
River moon

A full moon in Pisces tells us to stay near water and absorb the goodness. Indeed rain has been pouring relentlessly. ‎It has brought a calm nostalgia and a sense of longing as the days are closing in. Everything is winding down to start all over again. The summer is slipping away. Let go of unfulfilled emotions. Dreams and ideas that are out of synch. Can’t hold on to water. The water will take everything that doesn’t serve us away. The water will bring the new wellness in. Clearer and stronger. A new season is upon us.



We are in August when more is more. Everything is bigger and brighter. Forget about the eclipse. The sun’s rays shine magnificently upon us. The moon is overpowering. We are finally in the month of Blood Moon. Think of all things luxurious. Nature is luscious. The colours are baroque yellows, ambers, lime and olive greens, lots of shades of deep purples and copper reds. This is the most generous month of the year. Stretch out and rejoice, August has arrived.



With a full moon in Capricorn just gone, representing father influence, and a new moon upon us, powering in mother ‎realm, this is the time to think of home. Liberally paraphrasing ancient Greek here. They asserted that for any distinguished person, home is where their person is. Now we adopt this thinking. As we distinguish ourselves and grow through summer months, home is where the heart is. Where we feel at home, where we are, where we excel. This is home. Let’s celebrate and enjoy home, heart and family. But don’t just go indoors yet. We’re still in growing season. There’s fruit to pick.



Rejoice for mid summer is here. With a full moon in father figure Capricorn and new moon in the feminine power of Cancer think of trees, and think of water. Don’t forget to spend time out doors. ‎Stay near trees for support and growth. Near water to cleanse away what doesn’t serve us any more, and near water to bring in fresh new beginnings. The sky is amplified in the reflection.
