Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 10 February 2021

Tomorrow we celebrate the Chinese New Year with the new moon in Aquarius and the beginning of a new journey. This is the prefect time to work with the energy of The Fool from the Silver Witchcraft Tarot. In the card we see a different depiction of the usual Fool imagery of a person taking off on a journey. Instead, here we see an Oak tree at the horizon, with a person standing on the right side by the tree, touching the tree’s trunk. In the grass we see a well-trodden path leading up to the Oak. The sky above the Oak shows the full moon occulting the sun, we are witnessing a solar eclipse. There is a quiet atmosphere in the card, one of standstill, just before a new adventure begins.

The Fool tells us that anything and everything is possible. We are at a place within ourselves where there is no good or bad, everything just is. The journey is starting again, and we are now to shed the old skin and believe in ourselves. There are many surprises along the path and The Fool will bring us the energy we need to continue on our personal quest. The gifts can arrive in a youthful manner in the form of helpful people, offers and surprises, which we are now ready to receive. Preparing yourself to receive in all the ways you can will fortify the extraordinary opportunities arriving, and they will be those which you have been dreaming of.

The new moon in Aquarius arrives 11th of February, as outlined by Flavia here. Since it heralds the Chinese New Year, it is a moon of beginnings and we can feel the tingling of the new, teasing us to open up and leaving the old patterning behind. Be prepared to re-start a journey which might have been delayed, one that was blocked for whatever reason, and is now coming up to the surface again. Fine-tune the messages you receive from body, mind and soul. And if, for any reason, the information is difficult to process, use your instinct and tune into the Aquarian energy of what is the next step for you. Plant your wishes under the new moon with a silent prayer, trust with your deepest wisdom that the best is yet to come.

Meditation with The Fool

Try this meditation with The Fool.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of The Fool. Note how the Oak tree is standing tall and strong at the horizon. The black moon in front of the sun looks still, like a pool of infinite water or a Shaman’s mirror for us to look into, while the sun’s flames are casting a halo in her occulted roundness. Observe how the person by the Oak tree is standing, with their hand touching the tree, perhaps receiving messages from the grand old Oak spirit. The green grass looks soft and inviting, and the deep path feels inviting, and you might wonder if you could walk there bare feet, feeling the bent grass on your soles. There is a serene, and serious mood in the image. Feel the energy of the card and observe where your intention goes, let your feelings guide you to a focus point for your meditation.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How will you reset and start afresh at this new moon?

Consider the journeys which you have planned to take, but still haven’t. These could be emotional, physical, or spiritual.

Additional practice – Journey to the Temple of new beginnings

In this week’s additional practice we will journey with the Temple amulet, from Amulets of the Goddess: Oracle of Ancient Wisdom by Nancy Blair. The amulet depicts the entrance to the temple of Hagar Qim in Malta, built from limestone and dating to 3600-3200 BC. Hagar Qim contains oval chambers, one of which, the Women’s chamber, has an oracular hole through which sound passed, and from which one could observe the Solstice. It might have been a place for divination, gatherings and feasts. The Temple amulet arrives with a message for things to start anew, her keywords are breakthrough, awakening and healing. Taking is easy and slow, and healing from anything which has been lingering, is a prerequisite for beginning a new journey. The Temple amulet carries the ancient energy of Gaia herself, and echoes the timeless wisdom which is to be found within her structural walls.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and relax. Imagine that you are standing in front of an ancient Temple. The entrance is dark and you are not sure if you want to enter. Then you see light flickering inside the entrance and you decide to step through. You can now see that there are candles set in the walls of the Temple and you start to walk down the corridor until you come to large open entrance. You stop for a while and admire the spiral patterns on the walls. Then you step through the entrance and you are in a great circular hall.

In the middle of the hall is a circular pond, the water looks black, and its’ surface shines like a mirror. You decide to sit down by the pond to meditate for a while. The sacred water looks so beautiful and calm, and you dip your fingers in it, feeling its’ freshness and then you anoint your third eye with drops of water. As you gaze into the black surface of the pond you start to see shapes and patterns. There is a message coming through for you. What is it that you see? Open all your senses to receive your special sign. Stay in this vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point.

When you have received your message, say thank you the Temple for its healing time and slowly stand up. You reach your hands over your head and spread your palms wide, facing up and say another thank you to Gaia, the great cosmic mother. As you stand there, you feel a ray of sunshine peeking through a structure in the wall and you feel the warmth cleansing away anything which is left to be healed.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to The Temple and your received insights. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you need to connect to your personal journey and to receive advice from the Great Goddess.
