
Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 21 January 2020

The Star arrives this week as we enter into the new moon in Aquarius. A woman and a man, depicted on the card as white star-beings are connected to each other by their index fingers, this creating a sparkle and the explosive birth of star energy. The white square underneath the star couple is the material image of a clean slate. It exemplifies that which is created at this very moment, everything is clean and void of clutter and obstacles, and reminds us that everything is possible when starting anew.

Are you seeking your community? The Star reminds us of miracles, of the union of souls and of our inner dreams and wishes becoming true. The slate is swept clean and the potential for immense soul growth is here, realised though other people. We are called to expand and widen our sphere, and to spread our sacred knowledge with others. As explained by Flavia here, the Aquarian energy will bring us together by seeking and joining communities, we crave exchange and support on our journey. Remember who you truly are, and you will connect to those who walk along you on the path, not in front or behind, but by your side, as a true soul friend. The Star energy confirms that changing the vibration of your immediate environment is the beginning of your own Age of Aquarius.

Meditation with The Star

Try this meditation with The Star.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of the female and male star-beings and how they connect to each other by their index fingers, forming a newly born star. Observe how the star-beings float in space, they are not connected to earth, instead they exist in infinity as shapes of pure energy. Call them into your personal auric sphere and listen to their guidance. Be comforted by the purple and white and let the coloured rays relax, purify and protect you.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Have you found your star family?

Is there a kindred spirit your can confide in?

Additional practice – meeting your star family with Aura Amethyst.

Aura Amethyst is a mesmerising crystal displaying an iridescent lavender colour, the result of heat-infused rare metals to the crystals’ surface. Aura Amethyst generates a full spectrum of rainbow colours which shimmer and radiate magical and mysterious energy. It connects us to the higher spiritual realms, and promotes clairvoyance and true knowing. Aura Amethyst enhances any creative activity and it connects the creative mind with the higher-self. It heals wounds in the higher auric layers, cleanses blocks and protects us with a high vibrational field of peace. Aura Amethyst will cherish your whole being with a gentle and profound energy. It is relaxing and provides the space and time to think as it calms the mind and encourages sacred change through contemplation.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Aura Amethyst on your crown chakra. Take a deep breath and relax. Feel how the iridescent violet colour is cleansing your crown chakra. Then sense how the purifying energy of Aura Amethyst is travelling down to your third eye, your throat chakra, your heart, the solar plexus, sacral, root and knee chakras, down to your feet, toes and connecting to the earth. Sense how the gorgeous vibration of Aura Amethyst is awakening your crown chakra and spreading cherished vibes into and around your whole body. Stay in the sacred energy of the Aura Amethyst and feel how your soul is connecting to your whole being, and beyond. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Aura Amethyst and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you wish to connect to your star family, both in the physical and spiritual realms.



Covered in layers of white, the purification of the north goes to the bones. In deep slumber the dreams are near, dwell in the nurture and take care of your well-being during the winter months coldness.
