Monthly Muses by Flavia – June 2019

It is June and summer has officially started. It’s also Gemini season when we naturally become more curious, adventurous and sociable. The new moon in Gemini is a calling to favour a breadth of activities rather than depth in what we do. And it will be busy. Venus enters Gemini on the 8th of June, strengthening the vibe of flirtation, living in the moment and finding beauty in experiences and mental stimulation. All this is taking place right in the middle of the year. It is a time for taking stock and recalibrating our intentions, examining our situation and progress. We look at our achievements in the year so far, what was a triumph, and what has let us down or veered in the wrong direction, now we can set it straight or add to previous glories.

Thinking about it from that perspective, the cards that turned up look rather ominous. Messages of bad news or difficult forebodings, even notions of misfortune. But let’s take them in Gemini style. Not one at a time, but all together simultaneously. Lets try and listen to their meaning as they all talk to us at once. What do they tell us? Perhaps they tell us: we are at the beginning of everything. In some sense or another agency is with us.

We can make a course correction as we assess where we stand in relation to people and circumstances. Even at the lowest point emotionally or physically – the number one – is that we can keep our dignity and self respect, our pride and self acceptance with humility. We might be experiencing a level of anxiety or just exhaustion from a long and demanding winter. We could be feeling a heavy energy not because we are in a bad place – indeed the opposite is just as likely – but because to get where we are, took a lot out of us.

We are still carrying a heavy load we can’t let go of, and we need support. How we feel and see the world is important. The challenges we face tell us there’s a lot that has to be resolved. In order to do this, we are going to be kind to ourselves. If we need help, we should ask for it, and it’s there for us. If others need our help, we should not hesitate. A reminder that helping others is part of our own well-being, strength and dignity. Charity starts at home and it is personal as the Sun moves through the lower part of the chart, regardless where it stands on the individual one. Love, forgiveness, generosity and everything associated with Charity will guide us in moving forward.

The Misero is moving slowly. His message is to take it easy, and keep going, bring determination and acceptance into the forefront. It’s not time yet to materialise the possibilities. But they are ahead of us. What seems rough on the outside is only the beginning, not the end. We are back at the beginning of everything every single day. And there is the other side to get to. We are not there yet. Let’s not rush the journey.
