Full Moon Sagittarius 23 May 2024 – by Flavia

We have reached a febrile and incendiary moment. Out of the pot and into the fire. The energy will reverberate across all sectors and spheres of life, personal or collective. It is the Full Moon, that happens as Jupiter is about to move into Gemini, taking place on 23 May 2024, at 13:52 GMT, and at 02 degrees and 54 minutes of Sagittarius. We have the ruler of the full moon, a prominent Jupiter going into its exile and fall in Gemini. A planet of optimism, success and expansion will have to restrict itself with minimal resources and a lack of opulence and grandeur.

This is a super lively full moon, full of excitement and action in a fiery, masculine sign. Sagittarius is also a mutable sign, so there is no avoiding change, like it or not. But there is frustration and an aggressive quality permeates. It’s most likely that it’s change forced upon us suddenly that we are not going to like. Mars is in passionate Aries looking for a fight, before he goes into fall in Taurus, which only means that Mars will hold on to whatever he has started off. And Jupiter having just conjunct Uranus moves into a sextile with Neptune, in the last degrees of Pisces, another mutable sign. It’s one change and one reversal of fortune after another. We are in deep waters and a shaky ground.

And yet we have to prepare for more uncertainty to come to light. Gemini is small living, fragmentation, competition, detailed shopping lists, transactional relationships, nervous behaviour, comings and going, more interest in numbers than value, focus on the particular rather than the great, communication and a general interest in technology. The full moon in Sagittarius will spark a one year cycle of Jupiter in Gemini that will see all of us fall under the spell. Jupiter will want to do things wholistically and bring to us truth and freedom, but Gemini would want to churn out information and logistics just because they are there. What we do with it, it’s our business.

The Seven of Cups shows us, indeed, that we are inundated with choice, with options, and with material opportunities, gifts and tempting offers. But deciding where to go and what to do, will not be so easy or straight forward. The Sagittarius energy is an energy of plenty. The mutability of it makes it almost impossible to settle somewhere. And given everything else that is going on up in the sky, things are even more complicated down here on earth. So now we are procrastinating, thinking rather than doing, contemplating instead of taking action. Every offering represented by each cup, feels like a trap, as we are overanalysing and imagining scenarios that might never happen, or are not even relevant. Counter-intuitive as this might be, overthinking is a certain way to drive us further, and further away from achieving our goals and finding happiness. The Seven of Cups is, ultimately, the card of dreams and illusions. It’s a good energy for being creative, in its transient form, but not for being productive in a practical sense. And therefore the scene is set for distancing ourselves from satisfying our desires or finding the best solutions.

Living in the moment, being present and realistic about our material conditions, will be much more satisfying and fulfilling. At the centre of the spread sits the King of Wands. We have a wise and confident masculine archetype. A leader that embraces the past, and trusts his own competency. The suit of wands represents the fire element, so once again we are within the domain of passion and action. The King of Wands is inspiring. He comes from small humble beginnings to become a formidable figure, an innovative authority. The King of Wands seeks the truth and is bold in taking charge. He instructs us to have achievable goals, to release ideas that are stuck in our heads about ways of doing things and be open to alternative solutions. The King energy is full of charisma that spreads like a wildfire. A truly motivating outgoing energy.

We are at a full moon which is a point of culmination and of endings. The frustration we are feeling comes exactly from the conflicting restless energy urging us to take action on the one hand, and on the other, events, choices and reversals that throw us into confusion and turmoil.

The solution? It’s always the Fool that comes as the god ex-machina.
