
Monthly Muses by Flavia – January 2020

The outlook for January 2020 is looking favourable and prosperous. However, the key element is that we have to put in the work. And we have to be practical and scrupulous about it. Here we are working within the rules of tradition and within the pre-established structures. It requires us to apply critical thinking while adhering to a higher realm in morality and aesthetics. With the Six of Wands the year kicks in busy. And there is movement. There will be lots happening and conflicting assignments, commitments, opportunities, people and events will demand our attention. Our input will decide which way things are going to go, as well as our discernment to choose where we are channelling our energy wisely.

With the Six of Wands we are not just cruising in victorious – the card normally shows a nobleman on a horse in front of a background of sticks and crowned with a wreath symbolizing success – but our achievements are aligned per force with higher values. There is nobility of sentiment and there is a fight for noble causes that will gain us success and recognition. In this deck there is so much more to think about. There is partnership, serenity, a sense of fulfilment, and a tribe, a vast group of like-minded people, people with whom we share common ground that depend on us or look up to us for strength. So it is also a card about leadership of purpose. Others will look to us for guidance.

This is a sombre, serious month loaded with responsibility. But the gifts are coming. They are the rewards of our efforts and they will bring strength and further support to grow and develop outside our confines. The rewards will be tangible and they will come from the outside suddenly and unexpectedly. And they will compensate us in the material sense. As the Ace of Pentacles sits right in the centre of the spread we can only assume that this event, or series of practical and auspicious events, will actually dominate the month. It will be generous and absolutely depended on our own work and sense of worth, and it will lead effortlessly to the Emperor. The Emperor could be the person we become or a person who will turn up into our lives to lend us support. The Emperor is the paramount figure of knowing the self and of self confidence. The Emperor and the number IV represent structure as well. So initiation and structure is where this month is taking us. We are in for the long game. The Emperor is standing on a pedestal suggesting we better accept our elevated status and of those we associate with.

By the end of January we will find ourselves in a different place to where we started at the beginning. While looking towards the past, we are bringing it with us into the future. We are not divorced from our heritage or history or anything that has come before, because that is the basis of our strength and our security. This is clearly a process of maturation taking place throughout the month where we are standing alone in change, and responsible. The Emperor is the Masculine principle and symbol of experience.

We are looking to a dynamic and transformative month ahead bringing in experiences of higher rank and higher authority. The theme of the influencer and the presence of rules and regulations runs concurrently. Keep strong and don’t loose the focus. The gains have the potential to surpass any expectations for passion, power and wisdom.


Moon Musings by Flavia – 27 December 2019

The Angel of Serenity is an Angel of Creation. We are at the moment of a powerful solar eclipse and standing between two eclipses. A solar eclipse in Capricorn and a lunar eclipse in Cancer, happening in January. They are concluding a series of eclipses we have been dealing with the last couple of years. So it’s time to wrap up and bring a culmination to a point. At this stage of structures collapsing and others starting to being built, we have to stay centered amid the chaos, calm and serene. We have the strength within ourselves to resolve problems and find solutions to conflict. Serenity is this angel’s gift as a personal resource to us. The next six months will be eventful and dynamic, so it’s crucial that we start the new moon and enter the new year primarily secure in ourselves, and that we remain calm, peaceful and kind. This is the way to creating something better than what was there before, something better for us and others. With the gift of serenity we have the opportunity to be fruitful in our lives. Our angel guides are protecting and blessing us with serenity.


Monthly Muses by Flavia – December 2019

Different deck of cards from November’s reading – same 4 of Pentacles appears. If anything, this feels even more sinister. The last week of November was full of activity and pleasure, almost indulgent, and yet by the end of the month the energies quickly change. December finds us, indeed, fearful and small, clutching our material possessions and holding on to our wealth for dear life. Because of it we are diminished figures. And all things that make life beautiful are missing too. It certainly predicts a time of anxiety where our lower urges of attachment to materiality and earthly goods jump in, robbing us of our potential to participate in something greater, something aligned with our authentic self and a wider good. It is an irony. What we are holding on to is itself depriving and restrictive. Bitter, looking angry, static, immobile and trapped in a small place by our inability to let go objects of wealth, while a wonderful world is all around us, is frontal and direct.

The stability that the number four represents here transmits a sense of being bound with ending, malignant feelings, negativity, corruption, of a sense of lack of proportion to things having outlived their purpose. All around blue skies and beautiful buildings. A small flag flying in the breeze. But we sit in an energy of grey and heaviness, crushed by our own gold. Happily, this is not terminal. It is incumbent upon us all to turn this situation around. We can do this by tapping into the energy of the Fool. The cards presenting both the challenges and the solutions to our situation. Optimism, a dose of naivete, a bit of risk taking, a sense of youthfulness and curiosity, an all encompassing desire for experiences and learning out in the world will be our guide.

By comparison to the 4 of Coins/Pentacles, the Fool is hardly carrying any possessions, but he/she is traveling light with a smile and with a jolly and faithful companion. Mountains in the distant and rivers flowing, the elements of air, water, and earth exude health and freshness. In tune with artistic flavor. Butterflies are all around. Even his/her clothes are full of color and uplifting patterns. There is no holding back in confidence or aesthetics. This attitude is very important because December promises to be the month of the unknown and shifting energies. So how we approach our more intimate and the wider world can change everything. And there is an urgency about it. We might need to lose something in order to gain something more valuable. We might need to completely transform our persona in search of truth.

One way or another this slightly unassuming persona will give us the power to become the King of Swords. A card representing a conscious and upright person. A person of power, strong mentally and physically, ready to defend. Here in this deck, the King of Swords stands amide clouds, dark skies, birds flying, fields and mountains. Clearly a wintry outdoors setting. He’s dressed beautifully in blue, wearing a warrior’s helmet with feathers and in a cape of stars symbolic of his positive and intuitive character. A mature person of higher consciousness, open to communication. Open and decisive at the same time. He feels confident in self knowledge from within.

December foretells entering a much more serious epoch. A season that we are going to be called to duty in some way, and where we need to stand solid. The openness of the fool can transform a miserly to an exulted person of merit. It is a lesson in how our perception, our mental disposition and attitude can, and will make all the difference. December 2019, will conclude a highly transformative year. A brooding year. We will need to have distance to judge situations clearly and objectively, without being aloof or cold. Ultimately, we can enter the new year as more conscious and empowered self, human and caring, but ready for challenges. Now we have to take charge.


New Moon in Sagittarius – 22 November 2019

A new moon is always a push forward. But this time the new moon is also big in blessings. And it’s spiritual. We are in the New Moon in Sagittarius. With optimism and open to new possibilities, it’s the sacred self that will guide us. While all the big planets are sitting in earth and fixed signs we are grateful for Sagittarius fire. It’s the spirit to propel us to something magnificent.

Venus will be meeting Jupiter, and both will enter ambitious but also limiting Capricorn later in the month. Their meeting in Sagittarius is significant for what we value and our beliefs are now rooted in a grand context. Mercury already moving ahead in Scorpio makes for a focused and powerful energy that is coming to push forwards and outwards into the world. The muddled sense of lack of direction permeating the last few weeks is replaced by a forceful desire for learning, for exploration, for achieving with others something bigger than ourselves.

Both Shekinah and Diana are spirit goddesses of the Moon energy. Sacred self is wisdom. Focused intention will bring forward gifts. Intuition is accentuated. It’s a further reminder that we have not yet left Scorpio’s feminine influence, so being strategic, calculative, passionate for what we want but also going all out with purpose, assertiveness and determination are with us. It’s a hunt and a prayer.

Sagittarius represented here by Diana will guide us to aim high and to always strive to transcend our situation, looking for justice and higher purpose according to our authentic self. On a more material level, Diana, Greek Goddess Artemis of nature and wildlife among other things, will encourage us to find our strength and mental focus by going out and making the most of the physical environment.

Love and life are everywhere outside, day and night. It’s time to think hard about our desires and go after them without fear! There is no need to hold back. The best will materialize.


Monthly Muses by Flavia – September 2019

We are in September and the sign of Virgo. On the 30th of August we already had the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury all congregating in Virgo. That’s a lot of energy powering the Virgo domain. A bit of nostalgia and melancholia for the summer is unavoidably in the cards. We will overcome it as we absorb it in our daily lives by being pragmatic and industrious.

This is not the traditional and superbly iconic 3 of Swords we are used to seeing. Instead of the pierced heart we are familiar with, we have a sword logged deep into the earth. But the inescapable message of the month is cutting, nonetheless. This is the month of Virgo, associated with cleansing, and so cutting off from everything and anything damaging dominates every mood, every action. And this would be the story of this month in a nutshell. In fact, we have two sword cards to deal with in September.

In a landscape seemingly of ice, of water falling from above, and flowers crowning this image, a sword is cutting through all of it. It is embedded deeply. But is it logged securely? The earth looks more like ice. A person is kneeling as if in prayer and reception. A shower of clean fresh water looks like it’s falling from the sky and through a spray of unnaturally large flowers. It’s not clear in the image where the ground starts and where the sky begins, or vice versa. It’s a card of blessings. The hardness of the ice has been broken. Stumbling blocks have been removed to reveal further blessings in the form of abundant water from above and from below. Hard work is paying off. Tranquillity permeates. But there is transformation. All elements are drawn in. The birds and the trees, the flowers and the fruits of the earth, under a clear sky on a clement day.

As the card sits right next to the 7 of Cups, an unmistakable sign of dreams and wishes, gifts and objects of desire, this signifies that all these things are possible and within our reach. They can be multifaceted and complex. And they are right there in front of us ready for the taking once we let go and break free. But from what?

This can sometimes be the hardest lesson to learn and the toughest situation to be in. What needs to let go and when we have to reach out to pick up what we really want. Not what we are conditioned to think we want. Or what others want from us. Or even what we mistakenly think they want. Be mindful of your options! A lot of interpretations suggest a freeze and lack of initiative with the appearance of this card, hesitant commitment or immobile action. But standing between the two swords cards, this is very unlikely. How can it possibly be the case, as Swords are denoting moments in flux and constant change. It is likely, however, for some people this is cerebral, rather than physical moment of movement, endings and change. A moment of thinking, analysing, contextualising. Choose wisely, as they say, because you might get what you wished for. While obstacles are removed and possibilities open up, the main thing is go according to our higher purpose. The values we hold are being tested.

The 3 of Swords reminds us to cut bonds with what doesn’t serve us in order to welcome what our hearts really need. On the face of it, it might even seem unrealistic, just like these flowers and the foreground. The lay-out of the spread tells us we might not even have a choice. Events like the wind are carrying us forward.

Finally the 7 of Swords, more air element, make that point loud and clear. Cut through the deception and fake promises. There’s going to be a lot of that as well. So prepare yourself. Follow your heart. Organise yourself. Get rid of unpleasantness. Throw the rubbish away. Don’t allow yourself to be taken in by falsity and don’t let yourself be sneaky either. It won’t help. It’s not to your advantage. Right now we are all collecting what we saw from the whole year and sorting through. Stay clean body and mind. Be good to yourself and to others. Prepare for change.


Full Moon Wisdom by Flavia – 15 August 2019

The full moon in August is a full moon in Aquarius. ‎She invites us to release all barriers to complete our creative projects, publications, plans, and engage with others. We can ask for help or just another opinion. An extra set of eyes can offer a different perspective or might help us suggest something that will reveal answers and solutions – sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. In any case, it points us to open up to others and join groups of like-minded people. Barriers to participate in the community, teams or organisations will be blown away. As we stand still under the Sun in Leo, these are projects, goals and inventions that come from the heart. Friends and relatives are part of our special path in life. Forward movement will happen with the assistance of others who divinely have turned up for our benefit. Accept the editor’s input and be grateful. It will be a happy surprise.
