New Moon Cancer 5 July 2024 – by Flavia

The moon, which represents the material world, the familiar, the close by, the everyday, the experiential, as well as the fleeting and impermanent, is in domicile. We are coming from spirit into matter. New beginnings are crucial. But, they happen under immense pressure coming both ways. It is the New Moon that takes place on 5 July 2024, at 22:57 GMT, and at 14 degrees and 23 minutes of Cancer. The moon is the reflection of light. Our connection to the source. At the new moon the sky is dark, and we are gathering our resources in order to make life real.

But this is not an ordinary new moon in Cancer. It is a new moon in Cancer sandwiched between two full moons in Capricorn – and I can’t stress this enough. Therefore, our new beginnings are happening under pressure coming from the outside, or conditions outside of our choosing, or our person, that require taking matters seriously. We are confronted with having to deal with all the heaviness of being in the real world in a disciplined and mature manner. The options are limited and restrictive.

As we are embarking on our new journey, this lack of choice is nothing other than a blessing in disguise. The Fool reassures us that we need to keep it simple, keep it light, keep it flowing. A lot of stuck energy will just wash away, one way or another. Our procrastination comes at an end. The circumstances require it, and forces are just too big around us pushing into this outcome. The pressure may come from groups, or teams in our social environment, work or family, or even natural practical conditions that require us to let go of unnecessary stuff. One way or another, we are moving on. All we need is our emotional strength and intuitive powers to get us where we are going. We are moving with hope and optimism to transcend practical limitations.

We feel the need of initiation – Cancer is a cardinal sign after all – but what comes next might surprise us, because it looks like it’s a static card. The Seven of Coins, is a card of evaluation and retrospection. Taking the time to look back at our hard work and assess what we have come up with. We are not exactly enjoying the fruits of our labour – that comes later – instead we are contemplating how far we have come and the material manifestation of our past actions. It is a card that has history behind it. It’s a card of reflection. Pressure is growing. It almost contradicts the careless and spontaneous energy of The Fool. The Seven of Pentacles looks almost weary. But it makes perfect sense with the fact that this new moon is flanked by two full moons in Capricorn. A methodical and deliberate sign of practical beginnings that often comes across rather melancholic, Capricorn, represents a mature approach to solving problems and ascending a hierarchical construct. Something has, undeniably, reached completion that frames our decision making approach and plans for the future. The new moon in Cancer – between the two full moons in Capricorn – takes place in an atmosphere of absolute culmination and stark endings that do not delight us.

A sense of dissatisfaction may permeate this rather romantic new moon, which trines Neptune in Pisces. The abundance of love and emotional truth seeking informs action. Ultimately, we need more to feel complete in our bodies.

The Six of Swords is a further indication that we are cutting ties decisively to past way of thinking, past practices or habits that we have found to be detrimental to our well-being and happiness. But the decision or process towards better life and happiness is not easy, and it is not, necessarily, fun. We are not enjoying the transition. In fact, it is veiled in a sort of emotional turmoil, loss or hardship that pushes us outwards taking steps into the unknown. Swords are a suit that represents mind, logic, thinking. It is Mercurial and it is relational. We are not alone in this drive to reach new shores. Others will inform our way of conceiving and assessing our situation, and some are coming with us on this journey.

The road ahead maybe hard, treacherous and full of unknown obstacles as we are ridding high on emotion. So, we are going to need all the strength we can master. We are at the precipice of a new project, a new adventure, a new phase in our lives. We are leaving the past behind feeling rather remorseful, regretful, or just a bit nostalgic about it. The way forward, however, is moving in only one direction. We are moving straight ahead fearless about pursuing our dreams with trust in ourselves and our capacity to achieve the goals we have set out. We are already on the boat to our future. Leaving security behind on our journey out in the world, there is no turning back.
