
Monthly Muses by Flavia – October 2019

The appearance of the Moon still refers to events that happened during the cosmic shake up in September. October continues to deliver dreams and imagination that have been so potent during the Pisces full moon of last month.

So the Moon which – lets not forget – moves quickly, governs events and our deepest need, is a strong indicator of mysterious happenings. Changing circumstances, seeing things under cover with all of our senses alerted, and an enhanced perception beyond the visual, are indicated with this card and its’ representation of the new moon in Libra.

It is also a caution, maybe not of mistrust, but of awareness. It is telling us not to take events, people and actions at face value. There will be misleading factors coming from our environment and from within. Things we’d like to believe, illusions and stories made up in our heads, people we idolize. Measured escapism can be inspiring, daydreaming is healing, and connecting with transcended beings is enriching. But a balance must be struck nonetheless, or we will fly away with ourselves. And we may be lost in others too.

A revelation or an insight will shake us and this could be something mental or spiritual that will bring a total collapse. What seemed solid, embedded, rooted, and secure, will be now be shaken by something akin to a lightning bolt from the universe. What is light and mobile will fly away. Something new is waiting to take its’ place. But it’s not clear what as yet. Change is inescapable. Illusions or false beliefs will not help. Truth will be destructive. A period of chaos, or a sense of chaos, is forewarned. This month is starting to look like a make or break time. What starts off as fear, anxiety or delusion, develops to an actual break-up.

The cards contain their own advice to see us through disturbing circumstances and that is to trust our inner self. Trust your intuition. Your eyes might deceive you but your core values will not let you down. But we need to go through it to come out of it. And that’s a big lesson. Ultimately, there will be a promise of opportunity. There will be growth and a potential to find ourselves in a much better place than where we were before.

The Ace of Wands is a card of achievement and passion. New projects will replace old structures. Creative energy will replace passive illusion. Belief in the cosmic plan and action to follow through our dreams will lead to triumph. But a lot of work is waiting ahead of us to materialize any of it. It’s looking to be a surprisingly intricate and eventful month full of initiations, passions and disruptions. Most of all be present, and make the best of it.


New Moon Libra by Flavia – 28 September 2019

With the New Moon in Libra we are now climbing up the chart heading for the top. Angelite and Citrine can be our friends this month. They will help us to stay on track. They are healing and soothing, bringing the resplendent light they reflect to be part of us.

We took off with Aries initiating, and creating new beginnings by knowing the self, with a focus on identity. As we moved into Taurus our values and what we love started to materialize and begun to take form. In Gemini our thoughts and communication became paramount. Travelling through Cancer, and as the season begun to shape up, our home and our environment around us, gave us grounding and a foundation from where we could build. And so we are still moving through the bottom of the chart. Leo arrived full of exuberance and creativity. All things love mattered: the self became King and Queen. But calmly and steadily we reached Virgo. It was a timeline about care, mastery and preparation.

And now all of a sudden – and yet not too soon – we find ourselves in Libra, and half-way through the astrological year. We are now climbing higher in the chart with the realization that others matter. We are in relationship mode. We see ourselves in others and the people we hang out with, the groups we belong to, the friendships we make, reflect who we really are.

Angelite confirms this. We can hold, or think of, this stone as a reminder that we will find happiness and emotional expansion by staying close to those that are aligned with our values. We can join groups or travel to places where we can be with people that have similar ideas and aspirations as us. We are looking out for people we admire and those that represent our aesthetic values, beauty, history, spirituality and higher self. This will give us strength and confidence in ourselves to develop further, and grow emotionally, creatively, intellectually, and even materially. If we are having problems with health, work, substances, mental blocks or direction, and we want to address them, now it’s the right time to seek those who can help us. We are not alone. We are all reflected in each other.

And so Citrine further encourages us beyond taking practical steps to be with like-minded people, that we can draw power and energy from Citrine which shines through to be optimistic and purposeful. The self in others and the greater picture are illuminated by the New Moon in Libra.


Splash of red

The season of Virgo saw personal planets congregating there. We all felt the change of weather‎. But we are still in summer in the north – winter in the south. Virgo is a time full of manifestation and preparation. It is putting all the elements in line, caring for others and taking care of the self, perhaps with a sense of duty, finding pleasure in the everyday, with a paramount focus in practice and repetition. A bit of anxiety and worry about what’s to follow and the frustration that we’re stuck in events (for better or for worse) will also be a feature. Don’t let it get in your way. Soon the bigger picture will also start to unfold!


Monthly Muses by Flavia – September 2019

We are in September and the sign of Virgo. On the 30th of August we already had the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury all congregating in Virgo. That’s a lot of energy powering the Virgo domain. A bit of nostalgia and melancholia for the summer is unavoidably in the cards. We will overcome it as we absorb it in our daily lives by being pragmatic and industrious.

This is not the traditional and superbly iconic 3 of Swords we are used to seeing. Instead of the pierced heart we are familiar with, we have a sword logged deep into the earth. But the inescapable message of the month is cutting, nonetheless. This is the month of Virgo, associated with cleansing, and so cutting off from everything and anything damaging dominates every mood, every action. And this would be the story of this month in a nutshell. In fact, we have two sword cards to deal with in September.

In a landscape seemingly of ice, of water falling from above, and flowers crowning this image, a sword is cutting through all of it. It is embedded deeply. But is it logged securely? The earth looks more like ice. A person is kneeling as if in prayer and reception. A shower of clean fresh water looks like it’s falling from the sky and through a spray of unnaturally large flowers. It’s not clear in the image where the ground starts and where the sky begins, or vice versa. It’s a card of blessings. The hardness of the ice has been broken. Stumbling blocks have been removed to reveal further blessings in the form of abundant water from above and from below. Hard work is paying off. Tranquillity permeates. But there is transformation. All elements are drawn in. The birds and the trees, the flowers and the fruits of the earth, under a clear sky on a clement day.

As the card sits right next to the 7 of Cups, an unmistakable sign of dreams and wishes, gifts and objects of desire, this signifies that all these things are possible and within our reach. They can be multifaceted and complex. And they are right there in front of us ready for the taking once we let go and break free. But from what?

This can sometimes be the hardest lesson to learn and the toughest situation to be in. What needs to let go and when we have to reach out to pick up what we really want. Not what we are conditioned to think we want. Or what others want from us. Or even what we mistakenly think they want. Be mindful of your options! A lot of interpretations suggest a freeze and lack of initiative with the appearance of this card, hesitant commitment or immobile action. But standing between the two swords cards, this is very unlikely. How can it possibly be the case, as Swords are denoting moments in flux and constant change. It is likely, however, for some people this is cerebral, rather than physical moment of movement, endings and change. A moment of thinking, analysing, contextualising. Choose wisely, as they say, because you might get what you wished for. While obstacles are removed and possibilities open up, the main thing is go according to our higher purpose. The values we hold are being tested.

The 3 of Swords reminds us to cut bonds with what doesn’t serve us in order to welcome what our hearts really need. On the face of it, it might even seem unrealistic, just like these flowers and the foreground. The lay-out of the spread tells us we might not even have a choice. Events like the wind are carrying us forward.

Finally the 7 of Swords, more air element, make that point loud and clear. Cut through the deception and fake promises. There’s going to be a lot of that as well. So prepare yourself. Follow your heart. Organise yourself. Get rid of unpleasantness. Throw the rubbish away. Don’t allow yourself to be taken in by falsity and don’t let yourself be sneaky either. It won’t help. It’s not to your advantage. Right now we are all collecting what we saw from the whole year and sorting through. Stay clean body and mind. Be good to yourself and to others. Prepare for change.


Summer’s end

Summer is wrapping up as August is coming to a close. Leo season has kept the energy of high summer with intensity and ‎gave us drama, extremes of passions and bursts of luxury. We also felt dignity in hardship and pride in any unexpected challenges. We’ve come out the other side better than we went in. We’ve come out with more creative ideas, more self-awareness and more confidence. Now we need to summon our strength and our abilities a calmness inside and out permeates.

A mass of planets are moving into Virgo. By the beginning of September all quick moving planets would have located there. And on Saturday 31st, both luminaries, the Sun and Moon, will give extra power‎ to all things Virgo. An analytical approach, a sense of organisation and order, as well as service and everyday pleasures in clearing out old stock will replace our desire for entertainment and games. Self-realisation looks different as we prepare ourselves for the change of season. A melancholy peplos will cover our moods. We’re becoming practical and mastery. The Sun is still high in the sky. So let’s go outside and let’s get to work.


Full Moon Wisdom by Flavia – 15 August 2019

The full moon in August is a full moon in Aquarius. ‎She invites us to release all barriers to complete our creative projects, publications, plans, and engage with others. We can ask for help or just another opinion. An extra set of eyes can offer a different perspective or might help us suggest something that will reveal answers and solutions – sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. In any case, it points us to open up to others and join groups of like-minded people. Barriers to participate in the community, teams or organisations will be blown away. As we stand still under the Sun in Leo, these are projects, goals and inventions that come from the heart. Friends and relatives are part of our special path in life. Forward movement will happen with the assistance of others who divinely have turned up for our benefit. Accept the editor’s input and be grateful. It will be a happy surprise.
