7 of cups

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 20 June 2018

Our guide for this week is the Seven of Cups from the beautiful, feminine and insightful Motherpeace Tarot created by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble.  The Motherpeace is a deck which is anthropologically evocative and inviting when investigating themes of transformation, discovery and self-healing.

The Seven of Cups shows us a woman holding a net, upon her head sits a large cup from which water flows into the other six cups. The card brings a message of imagination, dreaminess, watery visions, fantasy and an abundance of choices. The dove, representing Aphrodite’s bird, activates oracular power to enable us to choose that one special wish of many.

This dreamy and watery energy is synchronised with the Summer Solstice and the Cancer season arriving  21 June. Experiencing the longest day with heightened solar energy and Cancerian water infuses a celebration of the fiery masculine and watery feminine aspects of ourselves. The directional south in the Medicine Wheel is the place of fire and action, whereas some Native American groups invoke water in this direction, which would resonate with the water element of the Cancer.

Take extra care of yourself during this time. When we enter the emotional and watery Cancer, deep self-healing becomes more evident and also more accessible. Her nourishing gifts connect us to our hidden emotions and invites us to nurture community and self, often in a reciprocal relationship.

In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the fairy dust awoke the innermost dreams of love for the characters, which resonates with the dreamy aspects of the Seven of Cups.  Remember that the card suggests to choose our wishes wisely, some of them might not be the ones we truly want when accessing our heart space.  When a choice is made, we can energise our dream during the Summer Solstice, and by finding the balance within us during the longest day and shortest night, the wish is activated with the potency of both fire and water.


Solstice Reflection

Take a few minutes and gaze on the Seven of Cups and find stillness inside yourself.

Observe how the water is poured into the cups and how the flow of the liquid brings movement of many ideas.

Take a deep breath and relax.

Sit in silence for a few minutes.


Then consider the below questions:

What is your most heartfelt wish at the moment?

What can you do to nurture this wish?


Journal your answers with words or/and imagery in your notebook.

Say thank you and know it will be so.

