medicine woman tarot

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 31 July 2019

The Exemplar of the Pipes from the Medicine Woman Tarot steps forward this week to guide us. Traditionally this card is the King of Wands, a fiery man with authority. In the Medicine Woman Tarot, the card shows us a powerful woman, wearing a pink dress with a cloak, and a feathered headdress, holding a staff and a smoking pipe. A white deer and the sun are depicted on the shield behind her. She sits on a boulder, and there is a flute with flowers below her.

The card represents a charismatic leader who is entrepreneurial, ambitious and creative. She can take on a big challenge and lead herself and her people through any blocks which present themselves along the way. The card reminds us to be an exemplary leader, in our own life and also in the lives of those around you. We know what we have to do and decision making comes easily to us now. This is not the time to hesitate or feel small since the possibility of success is now open and there are no substantial obstacles. You can take your desired course of action, it will harmonize with your wishes.

There is a performative aspect to this card which is aligned with the new moon in Leo on 1 August. Accessing our leadership qualities might necessitate a performance. However, this acting is coming from the heart as the leonine passion is heart-centred and bold, with a touch of the theatrical. The Exemplar of the Pipes indicates that there is an initiation of a new era, coupled with the Leo new moon energy, there is an awakening of our creativity. Take the opportunities which are presented within the next six months, and have no fear, because everything is waiting for you.

Meditation with the Exemplar of the Pipes

Try this meditation with the the Exemplar of the Pipes and tune into what the card wants to say to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Exemplar sitting in an authoritative position, holding the staff and a smoking pipe. Notice how her posture simultaneously emits confidence and calmness. Sense how you can embody her self-confidence and trust your own power. The sacred white deer on the shield is giving you a message to stand tall and the sun reminds you to let your unique identity shine.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you embody the sun in your own life to access leadership?

What opportunities can you take a clear decision on now?

Additional practice – connecting to your feminine fire with Carnelian

Carnelian is a warm and joyful crystal which is energising, empowering and awakening. It has a colour range from pink-orange to rusty brown. The internal structure of carnelian is trigonic, and it is a variety of chalcedony belonging to the quartz family. Carnelian is derived from a Latin word meaning flesh and it has a stimulating energy which ignites passion. Carnelian was worn by ancient warriors to enhance courage and physical power. In Egypt, carnelian was called the setting sun and its’ orange colour was identified with receptive or passive female energies and associated with the Goddess Isis fertile menstrual blood. Carnelian encourages action and helps us to overcome procrastination and/or indecision and it tells us to stop waiting for our dreams to appear and instead activates us to bring them into reality. It connects us to feminine power, sensuality, sexuality, abundance, prosperity and creativity. Carnelian is stimulating and motivating and it awakens our leadership qualities and courage.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the carnelian on your sacral chakra. Imagine how the beautiful orange colour of the carnelian comforts your sacral area. Sense how the colour is spreading down to your root chakra and down the legs to your feet, and then up from your sacral chakra though the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. Feel how the orange energy of the carnelian is aligning your chakras and making you feel balanced and vibrant. Stay in the shimmering warmth of the carnelian and feel how your feminine power is arising. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to carnelian and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish. It will help to awaken your leadership qualities, feminine fire, courage and ignites you to take action today.
