Full Moon Scorpio 23 April 2024 – by Flavia

It is a turning point, and a cathartic point in time. We are happy we have left the eclipses behind us for a while, but explosive energies that will purify and transform are still ahead of us. In fact the eclipses and other planetary movements going on for the last three months are, basically, the build up to events around the April full moon when it is the biggest event of the year. It is the Full Moon, that follows the Jupiter conjunction to Uranus across the sky in Taurus, taking place on 23 April, 2024, at 23:48 GMT, and at 04 degrees and 17 minutes of Scorpio.

The conjunction of Jupiter to Uranus, still relatively muted, will be energised two weeks later with the new moon and several beneficiary planetary movements to follow. So we are finishing off business. It is the first full moon in Scorpio in two years that is not on the south node, but we are still picking up the pieces with a partial eclipse. And this full moon has all the attributes of an invigorated Scorpio. It further illuminates, enhanced and accentuated the Jupiter conjunction to Uranus, which starts a new 14 year cycle. Scorpio is the fixed sign of merging, of becoming one with others following from Libra’s focus on harmonising with others, and is the sign of passion, power and finance. A Mars ruled sign of defending and holding on to value. A sign ruled by darkness. This is the place of the fall of the moon, and the symbolic and physical loss of the sun’s light, as we are heading into the winter months. The energies of revelation and release need, therefore, to be at least as strong as those exerted by the power of Scorpio. And yet, at the full moon that’s exactly what we are asked to do. And must do it successfully. We find ourselves at a point of completion. Winter is gone, but not forgotten.

The cards we have are very dramatic. They speak of fundamental change right at the heart of everything, difficult nights, bad dreams, hurt, and a mysterious moon light illuminating and distorting shadows in the dark. And while Venus, thankfully, operates with all her powers of comfort and beauty in her home sign of Taurus, Mars, the ruler of the lunation, is debilitated and full on emotional in Pisces.

The Wheel of Fortune tells us to accept change and let go of anything that becomes a burden or irrelevant in our environment and in ourselves. As the Wheel spins and turn, and re-arranges our life without our will and without any regard for our life plans and wishes, we better stay centred in our selves and our own intuitive power. Staying centred is the only way for us not to get thrown off that wheel. As a card appearing for the full moon in Scorpio, a fixed sign, it shows us all the suffering we incur while we try to hold on to stuff that is effectively gone. Their use, pleasure, or meaning has lost its significance. We cant do it and the struggle becomes a nightmare. We can’t hold on to stuff that is corrupt and poisonous, because that’s just the law of the universe. And our lives are part of it. In the Graeco-Roman pantheon, even the gods were subject to fate and necessity, the laws of physics and karma. We are only humans. But we reflect everything that is godly. When abundance turns to scarcity, it’s just a fact of life. Resist it and it gets stronger. So, it’s about not fighting loss, but receive what we’ve got coming with acceptance and gratitude, and see the blessings that come with it once it flows through.

The Wheel of Fortune comes with a warning card next to it. It’s the Nine of Swords. It’s definitely the card of super anxiety, of mental anguish, of nervous stresses. It’s Swords, therefore, a card of the mind. In the Nine of Swords we see all the dreadful fears and worries that clog up our minds, we may suffer sleepless nights with Mars in Pisces, no doubt, we could be imagining terrible outcomes of events outside our powers, relationships failing, abandonment and lack of resources. But, as the penultimate card before the Ten of Swords, we are just before a complete and non-negotiable end point before we move on to something else. Our thinking will shift and find new ways of approaching life.

Scorpio shows us our fears but also how to resolve and surpass them. The Moon is in exile in Scorpio, and the Moon card shows us all those hidden exiled feelings we keep locked inside, out of light and out of action. They just sit there. Now it’s the time to acknowledge and honour them. It’s time to get back in touch with our deeper selves. A full moon in Scorpio may make all feel tired, angry, restless, unloved. But it’s in the mind and the mind needs a release of pain and bad substances. So take the cleansing plunge. Rest, sleep, do not over eat or over indulge, take it easy, do some self care, from a foot bath to a massage or sauna. Keep it simple, let complexity dissolve. It’s a powerful cathartic moment helping us to move on to better and more successful outcomes, feeling light and renewed under the light of the full moon. And we might be surprised by the abundance and creativity that lies ahead in the physical and in the spiritual realm.
