black moonstone

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 24 November 2019

This week we will look at the Big Picture card from the Earth Wisdom Oracle by Barbara Moore. A woman is sitting in front of a circular stone shield carved with the triple spiral and the triquetra motifs. She is magically receiving a glowing key from the ground. Belladonna, the highly poisonous and hallucinogenic plant, is growing around her.

The card brings a threefold message, to step back from chaos into calm, to see the bigger picture and to trust that the key will be revealed. What will you let go of? What do you desire? Are you ready to receive? The symbolism of the number three is further present in the triquetra and the triple spiral. The triquetra is a symbol of the unifying spirit of trinity, spirit, nature and the Goddess Brigid. The triple spiral is a symbol of life’s movement in everlasting cycles which creates power through transformation and growth. What three areas of your life can you pay attention to now? Earth, sea, sky. Mind, body, spirit. Past, present, future. Life, death, rebirth. Spiritual, intellectual, emotional. Plant, animal, mineral?

The presence of the Belladonna plant, the beautiful lady, which was used by women in Renaissance Italy to dilate their pupils, indicates that we have to open our sight on all levels, to be able to see the bigger picture. Belladonna’s other name Deadly Nightshade is derived from the plant’s usage as poison, and in this instance its’ message is to cut away that which is not in your future vision anymore. Letting go of the excess and chaos will provide the key to call in that which you desire.

Considering the message of this card within the current cosmic activities, we can understand the bigger picture, as explained by Flavia here. Now we are given the key, and if we let go of all expectations of what success should look like and instead focus on our Goddess-like feminine qualities, we will receive the opportunities we whole-heartedly deserve. In gratitude, sincerity and with love.

Meditation with the Big Picture card

Try this meditation with the Big Picture card and observe any messages you receive.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the card. Observe how the woman is magically given the key to her dreams from the earth. The carved triple spiral and triquetras are calling in the power of three. The Belladonna growing around the woman is mesmerising and opening your inner sight.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Are you ready to let go of all expectations to step forward in grace?

What are your three magical qualities?

Additional practice – honouring the divine feminine with black moonstone

Black Moonstone is the dark variety of its’ white sister. It belongs to the orthoclase feldspar family of crystals and exhibits a surface of waxy lustrous shimmer. Black Moonstone is connected to the moon’s cycles and the Moon Goddess herself. It will help you to access your dreams and bring insight how to follow the feminine path to realise them. It has a calming, soothing energy which helps to balance excess of masculine fire which may have been accumulated. Black Moonstone enhances energy healing and provides Goddess protection for those who follow the lunar path. It brings clarity and mystic revelations during meditation. Moonstone in general has been used to enhance fertility and to balance the female reproductive organs. The black variety is connected to the Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene and heals feminine wounding.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Black Moonstone on your sacral chakra. Imagine how the watery fluidity of the Moonstone is entering your sacral chakra and spreading down your hips, legs, feet and toes, and connecting to the Earth Goddess below. Then, sense how the Moonstone energy is travelling upwards through your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra, and beyond, to connect to the Moon Goddess above. Sense how the vibration of Black Moonstone is creating a soothing and calming feeling in your whole body. Stay in the divine feminine energy of Black Moonstone and feel how your body, mind and soul are united. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Black Moonstone and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to connect to your divine feminine and to receive nourishment and peace.
