
Full Moon in Cancer by Flavia – 10 January 2020

Mercury is making his presence felt. He is the God of rational thinking and the supreme leader of communication. Without him nothing moves, nothing gets exchanged. The card naturally appeared out of Kyle Gray’s oracle deck as his own first act and PR manager – all in one. And with good reason too. Around the 10th of January we are having a full moon and a lunar eclipse in Cancer,‎ 20 degrees. By far the most significant astrological event in 2020. Not least because it is followed by one of the most discussed and anticipated celestial occurrences that has astrologers talking about for decades. It’s the conjunction of Saturn to Pluto, and Sun conjoining Saturn and Pluto, all taking place in Capricorn. So these power players in heavy, ambitious, depressed, earthly Capricorn are undoubtedly colouring our earthly experiences. Capricorn is associated with old age, big authority figures, heritage, old buildings, massive historic structures, physical or otherwise, and things dying in the material sense, in general.

‎As if this was not enough, a day earlier, the so called liberating and unpredictable Uranus, goes direct in Taurus. A sign concerned with values, worth and materiality in all its’ shapes and forms. A day later Venus moves into Pisces rearranging and dissolving our experiences of love and self-worth just as we thought we knew what was going on.

But in the whole, what will in fact influence us in our particular everyday life is mostly the fact ‎that mischievous, talkative, expressive Mercury jumps in there to reorganise and bring meaning to the others. Mercury is young, fit and beautiful. He moves fast. Remember he has the freedom to go down to Hades and up to the heavens to deliver messages. So the way we think around events on the outside, the way we perceive information and the way we analyse our environment is crucial. It will make all the difference. It’s time for serious thinking and, unfortunately, Mercury will not only communicate sobering decision making, but will also bring us depressive thoughts and anxiety.

While at the moment action God Mars is in Sagittarius – and both Mars and Sagittarius are quite militaristic – our reactions tend towards the scattered and impulsive. Instead, use Mercury’s rationality to stay mindful and progressive. Talk to others. This is not the time to keep things bottled up. With conscious discerning thinking and Mercury’s help, we can move beyond difficult situations, painful endings, lose, unpredictable events and fear dominated reactions. Mercury doesn’t judge and doesn’t waste time with self-pity or incrimination, he flies free opening up channels, bringing healing by transporting goods and ideas, and communicating messages so we can live with more knowledge and wisdom. Trust the universe and trust your Mercurial powers to make the right choices everyday.
