New Moon Taurus 30 April 2022 – by Flavia

New intentions are grounded, growth is for the long term, benefits are tangible. We are now carving our future, we have the authority and power, we are love. And it’s all taking off with the Taurus New Moon. It is a slow start but it is steady and concrete. The new moon – and a solar eclipse – is happening on 30th April, 2022, at 10 degrees and 27 minutes of Taurus, and at 20:27 GMT.

The grounded tangibility of our achievement is pictured at the centre of the spread with the 3 of Pentacles. This is what we are planting with the new moon. The 3 of Pentacles is invariably depicting a craftsperson having completed a beautiful art object to be presenting it for viewing. It is being admired by others – probably states people, nobles or people of religious authority – while the author stands in front of it at work. The location is often a cathedral or a religious setting, giving it further meaning. So we are in the process of creating something beautiful and splendid that will be appreciated by others, who are distinguished and in a position of power. For the planets, we know, are congregating in overwhelming spiritual Pisces, including an exalted Venus, a strong Neptune in domicile and a triplicity active Mars sextiling the Sun and the Moon, as well as a freedom fighter Uranus. In fact Uranus does not even need to fight, he just does what he does, which is to destabilise, while impatient for change and renewal. And he still trines Pluto, bring depth and an unrivalled purpose of action. It is coming from underneath and it explodes up in the sky.

We have the youthful energy on our side with the Page of Cups. And on the other side, we are guided by wisdom, and sacred knowledge, with the High Priestess. Because this is a solar eclipse, undisputed gains will materialise, but the price is high and will be unconditional. So remember that the energy of the Page of Cups and the High Priestess is embedded in the gains. The elements of water and earth will dominate. We are learning how to do new things. We are also pretending to know what we are doing as we need the experience. These are practical times of trial and error, and it’s a good thing too. We are dreaming big but there is no time to sit down and analyse anything at the moment. All planets are still – at the time of the new moon – in forward motion. We are not taking stock, we are just moving on guided by our inner knowledge and love of our vision. Once we stop to think, the dream is gone. So take advantage of the momentum. It will only grow and grow from now on. Right now the landscape is still unclear and foggy, but our inner pilot is charged up. This does not mean speed yet. It is later on that the acceleration of events will happen. But it is progress, it is forming new concrete paradigms, it is breaking patterns, and it is supremely creative.
