il mantegna

Monthly Muses by Flavia – June 2019

It is June and summer has officially started. It’s also Gemini season when we naturally become more curious, adventurous and sociable. The new moon in Gemini is a calling to favour a breadth of activities rather than depth in what we do. And it will be busy. Venus enters Gemini on the 8th of June, strengthening the vibe of flirtation, living in the moment and finding beauty in experiences and mental stimulation. All this is taking place right in the middle of the year. It is a time for taking stock and recalibrating our intentions, examining our situation and progress. We look at our achievements in the year so far, what was a triumph, and what has let us down or veered in the wrong direction, now we can set it straight or add to previous glories.

Thinking about it from that perspective, the cards that turned up look rather ominous. Messages of bad news or difficult forebodings, even notions of misfortune. But let’s take them in Gemini style. Not one at a time, but all together simultaneously. Lets try and listen to their meaning as they all talk to us at once. What do they tell us? Perhaps they tell us: we are at the beginning of everything. In some sense or another agency is with us.

We can make a course correction as we assess where we stand in relation to people and circumstances. Even at the lowest point emotionally or physically – the number one – is that we can keep our dignity and self respect, our pride and self acceptance with humility. We might be experiencing a level of anxiety or just exhaustion from a long and demanding winter. We could be feeling a heavy energy not because we are in a bad place – indeed the opposite is just as likely – but because to get where we are, took a lot out of us.

We are still carrying a heavy load we can’t let go of, and we need support. How we feel and see the world is important. The challenges we face tell us there’s a lot that has to be resolved. In order to do this, we are going to be kind to ourselves. If we need help, we should ask for it, and it’s there for us. If others need our help, we should not hesitate. A reminder that helping others is part of our own well-being, strength and dignity. Charity starts at home and it is personal as the Sun moves through the lower part of the chart, regardless where it stands on the individual one. Love, forgiveness, generosity and everything associated with Charity will guide us in moving forward.

The Misero is moving slowly. His message is to take it easy, and keep going, bring determination and acceptance into the forefront. It’s not time yet to materialise the possibilities. But they are ahead of us. What seems rough on the outside is only the beginning, not the end. We are back at the beginning of everything every single day. And there is the other side to get to. We are not there yet. Let’s not rush the journey.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for May 2019

The year is very reassuringly getting close to the mid point. Soon the sun with be coming over the horizon. In May we are steadily moving ahead with our projects and growing in abundance as things come to fruition. Such growth comes with the thundering power of Jupiter heralding justice
and encouraging us to have faith in ourselves and in the process. It’s a benevolent time, full of expansion. Whenever we see Jupiter presenting himself we feel rather a sense of butterflies in the stomach, because some luck is waiting around the corner. It could be something fortunate
that we might have wished for, or something that never crossed our minds, an explicit situation or thing that we desire will manifest, whether earned or just bestowed, it will be a gift. A generous gift of a positive turn of events that will make us feel hopeful and filled with trust. Health, wealth and prosperity as well as knowledge and learning are all protected domains of Jupiter. So a lot to look forward to.With it we become ourselves worthy and expanded in all things spiritual.

This mental fulfilment will be further enhanced by Philosofia who arrives in time to wrap up the meaning of what has been realised by Jupiter. Our optimism is well deserved but now it gets further qualified. We will be questioning and debating in order to make sense of daily routines and the unexpected. Words and thoughts will be paramount in the course of processing all the months’ occurrences. As things materialise we are called to honour the beauty around us and the earthly pleasures. We are becoming more busy, perhaps occasionally distracted or overly keen, and interested in a variety of things with excitement and curiosity.

By the month’s end we find ourselves becoming more refined, with an air of frivolity, more gentle, but also cheerfully more willing to help and take positive action that supports others, and that it is in the service of noble causes.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for April 2019

April is slow to arrive. Dragging her feet and still pulling a winter veil over us, nothing is exactly clear or defined. Between dream, creativity and self-realisation, we’re unsure how to act. When we act, we change our minds or leave things half done as if moving through a cloud in a dream state. And yet April is here. At first shy and reluctant, but real nonetheless. April and spring are heralded by Euterpe, muse of delight in art and particularly sound. Inhabiting Olympus and closely associated with Apollo, Euterpe brings healing and knowledge by unearthing what is hidden. Through oracles and earthly substances, fantasy will turn to actualisation. Euterpe (and with her, ourselves) will arrive with a sense of completion and of letting go. Releasing what doesn’t serve a higher good, and allowing for the better and learned things. She brings with her the double-flute, the breath of life.

At some point by the middle of the month the energies of the new and vibrant season will be felt quite powerfully while gathering momentum. Projects will come alive. Relationships will develop. Our self-worth will increase. The pace will accelerate. The octaves will go higher. With lyric, poetry and music comes inspiration, and a new beginning full of determination is here. A confident, sure of itself future, and one filled with pleasure, is starting to materialise. The wheel is turning and things begin to take form.

The Cronus no less, right next to Euterpe, confirms it. They work together and it’s all change. But the kind of change that is bigger than us. The kind of change which requires us to surrender on some level. Certainly, on a subconscious level, surrender our fears and traumas and assign them to the past. On a practical level, we can now do things differently, as we let go of our conditioning and tap into a more authentic way of being in the world. Change of movement, change of material structures, change of habits and rituals. Let’s not forget we are talking about Cronus; a Titan who fathered gods and giants with great reach and massive powers. Euterpe was his daughter and of course a Goddess in her own right. We are now going under this influence of delight and shifting energies.

By the end of the month we become the king as we have cleared space for what we really want and what we are about. Perhaps Justice hasn’t arrived yet, neither have any of the higher values been actualised, or become integrated, but we are stepping into our own power with certainty
and purpose. The magic of the breath of the double flute will launch a transformative season into growth and possibility. As things develop we are more in control. Everything around us is gradually, or even at times, suddenly clearer. However it happens it’s inherent in the process and we
are starting to see solid gains. We are starting to make an impact and feel our responsibility in the world. The veil has shifted, so we can move from power to empowerment.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for March 2019

Mercurio XXXXII (42)and Rhetorica XXIII (23) jump out of the pack before we even begin our journey into the Mantegna reading. The two Gods appear so as to remind us the domination of words and communication that are the overarching influence under which events, feelings and thinking are taking place right now.  They guide the present. Mercurio in this configuraton is in perpetual movement surrounded by symbols of his power and he is the paramount healer, while Rhetorica holding a sword and looking straight at us is the warrior of truth and authenticity par excel-lance. Do not try to deceive – though we will be confused and muddled by occurrences and feelings. And what we think we want will change. But do not attempt to misguide – it will be to the detriment of those who do.

In March the power is in sacrifice and stability. But faith and desire will play their part too, and, ultimately, being in the presence of others is where our own authenticity and what we truly value will come about. Our dreams and their realization will require us a surrender to the greater forces around us and a belief that things will come through for us. The way to achieve it and how to participate in things working out, is to take practical steps. Being in the moment and being praxis, not in analysis is the advice that comes from Mantegna. And the Imperator is in support with us. The Imperator IX (9) just like Saturn in Capricorn is restrictive. He is also a heavy and serious energy with cosmic spread. As a reward, for our discipline, however, he offers us security and makes things happen. So that ideas become reality, and the ideal becomes physical. Our inspiration and creative expression are transformed into a lived experience.

And here comes Apollo to offer further oracles and truths, and magnificent dreams. Apollo is one of the most complex Gods of the ancient Greco-Roman Pantheon. His healing influence elevates us from our everyday troubles and mundane chores and ordinary existence. He is here to makes us all extraordinary, to show how we have the creative self expression within us and that we are complete. From creative self expression comes beauty as light and as un uplifting experience. So that throughout March we will have the power struggle between the heavy and slow energy of the Iperator transforming the quick, fast moving, creative, dreamy, mystical energy of the beauty of Apollo and giving it form.

The energies come together through Terpsicore, daughter of Mnemosyne. A Muse of chorus and dance she represents delight in togetherness. A reminder of our earthly powers as we find happiness in the company of others and through others. Our higher self and earthly reincarnation merge in art and love, in a collective effort and as part of a greater story. We are here and we are not alone.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for November 2018

tarot cards

Death and rebirth. Endings and beginnings. New approaches are imminent with the cosmic card. It is all change for the fundamentals of life. But what takes priority is a new way of thinking, of conceptualising, of understanding and dealing with everything around us. The opportunity to think in a new way for ourself and our passions is manifesting right now. Action on all fronts will follow but at this moment perception is what changes. And it changes so profoundly that nothing will be left untouched. It’s a renewal from within. Eventually, all its effects will be felt without.

Our visions will become bold and infused with desire and Strength as a most powerful tool. Our internal personal Strength of character to do the right thing for all will support our renewed way of thinking. And it’s thinking once more that moves buildings and shakes everything standing. In this context Strength is confidence and responsibility; it is knowledge and it is justice. Read as Fortitude or Lust, Strength is in effect a card that tells us how to control our world through trust and cooperation. We are in change in a way that we can all benefit and gain from a joyful context in which we can interact. It is not a solitary card but one of sociability and positive influence. Care and good will triumph in the end.

As the slow season approaches it is supported by stability and compassion. Our achievements are integrated. This is confirmed by Euterpe, the Muse of Lyric Poetry and a Titan goddess of memory. She will inspire and entertain us with her delightful artistry. We can take joy in our abilities, courage and accomplishments that we reached so far in manifesting our purpose. In many small ways and in big ways we need to review, and, with bold energy, appreciate the good news. With Euterpe by our side we know we can smile. Her sister Polymnia – a more sober figure – meditative and pensive as well as ethereal and luxuriant is responsible for transmitting those changes and advancements, praising far and wide our virtues, excellence and many adventures. A Muse associated with Agriculture as well as the Art of Epic Poetry, here she presides over the third Harvest marking the end of growing season as autumn rolls in. With the coming of winter and the season of rest we can be assured that our name will glow and we will shine on our past commitments and hard work. While we stand still our dramatic glorious story will travel far and wide.


Flavia’s Monthly Muses for September 2018

three tarot cards

September arrives in a sombre mood. The Mantegna deck is back in full force with Theology, the Emperor, and the Artisan. Moreover, as the Theology card indicates larger forces take prime position. However, the stage is set for a resolution. This card is a call to be humble, accepting and to keep the faith. Have the belief that things will go according to plan. It’s a call to release and surrender. Theology as a discipline is a discussion concerning deity. It begins with the assumption that the divine exists in some form. And Theology is not a fatalistic or a pessimistic card in any way but a way of understanding experiences and concepts; interpreting real life. On the contrary, as it happens with September, we are all thinking about harvest in its real and in its symbolic meaning. An indication that we have done all the work. Mentally, we can let go of worry. Rewards are to be expected. They relate directly to our own authenticity. We enter the season of completion. It’s been a long and intense summer. Yet, it’s not over. Now collecting is starting. Throughout September things, events, people are coming to us. We have to be strong in ourselves because it’s not all going to be as we at first thought – for sure. A larger than us plan is materialising. Harvest is going to be long and busy.

Clearly this is better defined by the next card – which is in many ways a controversial one. One that is so expansive and full of contradictions and conflicting views that this short blog does not allow us to develop. But, here’s the thing: an overtly patriarchic card, The Emperor, dominates present time. It asks the question, could it be a definition of self, a situation, a male figure or an approach? Will a teacher, a friend or artist, dominate and influence our decision making process? Is this the time of the year when organising and planning takes all? Are we perhaps obsessing with alphabetising our collection of objects, and building a structure with hierarchical method of prioritising our business? This is a card that asserts authority whatever the right answer. It’s about conformity, protection and systems organised in order to retain maximum control. It’s a power card. And it’s about change. Inevitable change that will put us on a path of growth and advancement as events, themes or ideas initiated in the summer (and even much before then) materialise into concrete projects, relationships and things, financial viability and stability. Absolute confidence and demanding focus will take us straight to our goals. It’s not easy but it can be fun, though to be sure logic will prevail. We will enjoy the self confidence and assertiveness associated with the Emperor card as we forge ahead with concrete actions towards tangible results.

We already had a spiritual card, Theology, and a card of logic, The Emperor. Finally, The Artisan comes to complete the picture, contextualising through a materialistic and pragmatic approach. It is technical skills and our ability to work through these situations as they have developed and are unravelling that ultimately will bring about a resolution. Keep the faith, be logical and use your skills. One last point to make: these are all esoteric, highly personal, individualistic cards. Even if you want others to succeed, you’ll have to take care of the self first. September is building up this way. The focus is on the singular person. The winds of change are blowing. But protection and success, will come through leadership and authority. Technical skills will embed the outcome.
