The number four represents structure, therefore this card signifies that the solid foundation you desire is currently created by both internal and external forces.

Receiving this card indicates that you are building a foundation for yourself, an inner strength which is best constructed alone. This card suggests that you will need to say no to others’ needs at the moment, until you find out what you need and desire for yourself. By putting up shields, you can focus on your path and not be influenced by others who may want to tear down your structures. Your intuition will guide you to those you can trust. Meanwhile, your door stays closed while you build up the strength to reveal your grandeur.

With the recent new moon in Taurus and the retrogrades of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, the card asks you to slow down and take a deep look inside to find out how to nurture your foundation. With the Taurus steadiness and desire for a proper structure you can now do things at your own pace. There is enough time to both realise and receive the big dream. Like the woman in the card, share your dreams only with those who you allow through the door, the ones who support you with an open heart.

Meditation with the Four of Disks

Try this meditation with the Four of Disks and feel what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the woman closing the door and the fire rising to the ceiling. Notice how the four shield-disks on the wall provide a symbolic narrative for the woman’s inner sanctuary. The warm colours are nurturing and calming. There is a lovely quiet moment of finding your centre and your inner soul space.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Is it safe to share your dreams or do you need to work on them behind closed doors for a bit longer?

What would make you feel more safe in in sharing your dreams?

Additional practice – create a bodily grounding ceremony with pyrite

Pyrite is commonly called Fool’s Gold, while its’ actual name pyrite comes from the Greek pyror, pyros, meaning “fire” since it emits sparks when pieces are struck together. Native Americans used pyrite for healing and magic, polishing it into mirrors for gazing and divination. Pyrite was used in Victorian jewellery as marcasite, creating beautiful items, popular due to their sparkle. The internal structure of pyrite is cubic and energetically this provides grounding and calls in structured abundance. Tactually, its’ heavy weight is comforting and when holding pyrite you can embody a sense of wealth, stability, positivity and sparkling protection.

For the grounding ceremony, hold the pyrite between your palms, in front of your root chakra. Stand with your bare feet on the ground for five minutes, or longer if you wish. Feel how you are earthing and growing sparkling nourishing roots into the soil. Say thank you to the universe for providing you with the grounding you need.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish or when you feel ungrounded. The nurture you give your body with repeated grounding practices will help to strengthen your internal structure, and this in turn, strengthens the materialisation of your dreams.
