
Monthly Muses by Flavia for January 2019

marziano tarot cards

We start the year under the influence and the protection of Goddess Diana. After a challenging ending to 2018, we surely need her. Beautiful, dynamic and fit, she is also skilful and able in using tools. With an arrow and bow, wearing a moon crown and a deer by her side, she’s the goddess of high and physical achievements. She represents hunting, the outdoors, earthly grounding and time. The high priest in her Roman temple was once a slave and as such she’s the guardian of all humanity, not just the privileged section of society. Associated with darkness and ruling together with her brother Apollo, she’s also aloof and mysterious. Her three faces represent wisdom and healing as the goddess of the moon, protector of childbirth, and hunting. To her left and right in our reading, we have two very powerful eights: the eight of Eagles (Swords) and the eight of Turtledoves (Clubs).

Because of the configuration of the cards we are guided to read this arrangement as a whole that is complete in itself, rather than in a chronological order of events. The symbolism of infinity in the number eight refers here to our self value and everything that is associated with our self-appreciation and authority in the world. Career, business, self-expression and a balance of self-realisation, achievements and goals are the areas influenced by this card configuration.

And Diana in this conjunction of powerful eights of air and fire is urging us to go out and after the things we value in life. It is the right time to do so. She significantly represents the moon and time. The fact that we are in deep winter in the north hemisphere is not without meaning. It is the elements of the season and our sense of belonging in the environment and everything that surrounds us that are the key to our own happiness. It is cold and everything is slowing down, seemingly closing in.

What does it all mean in practice? At the start of the year we are possibly finding ourselves in a situation where we are feeling demotivated, restricted, stagnated, even trapped by our own thoughts, and where there’s a lot of negative self talk. Diana reminds us that this is not serving us. Our conditioning and past hurts are no guiding principle for being who we really are and achieving our best. We finally want things to change. We want to step into our own authority, and we should not be afraid to take action in that direction.

The eight of Eagles represents a positive situation of movement and travel, and now we are entering a time when everything is moving fast and results will arrive quickly. Keep up with what’s going on around you, because we are going to be very busy focusing on goals and achievements. We will experience abundance with a change of perception and together with others. And through engaging with others, connecting with different cultures, we can leap forward to a better and more realised future. Don’t lose the focus. Don’t get distracted. Get moving. But stay on the ground and aim high.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for October 2018

tarot cards

Thunder and lightning, judgement and truth. When Jupiter is upon us we can expect gifts and rewards. The generous outcome of work on earlier projects, the materialisation of dreams, the expansion of wealth, and even a bit of luck. We are moving from experts to authority, and everything is on grand scale. The transition to the new season has arrived with a bang. The God of truth is looking at the future and we can no longer hide or pretend. With the harvest on full mode this is the time when our efforts will reveal the fruits we can gather. And in fact we are moving ahead and beyond harvest trying to make sense of accomplishments and events. The outside world is our home. Jupiter will shed light on what needs throwing away to make space for a healthier and more productive future, as we continue gathering, assessing and reorganising.

Happiness is important too, however, as the season changes we are looking at our past with longing‎ and nostalgia. As we move into darker days and colder nights, we reminiscence of warm days filled with the sweet smell of flowers and the sounds of birds, ducklings and baby swans. We imagine ourselves in picturesque dwellings, and fairytale scenarios. We will drift to thinking about homely environments, children and innocent love of the type that is unequivocal, reciprocal and unconditional. No doubt under the influence of Jupiter with his grandstanding, and the Six of Doves with their nostalgic idealism, we will be prone to romanticising and overdramatising, overconfidence and overindulgence is more than likely to show up. Perhaps even some laziness and delusional thinking. The cards are happy and optimistic but there lies their trap.

When life goes that way, there’s no point trying to rationalise and fake unreal emotions. Our senses and our intuition will carry us forward. After an active and intense summer there’s no need to spend too much energy. Calm beauty and holding on to a bit of mystery will go a long way now. We are starting to go inside ourselves while at the same time we connect with others and become receptive to their needs. The past is there to give us strength for the future. There’s no turning back. However, there’s only one way to go. We have come out in the world and we’re collaborating at work and committing in relationships with others. We are much more mature and sensitive to the forces around us. The Queen of Cups, or the Queen of Phoenixes as in this deck, is full of love and compassion. Her lesson? Kindness will win the day.


Flavia’s Monthly Muses for August 2018


Carnal desires and passions will flare up in August. Irrationality will rage. Temperaments are wild. But, no matter what, we will feel dissatisfied. In this Topsy-turvy month nothing is as it seems. Let’s start with the cards, and my personal experience of arriving at the crossroads that is this August.

My regular Muses deck disappeared. They seem to have abandoned me. So I couldn’t do a reading and frustration started to overtake me. Then I thought I’ll go along with what’s available to me. At that point The Marziano deck came to the rescue. It saved me and I love learning from it in unexpected ways. And this might be the greatest lesson we can take away with us as we look at the cards and think of August: when you experience something has been taken away from you, perhaps something else is already manifesting to take its place. Accept it. Appreciate its value. It’s there for a reason.

The Marziano/Michelino is not a standard tarot deck. It is a Rennaissance creation reinterpreting Graeco-Roman religion and Egyptian knowledge westernised for fifteenth century Italian aristocracy. So a piece of social history and early European craftsmanship. It’s roots are in a philosophical game of cards using allegory to deliver real life messages. As frivolous or as profound a divinatory process as the players themselves involved in the ritual. The deck has 16 trumps of Deities, 2 court cards, and 4 suits consisting of Doves, Turtledoves, Eagles and Phoenixes.

We shouldn’t be surprised that the Phoenix which is heavily used in Christianity as a symbol of regeneration and in other religions as a spirit animal of the Sun power and cleansing energy sprung from its’ all consuming fire first thing in our reading. The Phoenix totem brings a message of hope and renewal through letting go of things that do not serve us anymore. A breakthrough is imminent. Our present condition should not limit us. The 7 of Phoenix, is a card of growth and achievement but it is a bitter card. We have not quite got there. Or what we’ve got is not quite what we wished for. There is despondency and a sense of looking down on what we are left with. It doesn’t seem fair. Or it’s not enough.

In fact the 5 of Doves is a further confirmation of our sense of loss and disappointment. We are practically cloaked in misery at this point. Whether real or imaginary, we are not acknowledging all the positives we are surrounded with at this height of summer. The rich fruits of our labour that have started arriving. They are extraordinary and looking down on them will not be doing anyone justice. All cards this month belong to the feminine suits of Doves and Phoenixes. Even Cupid is part of the Doves series which is thought to represent the Pentacles in a traditional tarot deck. The desirous suits representing passions and emotions dominate everything.

And as such there is generosity and abundance, money, beauty, success, but with the underlying reminder that we are going to have to let go of the dead fruit. We can’t take them with us for the rest of the year. The 5 of Doves here are telling us that we are indeed having a hard time. It’s a time of transition however that should lead to a more fulfilling future. The solution to our troubles whether emotional of material has manifested though it is not visible to us yet.

Of course, how could it be otherwise if we are going to finish the month hit by Cupid’s arrows? Cupid is random, heartless, and is playing games. But he is fun when he strikes, and no one will escape him! No good trying. Even Jupiter himself couldn’t avoid being hit by his arrows. Be sure, he will bring meaning to everything we do. It could be actual love, or love of a project, new idea, new conditions, new places. It’s all good, and it’s all there for the taking.
