Changing perspectives 03 November 2024 – by Mirasol

This week our card is Changing Woman from The Oracle of the Goddess by Gayan Sylvie Winter and Jo Dose. In the card we see an elderly woman with a kind, yet serious face, her gaze directed down to her left. She holds a wooden staff in her right hand and she is wearing a dark blue cloak which transforms into the night sky. At her feet and inside her cloak there is a depiction of the sunrise and a woman raising her arms to greet the ascended sun. Purple smoke and the moon cycle surround the Changing Woman and at the top right corner there is a green area with two masks and spirals.

Changing Woman is the personification of nature, she is a shape shifter and she holds the power of transformation. She can take any shape in nature and she can be difficult to see because she is constantly moving. Changing Woman reminds us that nothing is permanent and that everything is changing, this leads us to new horizons. There is no need to force change, it will happen naturally. When we accept and embrace change we become vessels of transformation and wisdom, which we can channel into the world.

We have just passed Samhain, a liminal time when the ancestors are perceived as being close by, revered and remembered by the living. The New Moon in Scorpio reminded us to pay attention to our own emotions and nourish them accordingly and also to any emotions which may be the result of others unreasonable needs, we were awaken to how to lessen the burden. Pluto’s transit to Aquarius on 19 November is anticipating a cosmic shift where old patterns will leave us and we will be introduced to a paradigm shift of collective knowledge. Utilise this time to release any patterns and behaviours which might constrict you. Be open to change and transformation as we enter a new era of thinking and being.

Our additional helper this week is Stichtite, an opaque stone containing chromium and magnesium and found in colours of pink to lilac to deep purple. It is named after Robert Carl Sticht, a mine owner who discovered the stone in 1910, in Tasmania, Australia. Stichtite has a calming and grounding energy, it is protective and it elevates compassion. It increases Kundalini energy and helps to clear blockages in the heart chakra. Stichtite encourages clear thinking, and releases old patterns of worry. It promotes tranquil environments when placed in rooms and resolves on-going conflicts, and increases the feeling of peace and love. Stichtite helps us to calm down when feeling overwhelmed and it shows us the best way forward when we are not being able to make decisions. It promotes kindness and teaches us to be gentle to others and also to ourselves and at the same time show us how to keep our boundaries strong.

Journey with the Ancestors

Close your eyes, relax and take a few deep breaths. If you have a Stichtite stone, place it on your Sacral chakra now. Let go of any tension and take a few more deep breaths and feel your mind calming. Feel protected by your personal guardian angels and guides as you begin your journey.

You are standing in front of an ornate black iron gate, decorated with flowers and leaves in red and orange colours. It is sunset and the sky is shining in gold, purple and pink. The iron gate opens and you see a narrow path, lined with candles, leading into a garden. You decide to follow the path and walk slowly into the garden, the path is surrounded by apple trees, hawthorn and rose bushes, the garden reminds you of an old fairy-tale. The path leads into a grove where see a black iron bench. You decided to walk over to the bench and sit down to admire the garden and the autumnal colours.

Suddenly you see an elderly woman approaching, she is wearing a dark blue cloak and she holds a wooden staff in her right hand. You recognise her as Changing Woman. She is smiling as she gets closer to you and her face is kind and she emits an aura of wisdom. You notice that in her left hand she holds a bundle of red thread. She begins to unravel the red thread and she hands you one end of the thread and you hold onto it. Changing Woman begins to walk away from you and unravels the roll of thread on the ground, making a line. After a few meters she stops and puts down the bundle of thread on the ground and places a big stone on it to keep it in place. The she beckons you to move forward along the thread.

You begin to walk slowly along the red thread, towards Changing Woman. While you are walking you begin to see visions of your family in your mind. They wave at you and tell you how much they love you. As you walk along the red thread, more family members rush forward to greet you, and they all remind you of how much they love you. You recognise ancestors from a long time ago, even though some of them you have never met. You keep on walking slowly towards the end of the thread and embrace all visions and knowledge which are arriving along the way.

There is a feeling of deep love and healing which is pulsating in your body and travelling along your chakras, beginning at the feet, and going upwards, to your knees, to your root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat, third eye and crown chakra. You can feel the energy of the red thread unravelling inside your body and you sense a lot of blockages being cleansed away. The presence of the ancestors is strong and if you have any questions to your ancestors, ask them now.

When you reach the end of red thread you can see that Changing Woman is not there and the garden begins to fade. You find yourself back at the iron gate, you walk through it to get back to your starting point and close the gate behind you. Take a deep breath and connect to the ground beneath you. When you feel ready, start to move your fingers and toes, ankles and wrists, and bring your awareness back to your physical body. Slowly open your eyes, and feel cleansed and balanced. You have healed ancestral memories, say thank you to your ancestors and to Changing Woman for their support.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

Write down information, names and living locations, occupations, marriages and divorces, and any memories you have of your ancestors, going back three generations.

Consider three things you would like to release which are limiting your current goals. Write these down on a piece of paper and release them into a water stream on a full moon.


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