daughter of cups

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 19 May 2019

The Daughter of Cups from the Motherpeace Tarot comes forward to guide us this week. In the card we see a woman who sits in a pool of water, with one arm and leg raised to receive a flowing stream from above. Red rock walls surround her and there is a tree to the right. A turtle walks slowly past her, carrying a white jar with sacred water on its’ back.

The card signifies that it is time to invoke joy and playfulness into our lives. We need to pause and immerse ourselves in the beauty of our inner world. Playing in the sensual waters, the Daughter of Cups has a sense of humour, she tells us to feel good about ourselves and be receptive. The magical mineral waters flow into her crown chakra like cosmic light and then splashes all over her body, reminding us to celebrate our body but also to pay attention to heightened psychic awareness. The tree reaches out to the Daughter, representing life, while the rock walls enclose her in love. The turtle represents the ability to enter and exit our inner world. In Native American mythology the turtle carries the world on its’ back. The Hopi plant a water jar where they wish to settle, a ceremony conducted in a state of purity to ensure that water will always flow from the ground.

Receiving this card indicates that you are currently feeling a range of emotions strongly, this is a call from your inner child who wants to be noticed. It doesn’t matter whether she is sad or happy, it is the process of immersing and experiencing her emotions which is important. This will lead to self-revelation and a playful state of being, which in turn will bring transformation. The essence of the Daughter of Cups is magnetic and inclusive, she uses creative visualisations to make her desires and dreams come true. She tells us that there is an opening of the inner voice after a fearless dive into the soul.

The card resonates with the recent full moon in Scorpio. Now is the time to look deep inside yourself and admit to the big dreams. This will lead to an emerging joy of wisdom and the knowing that a deep transformation is occurring.

Meditation with the Daughter of Cups

Try this meditation with the Daughter of Cups and tune into what the card wants to say to you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the woman sitting in a pool of water. Observe how playful she is and how much she loves just being and playing in the flowing stream. The slow moving turtle is passing by, balancing the sacred water jar on its’ back and creating the world through a peaceful and steady pace. The red colour of the rock walls ignite movement while the green colour is soothing.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you let your inner child out to play?

What dreams did you have as a child which you have not fulfilled yet?

Additional practice – transforming negative patterns with Malachite

Malachite is a striking green opaque stone with a silken surface, its’ internal structure is monoclinic, providing an energetic vibration of balance and smoothness. The name malachite comes from the Greek molochitis lithos meaning “mallow-green stone” because it resembles the leaves from the mallow plant. Egyptians associated green with death and the power of resurrection, calling the afterlife “Field of Malachite”. From antiquity to the 1800s, malachite was used as a mineral pigment in paint. As a stone of healing, malachite ignites transformation and removes emotional blockages by dissolving old belief systems which no longer serve you. Toxic energy is neutralised by malachite and it also guards against negativity. The rich green colour of malachite infuses us with the possibilities of change and supports our soul-growth through living an abundant heart-centred life.

For the healing ceremony, sit or lie down. Hold the malachite between your palms, in front of your solar plexus chakra. Imagine any negative people and situations leaving your auric field through the solar plexus. Sense how the green colour of the malachite purifies your energy channels and then strengthens your whole being, on all levels of the body, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and say thank you to malachite and its’ transformational gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish. It will assist in detoxifying your relationships and any situations which have become a burden and provides a space for more light to enter.
