New Moon Aries 20 April 2023 – by Flavia

We have reached the end of the road, which is also the new beginning. The beginning of the end. We are at a critical point. A turning point. With it we find ourselves filled with anxiety that we are running out of time. We are rushing to start finishing off business, whatever that might be, and wherever the second new moon in Aries falls in our chart. The new moon is happening on 20 April, 2023, at 04:12 GMT, and it is taking place at 29 degrees and 49 minutes of Aries. We already had a new moon in Aries at the zero degree in March, and now we are having a new moon at the twenty-ninth degree, the anaretic degree, the Capricorn degree, in the chart. It’s a critical new beginning of deconstruction. An eclipse that announces the dissolution of something in our lives that we might not have a say on. We are at the Aries sign of conception and ignition, and we want things to get done in the here and now. We want to go all out to get what we want in a certain area of life. We are invested in action, and we want a cause to fight for. But not so fast.

The Queen of Cups reminds us that Mars, the dispositor of the lunation, is in fall in Cancer. And the Queen of Cups is all about love, family, protection. Mars the God of war is entrusted in the defence of those vulnerable, of those we care about, and of our most intimate moments. In some way, we are asked to reconcile the drive for outward action – sparked at this point with the total impatience characterised by the critical, anaretic degree of the new moon – with environmental conditions on the ground. This can be very practical obstacles, as well as our feelings, emotions, familiar habits or past actions. But the anaretic degree is a Capricorn degree, ruled by time lord Saturn. And Saturn is both slow and at the same time impatient. Saturn reminds us that time is limited. The stress created by the sense that we are running out of time will be evident as we are at a turning point.

Mars wants to do things quick and with ferocity. Saturn is calculating and cold. Mars is wrapped up in personal ego and heroism. Saturn rules an entire epoch and the structures that sustain it. We must look to the compassionate stability of the Queen of Cups as a guide through these conflicting and rather intense times that are breaking through barriers and creating new constructs. Eclipses are always very intense and tend to be non negotiable. This one is particularly challenging, and, therefore, our response to the challenge matters a lot. How we deal with the dramatic events upon us is what makes all the difference. It is the connection we have to our instinct and emotions, our inner magic, that will save us from being overwhelmed by the eclipse.

But we will withstand any outside mayhem. As the Queen of Cups is powerful and a leader, we are offered those same gifts. We can own those gifts of power and leadership. The Queen of Cups sits majestically on her throne, surrounded by sea nymphs, and shells and gorgons, and mermaids, and all sorts of friendly oceanic sea creatures that shield her from danger and which represent her abundant watery kingdom. She’s a reminder to us that we have all that we need within us to get to where we want to be. Our inner resources are as abundant as the ocean.

And with them arrive actual physical gifts out of nowhere. The Ace of Pentacles is exactly the manifestation in real life of what is transcendental in our inner world. It is not make believe or our own fantasy. Eventually, it will have a physical dimension in the real world in things and experiences. Our attitude and inner power means we can materialise in our lives something which is an image or a word, or just an inspiration at the point of inception with the new moon.

The Star too, insists on our spirituality as our resource and power. The vastness of the night mirrors the vastness of the ocean. In fact both Saturn and Mars, who take centre stage at this second new moon in Aries, are in water signs, Pisces and Cancer. So even though the sun and moon are in a fire sign, there is a lot of emotion around, and the watery element dominates. It brings with it nostalgia, memories about the past, family life and personal relationships, comfort and a connection to the psychological realm. As we are rushing to take action or respond to crisis events, we are tempered by the environment and the sensitivity of the issues we are dealing with. The moon and sun will be in earthy Taurus a day later, and the manifestation will take place in tangible ways. Anger, strong feelings of frustration, our sense of purpose fuelled by our ego will not subside, impatience and anxiety are also critical, because the moon, naturally, will keep growing, and we have already taken off on our trajectory. For better or for worse, we are at a karmic turning point, and the beginning of the end is ignited. With The Star upon us, we remain hopeful for the best outcome.
