Autumn Equinox Journey to Atlantis 23 September 2024 – by Mirasol

This week we will journey with the Healing Heart card from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. In the card we see two mermaids, one older and one younger, perhaps a mother and child, immersed in water. Their mermaid fins are visible in the turquoise water and there are fish swimming beneath them. Lush greenery, tropical flowers and an exotic bird provide a tranquil environment. Above the mermaids heads are circular patterns in pink, orange, yellow and green, perhaps symbolising healing energy. Holding each other, the mermaids appear to be connected in an embrace of compassion and love.

The message of the card is to remind us that the world needs healers and that your own healing ability is heightened and in demand now. Being compassionate to yourself and to others every day contributes to the collective healing of humanity and Mother Earth. Your heart is your greatest asset, stay grounded in love and remember that healing is a continuous process by holding a vision of peace and love. While this card reminds us to help others, it also reminds you to nurture yourself, especially if you have been giving too much time and energy to others. Kind and helpful persons often forget to step back from too many commitments and don’t prioritise their own energy levels. Devote some time to yourself and practice your favourite healing method to replenish body, soul and mind.

With Autumn Equinox behind us we have entered Libra season and we become eager to find balance and beauty, through connections with our other halves and with people who can smoothly help us enjoy our journey. Meanwhile we are under the influence of an extended Mars in Cancer and Leo transit, see dates below, a transformative period of water and fire. Our card this week resonates with both Cancer and Leo energy, with water being the domain of Cancer and Leo living from the heart centre. Cancer craves emotional security, while Leo wishes to express dreams and bring them into reality. During the Mars in Cancer transit we want to be nurtured and protected so that we are ready to courageously step out of our comfort zone when Mars enters Leo. Replenish yourself during this Mars in Cancer transit with sea salt baths, swimming, and spending time by lakes and rivers. These water rituals will wash away stuckness and revitalise your energetic system to prepare you for the Mars in Leo transit, when we begin to work efficiently on bringing our deepest wishes into the world for others to enjoy.

Mars in Cancer 4 September to 4 November.

Mars in Leo 4 November to 5 January 2025.

Mars in Cancer 6 January to 17 April 2025.

Mars in Leo 18 April to 17 June 2025.

Our additional helper this week is Prophecy stone, an opaque, dark brown-black stone which forms in clusters, resembling rock formations or meteorites, found in the deserts of Egypt and Libya. Prophecy stones are pseudomorphs, which means a transformation from one mineral replacing another while retaining the original crystal shape, Prophecy stone is composed of limonite and hematite that have replaced pyrite. Prophecy stone enhances intuition and clairvoyance and can help with past- and future life retrieval, and to understand your soul’s journey. It helps to connect with higher consciousness, spiritual awareness and deep meditative states. Because it contains hematite, Prophecy stone has a strong grounding effect and allows us to stay connected to the physical world while exploring a variety of esoteric methods. It is a perfect companion for personal growth during life changes and transformations because Prophecy stone has itself transformed from pyrite to hematite and limonite. It will support and strengthen you as you grow into a new version of yourself. Prophecy stone helps to bring dreams into reality and provides focus which makes it an excellent stone for manifestation.

Journey to Atlantis

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax. If you have a Prophecy stone, place it on your root chakra now. Let go of any tension in your body and allow your mind to settle. Feel grounded and protected as you begin your journey.

Imagine that you are standing on a white golden beach, feeling the warm sand beneath your feet with the soft whisper of waves caressing the shoreline. In the distance you see golden buildings and recognise this as Atlantis, the mysterious, ancient place which vanished a long time ago. You begin to walk into the crystal-clear turquoise ocean, the water is warm and gently lapping against your body. Gliding smoothly through the water, you begin to get closer to Atlantis. When you enter the shore, you are met by a guide dressed in a long white robe, her hair shining blue-black, with stunning emerald green eyes. She welcomes you and takes you through the streets of Atlantis. You admire the golden coloured buildings and the gentle inhabitants who are busy with their everyday activities.

Your guide leads you to a lush garden, filled with vibrant plants and ponds with crystal-clear waters. In this sacred space, you feel that the air is filled with love and harmony. Your guide shows you to a section of the garden with a circular building, a small chamber filled with glowing crystals in different colours. You decide to sit down among them for a while and you feel calm and centred.

A beautiful deep purple colour begins to radiate from one of the crystals, you observe as the colour is coming towards you and enters your root chakra. You feel how the purple energy cleanses and energises this area. The purple light travels down to your knees and feet, cleansing and energising all these areas and then connects you to the Earth chakra below. The purple energy travels upwards to your sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat, third eye and crown chakra, and you feel how old blockages and stuckness are released. The deep purple light envelopes you and you are cleansed and energised in every part of your body. Enjoy the energy of the purple colour and tune into your heart centre and sense all the changes which you want to make and all the dreams you wish to manifest into being. If you have any questions for your Atlantean guide, ask them now.

Slowly, the purple energy begins to fade and you find yourself back on the golden beach where you began your journey. Take a deep breath and feel grounded. When you’re ready, begin to move your fingers and toes, bringing your awareness back to your physical body. Slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed and aligned. Atlantis is now a part of your inner journey, a place you can return to whenever you seek wisdom, balance and peace.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What are your deepest wishes for this new season? Write them down, and put the most important wish first, this will focus your intention to bring it into reality.

Create a small altar or a visual collage with objects representing your wish. Spend five minutes every day sending love to your altar/collage.


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