
Venus in Gemini


Twin birches embrace each other.  Venus in Gemini is looking for its’ other half.  Let the orange of the sacral chakra become lit again. With tantric wisdom and intellectual curiosity, ancient souls will meet again. With a creative spark from the celestial plane, the autumn will light your fire.


Fairy forest

trees autumn

The autumnal colours, soft and bold, light and strong, ethereal and earthy, call you to explore. What will your imagination bring you? Don’t hide from your desires. Walk into the depths of the forest as if it was your soul, filled with natural treasures and hidden joy.  In the fairy-tale poetry of the woods, you will soon find what you have been waiting for. Your dreams, and the truth of them.




Wildflowers remind us of our heart chakra. Open and closed at the same time, perhaps guarding our soul as we encounter new challenges. Their fragility can teach us to let go of heaviness and obstacles and instead show us how to accept the beauty and lightness, which arrives when we transform our perceived path.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 10 August 2018

In the Judgement card, the rainbow colours of peace flow from the heart centre of the Egyptian ankh cross, which symbolises life force, and in the Motherpeace, the cross is also a symbol of Venus, the Goddess of love. A circle of spirit balances on the cross, which further represents earth’s four elements.

The card is an exceptional image of the moment of truth, when we have truly seen and forgiven ourselves, accepted our traits and integrated these, enabling us to access divine presence. The Judgement indicates that a shift in awareness has occurred, however, you may not be consciously aware of what has happened, but this shift alters your reality for good. You are taking responsibility for choices and making wise judgements.

The message of the Judgement is synchronised with the opening of the Lionsgate on 8/8 which brought our attention to the activation of the heart chakra and the third eye. Now is the time to forgive and ascend, and let the heart and soul connection integrate fully.  This card brings an end to suffering and a beginning to spiritual resurrection. This is the card of the divine healer, the transcendent and non-attached channel, through which the forces of the universe flow. When human awareness is raised to heart level, we enter an altered state of consciousness which heals and generates extraordinary power.


The Judgement Meditation

Try this meditation with the Judgement and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space.

Focus on the image of the Judgement and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the rainbow colours are flowing from the cross onto Mother Earth and simultaneously, the colours are flowing back into the cross. Sense how the colours flow out from the card and connect wth your heart chakra and then embrace all parts of your body, soul and mind. These coloured vibrations are making you aware of your potential through awakened attention. Accept the transformation.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How could you work with the idea of ascension to be more grounded in who you truly are?

What can you do to support your community in a heart-centred way?


Rise with the new energies and let go of that heaviness, learn how to say no to things which no longer serve you. The right path has unfolded, be brave and walk on it.


The tree

Shading under the tree, the summer sun is still heating us up. Be kind to Mother Earth and walk alongside her on the path to rain and forgiveness. The harvest may be affected, however, we remain tuned in to the best yield yet to arrive.



Yellow hawkbits, empower your solar chakra and flow with the summer’s warmth.  When nature brings you a message, take this to your heart and follow the path to your soul’s light.
