Monthly Muses by Flavia – June 2021

Welcome to June 2021. A month that is dominated by an eclipse in Gemini, and a Mercury retrograde in its own sign, among other things, are life-fated moments sending us messages and flooding us with information. Sometimes from the past signifying returning to earlier situations and remembering old happenings, and sometimes out of nowhere finding us unprepared and unready for the occasion. And in the Tarot too, some cards do seem to repeat themselves. It is a month or repetition, revising and reviewing. But it is also a month of sociability, communication, youthful energy and emotional fulfilment. Remember we still have Jupiter in early Pisces. Venus enters Cancer straight away, and a week later Mars leaves Cancer. The unrivalled lovers meeting up and separating again. So lots of water energy all round. True to Gemini spirit, we can expect activity to go off the charts, invention, ingenuity and a busy mind moving mountains.

To navigate through the month of June we have The Queen of Cups, the 8 of Wands, and the 3 of Cups, from the Mystical Tarot. So let’s start from the centre and move to the sides. At the heart of the reading we have the 8 of Wands. It is the energy that will colour June, and is what will make it unforgettable. Moreover, the 8 of Wands describes the forces that will move and stimulate our actions. These are described as: Butterflies in various stages of metamorphosis speed across the sky atop mystical wands. The message is that things are changing fast. And they are changing through a message. Despite Wands signifying the element of fire. This is more like air quality fired up, rather than a fire burning. Fire simplifies everything. Fire is destructive and regenerative at the same time. Expect nothing to stay the same as events will move on quickly and ruthlessly in space without any regard for matter. Progress will happen quickly as is the way Gemini likes to do things, and every aspect in life will move forward despite Gemini being a scattered and unfocused energy. Remember wands are fire, and fire destroys complexity and gets rid of obstacles in a forceful way. But even though we are dealing with sudden bursts of action we have been here before. We are acting on things from the past. We are bringing forward what has already been started. What was in progress will accelerate. Things from the past will take on a new life force. Dormant desires and projects will be rekindled. It is more a case of reactivating and reenergise past experiences before leaving the dead wood behind for good. June will be the month of make or break.

Flanking the 8 of Wands is the Queen of Cups on one side and the 3 of Cups on the other. This tells me success is the outcome of our actions. And that our confidence and intuitive powers will lead us there. The Queen of Cups is absolutely powerful. Her presence is empowering. She is not negotiating as much as she is possessing. She holds the golden cup of empathy and spirituality. She is a leader energy who sits secure in her status surrounded by powerful water forces in an open space. Her domain is unlimited. She can find everything she needs within herself and so she can manifest it in the outside: ‘As within, so without’. This is our guide as well. We have what it takes to create our world in our image. The advice is to look at our inner feelings as a source of truth to get to real value, to find meaning, to possess learning.

Finally, the glorious 3 of Cups. Celebration is about sharing. It is time to rejoice. There is also the sense that we have overcome difficulties, and found solutions to problems. We have taken action to resolve stagnant situations and have managed to move on. And now it is time to be uplifted and abundant. We see a luscious forest and a blue sky in the background giving us hope, we see pumpkins which represent innumerable opportunities available to us, we see beautiful light flowing garments bringing a dreamy world into our reality. It’s all Godly. It is happiness coming from the heavens, experienced in an earthly form of expression. The golden number 3 in antiquity is the number of the three Graces, the number of Fates who are the Goddess of Destiny, the three groups of water nymphs as a healing source of nature, the Naiades, the Nereides, and Oceanids. These are associations of harmony, inspiration and understating as the number three was considered to be the first true number, because it formed a geometric figure – the triangle. Everything comes together.

The month of June starts calm and contemplative, centring inside ourselves and grounding our feelings. But quickly the energies will move us fast and our emotions will run high and wide. It will be a busy month and an exhilarating one. We will be reorganising and resourcing. At times we might struggle to keep pace with events and the outcome could surprise us. It will have a lasting effect on our lives and the way we view the world, the way we think about life and the way we express the things that matter to us. This is an auspicious month filled with lots of beautiful new beginnings and meaningful successful endings. The way we create abundance is a source from within us that doesn’t run out but will continue nurturing into our futures.
