anthropology of the tarot

Full Moon Pisces 18 September 2024 – by Flavia

A season of closures is itself coming to an overwhelming close. But the Saturnian influence of saying no, is still hovering around us, putting the brakes on our enthusiasm for expansion. Instead we are at a lunar eclipse and a preview of what is to follow in the next 18 months. It is the Full Moon taking place on 18… Read more →

New Moon Virgo 3 September 2024 – by Flavia

The heavy energies of the last several lunations have not gone away, and now we are feeling that accumulation of a burden which is compounded by a nervous tension of worry for the future. As the passions of Leo are subsiding, we are faced with the havoc it wreaked, and all the work that needs to get done, which was… Read more →

Full Moon Aquarius 19 August 2024 – by Flavia

Change of cosmic proportions is illuminated. It is happening in real life and in real time. But some sort of fog of war is keeping us muddled and confused, as well as fearful and emotionally distant. It is the Full Moon taking place on 19 August 2024, at 10:16 GMT, and at 29 degrees and 08 minutes of Aquarius. Given… Read more →

New Moon Cancer 5 July 2024 – by Flavia

The moon, which represents the material world, the familiar, the close by, the everyday, the experiential, as well as the fleeting and impermanent, is in domicile. We are coming from spirit into matter. New beginnings are crucial. But, they happen under immense pressure coming both ways. It is the New Moon that takes place on 5 July 2024, at 22:57… Read more →

Full Moon Capricorn 22 June 2024 – by Flavia

Endings, endings, endings. Bells are ringing that our abundance might not be unbounded, our physical health and agency has limits, and time is running out in all sorts of ways. In fact, it’s time to preserve what we can and just let go of the superfluous. A feminine, receptive, and earthy Saturn is quietly bringing in a climax, a culmination… Read more →