april 2019

Monthly Muses by Flavia for April 2019

April is slow to arrive. Dragging her feet and still pulling a winter veil over us, nothing is exactly clear or defined. Between dream, creativity and self-realisation, we’re unsure how to act. When we act, we change our minds or leave things half done as if moving through a cloud in a dream state. And yet April is here. At first shy and reluctant, but real nonetheless. April and spring are heralded by Euterpe, muse of delight in art and particularly sound. Inhabiting Olympus and closely associated with Apollo, Euterpe brings healing and knowledge by unearthing what is hidden. Through oracles and earthly substances, fantasy will turn to actualisation. Euterpe (and with her, ourselves) will arrive with a sense of completion and of letting go. Releasing what doesn’t serve a higher good, and allowing for the better and learned things. She brings with her the double-flute, the breath of life.

At some point by the middle of the month the energies of the new and vibrant season will be felt quite powerfully while gathering momentum. Projects will come alive. Relationships will develop. Our self-worth will increase. The pace will accelerate. The octaves will go higher. With lyric, poetry and music comes inspiration, and a new beginning full of determination is here. A confident, sure of itself future, and one filled with pleasure, is starting to materialise. The wheel is turning and things begin to take form.

The Cronus no less, right next to Euterpe, confirms it. They work together and it’s all change. But the kind of change that is bigger than us. The kind of change which requires us to surrender on some level. Certainly, on a subconscious level, surrender our fears and traumas and assign them to the past. On a practical level, we can now do things differently, as we let go of our conditioning and tap into a more authentic way of being in the world. Change of movement, change of material structures, change of habits and rituals. Let’s not forget we are talking about Cronus; a Titan who fathered gods and giants with great reach and massive powers. Euterpe was his daughter and of course a Goddess in her own right. We are now going under this influence of delight and shifting energies.

By the end of the month we become the king as we have cleared space for what we really want and what we are about. Perhaps Justice hasn’t arrived yet, neither have any of the higher values been actualised, or become integrated, but we are stepping into our own power with certainty
and purpose. The magic of the breath of the double flute will launch a transformative season into growth and possibility. As things develop we are more in control. Everything around us is gradually, or even at times, suddenly clearer. However it happens it’s inherent in the process and we
are starting to see solid gains. We are starting to make an impact and feel our responsibility in the world. The veil has shifted, so we can move from power to empowerment.
