
Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol-29 October 2018

shaman of cups tarot card

The Shaman of Cups shows us a man standing inside a temple, his face is painted white and he is pouring alchemical liquid into a boiling cauldron. Behind him, playful dolphins, snakes and a shell adorn the wall of the sacred space.

The card is a thoughtful image of the depths of emotional knowledge which makes us human. Acknowledging our innate skills of caring for ourselves and for others, we find that we can better navigate our emotions and learn from our experiences. We can control our feelings and transmute our passion to detached awareness. The white face paint expresses the shamans readiness for spiritual work, which is enhanced by the alchemical brew in the cauldron. This interplay is supporting profound change and increasing spiritual and emotional maturity.

The message of the Shaman of Cups is poignant during this Samhain and Halloween week as the veils between the natural and the supernatual world are thinning and the ancestral spirits loom around us. Any emotional ties which still bind you to the past can be released with gratitude, which in itself will increase your receptivity to flow. Being masked helps to process and understand difficult feelings that might arise during this seasonal change. And simultaneously the mask will enable you to unfold your magical healing work into the world.


The Shaman of Cups Meditation

Try this meditation with the Shaman of Cups and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Shaman of Cups. Observe how his powers as a masked shaman are heightened when he pours the magical liquid into the cauldron. The playful dolphins remind us of the joy of life. The image shows us all aspects of our emotions which we can own and funnel to create our passion projects, or simply to maintain our pure and balanced existence in everyday proceedings. Mask yourself and journey inward.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What would you achieve if you put on your magical mask of manifestation?

What wishes would you put in your magic cauldron to retrieve in 6 months time?


Create your ancestral altar, bless your current path, and know that the right way is unfolding naturally.


Weekly Wisdom by Flavia – 15 October 2018

archangel michael

The message from Saint Michael protector and warrior is unequivocal. ‎This is the energy of love; self love and love of others. Truth will reign supreme and permeate everything we do and feel. And even if we are not taking action straight away, it will propel us to change what matters in our lived experience. Nothing is as it seems on the surface. We will be attracted to complex people and situations, visionary and brilliant. A realisation of true love. But we have to be honest with ourselves and what we love. Dramatic and profound feelings that we protect and fight for as we look for what we deserve regardless what came before. We can now work towards that goal of meaningful change in a direction of self value.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for October 2018

tarot cards

Thunder and lightning, judgement and truth. When Jupiter is upon us we can expect gifts and rewards. The generous outcome of work on earlier projects, the materialisation of dreams, the expansion of wealth, and even a bit of luck. We are moving from experts to authority, and everything is on grand scale. The transition to the new season has arrived with a bang. The God of truth is looking at the future and we can no longer hide or pretend. With the harvest on full mode this is the time when our efforts will reveal the fruits we can gather. And in fact we are moving ahead and beyond harvest trying to make sense of accomplishments and events. The outside world is our home. Jupiter will shed light on what needs throwing away to make space for a healthier and more productive future, as we continue gathering, assessing and reorganising.

Happiness is important too, however, as the season changes we are looking at our past with longing‎ and nostalgia. As we move into darker days and colder nights, we reminiscence of warm days filled with the sweet smell of flowers and the sounds of birds, ducklings and baby swans. We imagine ourselves in picturesque dwellings, and fairytale scenarios. We will drift to thinking about homely environments, children and innocent love of the type that is unequivocal, reciprocal and unconditional. No doubt under the influence of Jupiter with his grandstanding, and the Six of Doves with their nostalgic idealism, we will be prone to romanticising and overdramatising, overconfidence and overindulgence is more than likely to show up. Perhaps even some laziness and delusional thinking. The cards are happy and optimistic but there lies their trap.

When life goes that way, there’s no point trying to rationalise and fake unreal emotions. Our senses and our intuition will carry us forward. After an active and intense summer there’s no need to spend too much energy. Calm beauty and holding on to a bit of mystery will go a long way now. We are starting to go inside ourselves while at the same time we connect with others and become receptive to their needs. The past is there to give us strength for the future. There’s no turning back. However, there’s only one way to go. We have come out in the world and we’re collaborating at work and committing in relationships with others. We are much more mature and sensitive to the forces around us. The Queen of Cups, or the Queen of Phoenixes as in this deck, is full of love and compassion. Her lesson? Kindness will win the day.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 30 September 2018

ten of wands tarot card

The Ten of Wands in the Motherpeace Tarot shows us a powerful image of seven women dancing together in a trance, releasing their kundalini energy as they move wildly to the rhythmic beat of the drum.  In the foreground, three women bring positive guidance and focus for the energy which has been freed up through the dance. One woman plays the drum, keeping the rhythm of trance work and the shamanic journey with a psychic opening. The woman in the middle represents an adolescent who is speaking with oracular power, in tongues, as she is surrendering to the cosmic powers in a trusted community. The woman to the left translates her messages with a stylus onto a clay tablet, recording the sacred messages for the future.

This card represents the release of built up energies which overwhelm us, the contracts and commitments in our everyday life, our tensions, anxieties and strains, as well as our hopes and fears.  Containing the energy of the number ten, the card also represents coming full circle. With the fire of the wands, the overabundance of the element is being experienced in a community where it can be utilised for the greater good.

The Ten of Wands arrives as a timely guide after the recent full moon in Aries which focused on transformation and liberation of the self. The card reminds us that there is power in numbers and any injustice towards women shall indeed be healed, with time. By speaking and recording our truthful messages to the world, they will be remembered and bring positive change.


The Ten of Wands Meditation

Try this meditation with the Ten of Wands and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your knees, with the palms facing down.

Focus on the image of the Ten of Wands and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the women dance in ecstasy, freeing themselves from anything that bind them, while channeling energy through their bodies. The women in the foreground are setting the scene with powerful psychic rhythm, sound and oracular messages. The image is full of movement, passion and truth.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below:

What can you celebrate right now?

How can you translate your unheard song and its’ connection to your soul’s mission?


Dance with the ecstasy of life and release the wild-woman within.



Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 21 September 2018

six of swords tarot card

For the Autumn Equinox, we journey with the Six of Swords from the Motherpeace Tarot. This is the most spiritual card of the swords after the Ace and it shows us an image of six women, kindred spirits, floating in the air.  Below them, an autumnal landscape of brown mountains with thirteen evergreen trees of the sacred Goddess grove awaits their descent.  The women carry red roses of passion for healing the heart in their left hands and knives of truth in their right hands. This card tells us to gain perspective of where we are and where we have been, to keep a comfortable distance to issues which may upset us and to take care of any hurt parts of the self.

The floating women come together at a central point, and they remind us to rejoice being connected in spiritual sisterhood. The Six of Swords also reminds us to combine the intellect with the practical and to know that our minds as well as our hearts have matured.  We know where we are going now.  We have taken care of the wounding and we rise above it and we are ready to proceed.


The Six of Swords Meditation

Try this meditation with the Six of Swords and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your knees, with the palms facing up.

Focus on the image of the Six of Swords and take a few deep breaths.

Look at the six women, and observe how they are floating in space, connected to each sister with the tip of the knife. Trusting each other not to break the unity, the roses cleanse the heart space and send a ray of love to heal any residues of grief.  The brown and green landscape below reminds us to stay grounded while working to expand our ideas into the world.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below:

Note down your harvest gifts at this equinox and say thank you.

How can you join your intellect with your practical ideas and bring forth another harvest before the end of this year?


With kindred spirits, you find your gifts. Connect, love and receive.



Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 11 September 2018

ace of swords

Fresh out of the Virgo new moon’s earthy vibrations, this week we will journey with the Ace of Swords.  In the Motherpeace Tarot, a beautiful red and purple butterfly is flying in front of a hand which is holding a sword.  A meditative woman sits with her eyes closed in a yogic pose, with her hands resting on the crescent moon, the centre of her body aligned with the sword. This image represents focus, an intellectual idea which surfaces once we feel connected to our highest good and which will bring us peace. The Ace of Swords reminds us to re-build our body of light so that we can transcend stuckness and tells us to rely on our gift of inner vision and clairvoyance. The sword, held in the right hand, points upward, and affirms the positive outcome to an idea.

This card promises a new start, and arrives as a confirmation that your ideas are valid. You can now strategise and move forward. Use your intellect and remember to align your thoughts with your body as you proceed  with your plan. Blessed with the gift of the sight, you can achieve all you have set out to do.

Lemon Chrysoprase brings joy and a renewed sense of optimism. It is also ideal for meditation and focusing on new ideas. It helps the mind to settle by sieving away busy thoughts and provides a clear vision of joy.


The Ace of Swords Meditation

Try this meditation with the Ace of Swords and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your heart.

Focus on the image of the Ace of Swords and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the woman is at peace, her body seems weightless as she is in deep meditation. The butterfly is flying into and out of her realm, bringing transformation and joy.  The success of her idea, the sword, shines a golden light, rays extending outwards and aligning with the woman’s wisdom.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What ideas are you afraid to try out?

How can you release your fear and become your own wise woman?


Stay quiet, and let the Ace of Swords light your thoughts, see yourself shine and accept your wisdom.

