Full Moon Capricorn 22 June 2024 – by Flavia

Endings, endings, endings. Bells are ringing that our abundance might not be unbounded, our physical health and agency has limits, and time is running out in all sorts of ways. In fact, it’s time to preserve what we can and just let go of the superfluous. A feminine, receptive, and earthy Saturn is quietly bringing in a climax, a culmination of events that signals the end of the road. But maybe not just yet. It is the Full Moon, that happens back to back with the Cancer Solstice, taking place on 22 June 2024, at 01:07 GMT, and at 01 degrees and 06 minutes of Capricorn. It is the first full moon in a sequence of two full moons in Capricorn that take place in 2024. The first at the beginning of the sign, in late June, and the second at the last and critical degree of the same sign, in July. Between them, there will be the new moon in Cancer.

And so, we’ve got the Justice card. The card denoting Libra, where Saturn is exalted. Libra is about relationships, otherness and contracts. Saturn is about commitment and time. Libra delegates roles of conduct, and Saturn’s authority brings limitations that make social life possible for all. Saturn is cold. Justice must be unemotional. Saturn, as the ruler of the lunation, is empowered in Pisces, the last and most transcendental sign in the zodiac. And, Saturn’s message is austere and consequential. Saturn’s message carries weight and tells us that we need to detach from the familiar and homely – not just in our immediate environment, but where ever we operate from. It teaches discipline and maturity in approaching obstacles and the burdens of life on earth, with steely determination, in order to overcome them and achieve our higher goals, our higher purpose.

However, the outcome and meaning will not be understood fully for weeks and months to come. We’ll be living with the heavy energy of the double Saturnian lunation, and vibes of the sandwiched Cancer, until, at least, the new moon in Capricorn at the end of 2024, and the full moon in Cancer, in January 2025. This period is going to be explosive and unimaginable in terms of predictability. How things will work out, it’s anyone’s guess. But it’s going to be extremely busy with logistics, networking, human interaction and technological input, scheming, planning, negotiating and reversals of fortune. Yes. Jupiter has, only about a month ago, moved into Mercurial Gemini. It’s a total change of pace. Everything is in motion. Following the electrifying conjunctions of planets with Uranus in Taurus, events pick up speed and find us out of breath. Now all systems are go.

With the Eight of Cups following the Justice card, one thing is certain; we are walking away, leaving something, or several things, behind. It can be a home, a love, an ambition. Whether the decision is made by us, or for us, doesn’t really matter at this point. Justice has be done. This is one of the most unambiguous Eight of Cups I’ve seen, because someone is explicitly turning their back on a row of golden cups. Possibly, the cups of wealth and success. We are turning our back to a number of options, with unemotional decisiveness and cold determination, we are becoming ruthless in cutting ties, and we’re moving on like a thief under the moonlight night.

And here we have even more swords following from the Justice’s sword of intellect. The Seven of Swords, which has a much more cryptic meaning. Someone is secretly holding a number of swords under a cloak, while moving away from a camp at night. The secretive, suspicious, possibly hurried action leaves a lot of questions unanswered. It’s a mental card denoting an intellectual process, a plan, a scheme (once again), a criminal act of clandestine nature, but nothing more is that clear. And, of course, it is perfectly in keeping not just with the direction of travel but also for the fact that we have only had chapter one of the plot line. We have to wait for the second Capricorn lunation to know more. We need much more evidence, many more events need to come to light and many more actors have to reveal themselves, before we start grasping the significance of our current situation. And a lot is coming to us from the outside, from others, whether it’s individuals, or groups of people. Full moons always reveal something that has history behind it. They are points of culmination of previous events and actions.

But this full moon is much more than that. It is the beginning of the end of a fundamental truth. Not just a culmination, but a total destruction. One so complete that the fragments wont be able to make sense into a whole again. It’s a full on detachment from the comfort and security of the past. A new truth and a new beauty must be created from the beginning. It starts with the way we think, the way we communicate, and our thought process in a completely embodied way, reflected in the moonlight.
