New Moon in Sagittarius 14 December 2020 – by Flavia

An action packed new moon wraps up an eventful year. There are dramatic closures, opening up spaces for new possibilities and adventures. But it will be bumpy and hot tempered. Everything is pointing in the direction of release, voluntary or not, as the new moon falls on the south node. Just to raise the temperatures even further, the new moon is a solar eclipse taking place in fiery Sagittarius, on 14 December, 23 degrees and 8 minutes, at 16:18 GMT.

This aspect brings extra significance and intensity. The effects of the new moon will be felt as waves that come and go, until whatever needs taking away is gone, and whatever will come to fill the empty space is established. We are talking for about another year of influence to be certain. So we shouldn’t be surprised that a Knight of Cups is charging ahead offering us a cup of love. He looks like he is actually more trotting along in a mythical landscape of earth, trees and water. But he is looking stable, confidently moving in the direction pointing towards the future. He is focused in making us an offer. He is bringing in something new. He is dashing in his armour and feathers, riding the most bizarre horse ever conceived. The horse is almost an amalgam of Saint George and the Dragon. Just as Sagittarius is half-man half-horse, the Knight of Cups is riding an amphibian creature that represents in one go, both the noble and the beastly, the divine power and the incarnate manifestation.

Sagittarius is a masculine, fire, mutable sign, and it’s called the House of God. Wilful drive, active disposition, and a changeable temperament, with the view to attain a greater goal is where we are at. We too are going to find ourselves torn between desire and truth, comfort and justice. We are going to have to face our own personal daemons, our internal ghosts, powerful spirit guides and forces of nature. The Knight of Cups remind us to look for solutions to problems that make our lives easier by keeping the focus on inner truth. The cups are offerings of love, creativity and imagination.

Sagittarius is where all the action is taking place – with the Sun, Moon, South Node and, significantly, Mercury meeting up on the 14th of the month – is a sign of complexity, of growth and of ambition to succeed. Mercury will be bringing in, through the Knight of Cups, the message of the Gods. We will feel enthusiasm and motivation to follow our hearts towards creative projects, by stepping away from the norm and the widely acceptable. Everything is pointing us outside our comfort zone. That is the way to get good news and to have successful results at this point. After a year or restrictions and limitations, the heavy melancholic energy of earth, when everything said no, we are now invited to move on with something new. It can happen either through our own personal initiative that comes from the inside, or through outside forces imposing themselves on to us.

As the Nine of Cups arrives and settles in the middle of the spread, we are reassured that the outcome is one that makes us feel satisfied with. The Nine of Cups is a card of emotional fulfilment and a card that signifies that something has reached its conclusion. Just as Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, and of the ninth house, says yes, so does the Nine of Cups. It is a card that says yes, things will turn out for the best. A magnificent card of emotional fulfilment. In addition, the card shows that we are comfortable and rewarded with ample gifts, which is strange when we are just wanting to start acquiring more, succeeding further, opening up more doors and more opportunities. After all this is a new moon. Time for beginnings. And yet this moment contains its own achievement in that we already have what it takes to get to where we want to go.

And there is more good news. It’s in the form of Four of Wands. A card of undoubted celebratory quality. It tells us we shall celebrate, we must celebrate, we would want to celebrate. A reminder of the time of the year, which is dominated by festivities of many religions, current and ancient. It is a card of happy people in a joyful environment of nature and togetherness. It is a card of stability, familiarity, acknowledgement and pride. A vision realized. So again another confirmation that we are on the right path and well supported to create a reality that represents our dreams and aspirations. A new moon in Sagittarius is always a call towards expansion and evolution. This time the significations are loud and clear in their message. We can resist overcomplicating things and we shall be rewarded with more that we ever thought possible. First something will have to go. But more abundance will take its place. Love and creativity is the direction. Taking action according to our inner spirit will not disappoint us. We can take some time to celebrate now as we have reached this milestone in our efforts. This is turning out to look like a very generous and promising new moon to get going, where all the energies are saying, yes!
