Midsummer Solstice & Vision Quest 29 June 2024 – by Mirasol

This week we are working with two cards from the Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer. In the first card, Desert, we see a dry, orange-brown, rocky landscape with yellow-orange desert plants against a blue sky. In the second card, Fairies, there is a luminous light-blue fairy standing on a pink-violet flower. Her left hand is raised and her gaze is focused on something to the left. Green leaves are painted behind her, these are illuminated by sparkling rays, perhaps from the moon.

The Desert card brings us a message of Vision Quest and asks us to spend time in solitude and to go within to ask and receive new insights. Whether you choose to do a vision quest in your home or by spending time outside in nature, you will find the peace and solace needed to observe and take note of new messages. The Fairies card reminds us of Earth Magic and our connection to nature and how to best take care of the plants, flowers and trees around us. Finding the time to harvest and nurture ourselves with the earth and her plants will strengthen our body and also our intuition as we begin to trust the nudges our bodies give us.

Last week’s Summer Solstice, the sun’s transit to Cancer and the full moon in Capricorn, combined the energies of the mother and the father archetypes, bringing us closer to our families. Whether connected by blood-ties or soul-groups, the people closest to you have been turning up to support you. Even if you have not noticed this, their silent love has been pushing you to open up to new forms of expression and truthful wisdom. Enjoy the summer months and be open to the surprises coming your way as we welcome the bountiful blossoming of Venus and Mercury, dancing their way from Cancer to Leo, and showing you how to take your own steps to shine, commit, communicate and cherish life.

Ethereal Vera Cruz Amethyst is our additional helper this week. It is found in Vera Cruz, Mexico and comes in a variety of purple colours, from deep purple to pale lavender, and grows in singular points, or flower-like clusters. Vera Cruz Amethyst has a compassionate energy and helps us to connect to our highest self and expands our intuition and spirituality in new ways. It is connected to the third eye and the crown chakra, and helps us to reach deep meditative states. Vera Cruz Amethyst awakens us to love and shows us how easy it is to love fully and freely. It has a balancing effect and relieves nervous tension and helps us to find calmness, in both body and in our living environment.

Midsummer Vision Quest

Find a quiet place to lie or sit down, where you will be undisturbed. Take a few deep breaths in and out and relax. Let all tension go and feel safe and grounded. If you have a Vera Cruz Amethyst place it on your third eye.

Then see yourself at the edge of an arid desert landscape, it is night time and your are surrounded by orange-red coloured rocks which sparkle under the full moon. You hear birds and animal noises and you feel protected by their presence. You begin to walk across the desert floor, you look down and see small pale purple flowers on the ground, forming a path for you to follow. After a while you see a sparkling purple rock ahead of you and you aim for this. When you approach the purple rock you see that it is an amethyst throne, and there are a few steps leading up to it. You decide to walk up the steps and sit down on the throne. From the throne you look at the sky and see beautiful hues of purple, from dark to very light and these colours make you feel very relaxed. You close your eyes for a while to enjoy the energy of the healing throne.

You begin to feel a beautiful light purple colour coming from the amethyst throne. It is a calming energy which enters your crown chakra and cleanses this area, leaving your mind clear and focused. Then the light purple colour travels down to your third eye, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus, sacral and root chakra, and cleanses all these areas so that they vibrate and feel joyful. The purple light travels further down your legs, knees and feet, and you feel grounded to Mother Earth below. You sit in this calming energy for a while and meditate on your own personal healing and vision quest. If you have any questions to Mother Earth you can ask them now. The answers might not arrive immediately but you will receive them at the right moment.

After a while you feel how the purple colour begins to withdraw from your body and you feel that you begin to return to the present moment. Move your body gently, circle your wrists and hands, ankles and feet, and feel grounded. Open your eyes slowly and say thank you to Veracruz Amethyst for the journey and the healing received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

Where can you conduct your own Vision Quest?

Is there a specific movement or charity which concerns earth’s wellbeing which you can become part of or donate to?


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