
Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 14 September 2019

The mermaid Undine will guide us this week. Her secretive gaze and calm demeanour indicate that she knows how to keep herself balanced and nourished. She is surrounded by fish and sea-plants who keep her company in the ocean’s depth. Undine is derived from Paracelsus theory of elemental beings called undines who inhabit the water, and inspired the romance Undine, written by Baron F.H.C. La Motte Fouqué in 1811. Undine has no soul, and to acquire one, she needs to marry a mortal man and have his child. As a mermaid, Undine has the magical abilities to move within the immortal and mortal world, and by choice, she can become her deepest desire.

Undine tells us that when we keep on working diligently towards our goal, we flow to our prosperous destiny with ease. Following our heart in an enterprising venture, we are rewarded with possibilities and opportunities. She does not want us to meddle in unnecessary information and reminds us to caution our communication with those we do not trust. Stay objective in discussions which have reached a dead-end.

With the blessings of the full moon in Pisces, we are naturally flowing towards our dreams, and Undine encourages us to keep on going, and to focus on the bigger vision. The watery Pisces may sometimes cloud our sight, but by staying true to that which we deeply desire, we will be able to reach our truthful destination.

Meditation with Undine

Try this meditation with Undine and listen to her special message to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of Undine. Observe how calmly she is floating in the ocean. Her hair is moving like a prosperous auburn wave around her. The fish and sea-plants are nourishing her immediate environment, a physical place in which she feels at ease, and which supports her mindful state of meditative calmness.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What are the three most stressful issues you are currently experiencing?

How can you transform these issues into a more balanced way of life?

Additional practice – finding calmness with Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is a soft and calming crystal, containing calcium carbonate, with a shiny surface and a waxy texture. Blue Calcite is soothing and relaxing and it is helpful for anxiety and depression. It calms emotions and protects the aura through the transmutation of heavy and intrusive forces into positive energy. Because of its’ calming effect, Blue Calcite allows emotional situations to be levelled into a more balanced state of mind and enhances communication between your thoughts and feelings. It makes you more conscious of how other people are thinking, revealing unspoken information. Blue Calcite works wonderfully with the third eye and throat chakras, expanding your communicative and psychic gifts. It can be used to clear disagreements and show a new way to look at situations by healing old thought-patterns. Blue Calcite promotes deep sleep and dream states.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Blue Calcite on your heart chakra. Imagine how the beautiful pale blue colour is calming your heart. Sense how the colour is spreading all over your body, all the way down to the feet and toes, and then all the way up to your crown chakra at the top of your head. Feel how the blue energy is creating a beautiful calming vibration in your whole body. Stay in the nurturing energy of Blue Calcite and feel how your heart and your soul are synchronised. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Blue Calcite and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to calm your mind, body and soul, and to nourish your deepest dreams.
