
Full Moon in Cancer by Flavia – 10 January 2020

Mercury is making his presence felt. He is the God of rational thinking and the supreme leader of communication. Without him nothing moves, nothing gets exchanged. The card naturally appeared out of Kyle Gray’s oracle deck as his own first act and PR manager – all in one. And with good reason too. Around the 10th of January we are having a full moon and a lunar eclipse in Cancer,‎ 20 degrees. By far the most significant astrological event in 2020. Not least because it is followed by one of the most discussed and anticipated celestial occurrences that has astrologers talking about for decades. It’s the conjunction of Saturn to Pluto, and Sun conjoining Saturn and Pluto, all taking place in Capricorn. So these power players in heavy, ambitious, depressed, earthly Capricorn are undoubtedly colouring our earthly experiences. Capricorn is associated with old age, big authority figures, heritage, old buildings, massive historic structures, physical or otherwise, and things dying in the material sense, in general.

‎As if this was not enough, a day earlier, the so called liberating and unpredictable Uranus, goes direct in Taurus. A sign concerned with values, worth and materiality in all its’ shapes and forms. A day later Venus moves into Pisces rearranging and dissolving our experiences of love and self-worth just as we thought we knew what was going on.

But in the whole, what will in fact influence us in our particular everyday life is mostly the fact ‎that mischievous, talkative, expressive Mercury jumps in there to reorganise and bring meaning to the others. Mercury is young, fit and beautiful. He moves fast. Remember he has the freedom to go down to Hades and up to the heavens to deliver messages. So the way we think around events on the outside, the way we perceive information and the way we analyse our environment is crucial. It will make all the difference. It’s time for serious thinking and, unfortunately, Mercury will not only communicate sobering decision making, but will also bring us depressive thoughts and anxiety.

While at the moment action God Mars is in Sagittarius – and both Mars and Sagittarius are quite militaristic – our reactions tend towards the scattered and impulsive. Instead, use Mercury’s rationality to stay mindful and progressive. Talk to others. This is not the time to keep things bottled up. With conscious discerning thinking and Mercury’s help, we can move beyond difficult situations, painful endings, lose, unpredictable events and fear dominated reactions. Mercury doesn’t judge and doesn’t waste time with self-pity or incrimination, he flies free opening up channels, bringing healing by transporting goods and ideas, and communicating messages so we can live with more knowledge and wisdom. Trust the universe and trust your Mercurial powers to make the right choices everyday.


Moon Musings by Flavia – 27 December 2019

The Angel of Serenity is an Angel of Creation. We are at the moment of a powerful solar eclipse and standing between two eclipses. A solar eclipse in Capricorn and a lunar eclipse in Cancer, happening in January. They are concluding a series of eclipses we have been dealing with the last couple of years. So it’s time to wrap up and bring a culmination to a point. At this stage of structures collapsing and others starting to being built, we have to stay centered amid the chaos, calm and serene. We have the strength within ourselves to resolve problems and find solutions to conflict. Serenity is this angel’s gift as a personal resource to us. The next six months will be eventful and dynamic, so it’s crucial that we start the new moon and enter the new year primarily secure in ourselves, and that we remain calm, peaceful and kind. This is the way to creating something better than what was there before, something better for us and others. With the gift of serenity we have the opportunity to be fruitful in our lives. Our angel guides are protecting and blessing us with serenity.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 11 November 2019

The card for this week is the Temperance card from the colourful and innovative Tarot del Fuego deck. The person in the image holds one hand raised, while the left hand is pointing, the hands seem to command the water and the fire, either flowing in or out of the cornucopias, the horns of plenty. Two red doves fly behind the person. There is a rainbow against a blue sky, with alternating images of the sun and the moon at each side of the card. A crescent moon is at the person’s feet and a sun rises behind the moon. A green hummingbird is drinking nectar from an exotic flower. The presence of multiple eyes in the card is a theme of the whole deck itself.

Temperance has a balancing presence, one which makes us look at both sides of a story. Our own life story is one which is in constant creation, fluctuating up and down as we find our own way. The rainbow indicates that we will reach our dreams and a more balanced way of life but we have to take command of the ebb and flow to magically transform and transcend the difficulties, like the elemental outbursts of fire and water. The presence of the many moons and suns suggests that the balance within us is paralleling the balance we have outside our bodies, our environment needs to be equally harmonious so that we can find the Temperance in our own lives.

This message is synchronised with the full moon in Taurus, which asks us to acknowledge our earthly needs, we need to ground and balance with the earth and communicate with people who support us. We are here on earth to be fully embodied and to find the way of life which suits us. Receive the healing of the Taurean moon and welcome the balance and the power of being here and now.

Meditation with Temperance

Try this meditation with the Temperance card and observe any messages you receive.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the card. Look how the person is commanding water and fire coming in and out of the cornucopias. Lose yourself in the colours of the rainbow and the deep blue sky. The hummingbird is fluttering its wings, perhaps carrying a message for you, while drinking the nectar from an exotic flower. The multiple suns and moons are alternating, their opposite, yet balancing and complementary energies are calling you to listen to them.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What is your personal cornucopia? The secret abdundant source which you may have forgotten?

How can you nourish your body and soul with the nectar of life?

Additional practice – calling in joy with Girasol

Girasol is a lovely quartz crystal with a transclucent milky white blue colour. Girasol is named from the Italian gira sole, meaning to turn towards the sun, and originally used during the Renaissance in Venice describing the milky blue glass produced locally. The girasol effect is also used to describe the internal moving glow of a mineral under changing light. Girasol has a calming yet strong energy and it increases creativity in all areas of business, and also in artistic and practical issues. It improves communication skills and hence strengthens the connection with family, friends, lovers, partners and work colleagues. Girasol also increases high-vibrational love and passion, since it connects so well to the crown chakra.

Girasol will make you to see the truth in particular issues enabling you to speak more freely when sharing your own personal thoughts. It will help to neutralise past issues and return you to a neutral ground and to create balance. Girasol is perfect for meditation, it is relaxing and it helps to connect to deep meditative states. It is a crystal of clarity, inspiration and joy. Working with Girasol for a longer period of time will promote a fresh start and recharge the power and vitality of body, mind and soul. Other names for Girasol are moon quartz or moon opal, pearl quartz, foggy quartz and blue opal quartz.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Girasol on your crown chakra. Imagine how the lovely iridescent white blue colour is illuminating your crown chakra. Feel the energy of Girasol spreading all over your body, spreading down from the crown to your face, all the way down your neck, abdomen, hips and legs, and to the feet and toes. Sense how the vibration of Girasol is creating a soothing and calming feeling in your whole body. Stay in the illuminating energy of Girasol and feel how your body, mind and soul are united. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Girasol and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to connect to your spiritual joy and to receive illumination and vibrancy.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 14 September 2019

The mermaid Undine will guide us this week. Her secretive gaze and calm demeanour indicate that she knows how to keep herself balanced and nourished. She is surrounded by fish and sea-plants who keep her company in the ocean’s depth. Undine is derived from Paracelsus theory of elemental beings called undines who inhabit the water, and inspired the romance Undine, written by Baron F.H.C. La Motte Fouqué in 1811. Undine has no soul, and to acquire one, she needs to marry a mortal man and have his child. As a mermaid, Undine has the magical abilities to move within the immortal and mortal world, and by choice, she can become her deepest desire.

Undine tells us that when we keep on working diligently towards our goal, we flow to our prosperous destiny with ease. Following our heart in an enterprising venture, we are rewarded with possibilities and opportunities. She does not want us to meddle in unnecessary information and reminds us to caution our communication with those we do not trust. Stay objective in discussions which have reached a dead-end.

With the blessings of the full moon in Pisces, we are naturally flowing towards our dreams, and Undine encourages us to keep on going, and to focus on the bigger vision. The watery Pisces may sometimes cloud our sight, but by staying true to that which we deeply desire, we will be able to reach our truthful destination.

Meditation with Undine

Try this meditation with Undine and listen to her special message to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of Undine. Observe how calmly she is floating in the ocean. Her hair is moving like a prosperous auburn wave around her. The fish and sea-plants are nourishing her immediate environment, a physical place in which she feels at ease, and which supports her mindful state of meditative calmness.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What are the three most stressful issues you are currently experiencing?

How can you transform these issues into a more balanced way of life?

Additional practice – finding calmness with Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is a soft and calming crystal, containing calcium carbonate, with a shiny surface and a waxy texture. Blue Calcite is soothing and relaxing and it is helpful for anxiety and depression. It calms emotions and protects the aura through the transmutation of heavy and intrusive forces into positive energy. Because of its’ calming effect, Blue Calcite allows emotional situations to be levelled into a more balanced state of mind and enhances communication between your thoughts and feelings. It makes you more conscious of how other people are thinking, revealing unspoken information. Blue Calcite works wonderfully with the third eye and throat chakras, expanding your communicative and psychic gifts. It can be used to clear disagreements and show a new way to look at situations by healing old thought-patterns. Blue Calcite promotes deep sleep and dream states.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Blue Calcite on your heart chakra. Imagine how the beautiful pale blue colour is calming your heart. Sense how the colour is spreading all over your body, all the way down to the feet and toes, and then all the way up to your crown chakra at the top of your head. Feel how the blue energy is creating a beautiful calming vibration in your whole body. Stay in the nurturing energy of Blue Calcite and feel how your heart and your soul are synchronised. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Blue Calcite and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to calm your mind, body and soul, and to nourish your deepest dreams.


Full Moon Wisdom by Flavia – 15 August 2019

The full moon in August is a full moon in Aquarius. ‎She invites us to release all barriers to complete our creative projects, publications, plans, and engage with others. We can ask for help or just another opinion. An extra set of eyes can offer a different perspective or might help us suggest something that will reveal answers and solutions – sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. In any case, it points us to open up to others and join groups of like-minded people. Barriers to participate in the community, teams or organisations will be blown away. As we stand still under the Sun in Leo, these are projects, goals and inventions that come from the heart. Friends and relatives are part of our special path in life. Forward movement will happen with the assistance of others who divinely have turned up for our benefit. Accept the editor’s input and be grateful. It will be a happy surprise.


Eclipse Wisdom by Flavia – 16 July 2019

A powerful partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn is all consuming in July. It releases old ways of doing things, dissolves outward structures and embedded situations, and takes us by surprise regardless of what we know, and how we are anticipating it. With cold Saturn sitting in Capricorn – his own home – and his mate power-player Pluto visiting, and stationing there comfortably, it’s rumoured to be a tough time. So we are reminded of love, a personal love and a universal love, taking chances, forgiving and looking after the things that really matter. Those things we value most, the people around us, our relationships and our own health are intertwined and demand prioritising. Whatever the limitations or the hurt, we will be called to rise above the mud and trust our intuition, and be willing to forgive others and ourselves. We will find peace and compassion in others. Our strength will come from keeping the channels of communication open and being present.
