Valentines Love Magic 14 February 2023- by Mirasol

Two cards arrive to work with us this week, Archangel Chamuel and Earth Angel from Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. The white-blonde Archangel Chamuel wears a red top with a six-pointed star, the two triangles of female and male energies intertwined. He is confident and calm, with piercing blue eyes and large silvery white wings. Earth Angel is a white-blonde woman who holds the earth in her hands and her smile is warming and caring. Stars are depicted behind her against a dark blue sky, where her translucent wings keep her floating in the air.

Archangel Chamuel reminds us that love is here and now, and he removes any barriers around your heart to invite love to your life. Now is the time to trust that love is arriving and that this love will be the purest quality which matches your own loving vibrancy. There will be no hindrance to the soul-connection you will experience. Be open and relaxed, receive and enjoy the love, open the door and invite it in.

Earth Angel brings with her a message of gratitude, thanking you for who you are and for all that you have done in this life to help others. She asks you to continue your work of service, giving to those who need your help and advice. Your wisdom is of utmost importance to grow a more peaceful existence on earth.

Both Archangel Chamuel and Earth Angel remind us that being and expressing love without any conditions that hold, restrain or judge self or others are highlighted this year as we step forward to bring a new kind of earthed love forward.

The Venus Neptune conjunction in Pisces on the 15 February creates an atmosphere of love where new romance can begin with a spark or existing love relationships will blossom with deeply loving energy. Meditate on your own desires and wishes for love on Valentines and don’t let anybody wish these desires away. Now is the time to receive and enjoy, and let the Piscean waves float you away, to the destination of your truest dreams.

Our additional helper this week is Pink Moss Agate, an opaque beige-pink stone which strengthens vitality and will-power, giving courage and pushes us to speak our truths. It is earthing and protective for the heart chakra, connecting us back to Mother Earth where we truly belong. Pink Moss Agate shows us how to communicate, both with self-expression and with others, making co-working smoother. It opens us up to love and heals heart break and invites new grounded love into our lives. Pink Moss Agate is helpful during stressful times to find balance again through loving grounding. It attracts prosperity and safety and teaches us to focus on our own best qualities.

Valentines Journey with Pink Moss Agate

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, where you will be undisturbed. Place the pink moss agate on your heart chakra. Take a few deep breaths in and out, feel relaxed and ground yourself into the earth below you. Feel comfortable, protected and peaceful.

See yourself at the edge of an oval white marble building. There are pillars ornamented with roses around the building, and small narrow windows between these from where a warm glow escapes. Steps lead up to an oval shaped open entrance. You decide to walk up the steps and into the building. When you are inside you see that the white walls are glowing with a warm translucence, reflected from the many candles on the window sills. At the centre of the room is a circular pool and you decide to walk to it. The pool is filled with water, with an abundance of pink rose petals floating on the surface, colouring the water pink and inviting you to enter the pool.

You decide to lie down in the pink water to relax. Pink rose petals are floating around you, offering their precious scent as you relax on your back in the water. Then you begin to feel a beautiful soothing energy in your heart chakra, it feels as if the pink water is penetrating your heart’s four chambers. It cleanses and calms your heart chakra as you lie in the warm water surrounded by roses. The pink energy begins to move up, to the throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra, where it heals any self-limiting thoughts with radiant pink energy. Then the pink energy begins to move down to your solar plexus, your sacral chakra, the root chakra, then to your knees, your feet and to the earth star below, connecting and grounding you to Mother Earth. Stay in this calming pink energy for a while, and be open to receiving and enjoying the healing, and take note of any messages you receive.

After a while you notice that the pink energy is starting to withdraw. Relax and come back to the present moment. Take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes slowly. Say thank you to pink moss agate for the healing and any messages you received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How is love manifesting in your life at the moment?

What kind of love would you like to manifest in your life?

Write down your wishes and keep them in a safe place for nobody else to find.

Enjoy Valentines and remember that you are always truly loved, cherished and cared for. Wishing you a beautiful week with peace and harmony.
