New Moon Taurus 8 May 2024 – by Flavia

This may is the most joyful time of the year. A grand line up of energy is congregated in a small part of the zodiac. An area of sweeping endings and powerful beginnings. It’s all happening in Pisces, Aries and Taurus – action and comfort will be competing for our attention. An ambitious time for personal achievement and lusty for material pleasures. Promising brutal force and earthly pursuits cosmic forces will hypnotise us and take us along. Eventually, we’ll all turn to others to exchange experiences and express thinking, and organise our business planning. But, for now, it is the initiation of a blooming moment. It is the New Moon that takes place on 8 May 2024, at 03:21 GMT, and at 18 degrees and 01 minute of Taurus.

All action and circumstance is happening around Venus. The conjunctions of personal planets, and the Sun, to Uranus take place in Taurus; the fixed, feminine, earthy domain of Venus. And what Venus wants, Venus gets. Venus is the planet of harmony and attraction. In Taurus we have comfort and pleasure, the beautiful things of life, fertility and harmonious sounds, bird songs, luscious landscapes, art and design. But that doesn’t mean that we’re in for a quiet time.

Venus, Sun, Moon Uranus and Jupiter are all travelling through Taurus competing for supremacy, while, first Mercury, and then Mars are on their way to Taurus too. It’s a case of the golden epic lines of Sophocles in Antigone; Eros invincible in battle. Because Eros, son of Aphrodite, would always win. Eros is everywhere and always around us, cruises along the seas, lives in gardens and mountaintops, hovers around in villages and sneaks into towns, at daytime or night, defeated by no one, human or god, is the ruin of ancient institutional laws as it supersedes all.

Now we’ve got the picture of what we’re faced with, let’s take it seriously. This is the time to fight for what we really love. This is the time for setting intentions to settle for nothing less than the ultimate Eros in life. Once planets move into Gemini it will be the time to articulate, plan and talk to others about it. But what ever it might be, it will have to be in the service of love and Venus, of sensual, material virtues of peace and stability, embodied harmony and beauty. In few days Jupiter will be moving into Gemini and there will be a change of pace, and the storyline will be moved forwards. So this is the most amazing moment to hold the power of the gift of the new moon, an exalted new moon in Taurus, with a current Venus in her own sign.

The Eight of Cups, is the card of the new moon. It’s feminine quality, the night time, the reflecting warmth of the fire and the solitude moment we are sharing with our selves in total meditation. It is the moment when we draw all our powers inwardly to gain strength before we take on a new task, a new adventure, a new social position. Out in nature in complete alignment with our inner emotions, we can connect with what is true and good. A card of deep meaning, it’s super empowering with meaning and purpose. A supreme reminder of setting intentions at this time with emotional clarity and intuitive force. It leads to The Nine of Pentacles, which is wealth and health, gained through spiritual connection and a disciplined life.

The Nine of Pentacles represents material satisfaction and security. The richly dressed beautiful lady in her abundant garden is pleasant and joyful. This card could be the ultimate Taurus card. Especially, as it’s depicting an outdoors scene of a well looked after garden where nothing is wild or excessive, but luscious and fertile. Through the falcon, the card is also a card of focus and direction. It tells us that where energy goes, success follows. The coin and the lustrous floor is an invitation to keep the energy clean and the flow slick in order to attract wealth. But the cobwebs might be a subtle warning. The warning comes in the form of The Five of Cups. There will be loss along the way. It will be physical loss. It will be loss that will bring sadness and disappointment that we will have to learn how to accept, and how to move beyond it, because, ultimately, we are stronger than that. It’s a momentous time of change and of big substantive things coming into and going out of our lives. Unexpectedly and without warning, harmony will be disrupted, but we should not waver. We should stay steadfast in pursuit of love, truth and beauty. They are the things that will make us unbeatable in every battle, as they are the supreme value and the highest goods.
