Lilac light 3 February 2024 – by Mirasol

This week we will work with the Lilac card from the Magic of Flowers Oracle. The card depicts a woman standing straight, with her arms at her sides and her eyes closed, in a trance-like state. She is wearing a lilac sleeveless dress with a translucent chiffon cloth over her arms. Shining stars are painted across the dark sky behind her and the woman also has a bright star on her forehead, and her dress is adorned with sparkling stars. Lilacs grow behind and around her.

The messages from lilac are that we remember our existence lies at the passage between the worlds, we exist on the border of the unseen and seen, the unknown and known, and we are supported by healing spirits during our journey in life. Lilac wants us to trust our intuition and to know that all the knowledge of the universe is already available to us. We already know what to do and lilac supports us in taking the steps towards our destination.

We have just celebrated two days of Imbolc, the ceremony of Brigid, the Goddess of wisdom, poetry, healing and crafts. She welcomes transitions which help to shine your own light, and she supports and strengthens our own unique qualities and skills. The Leo full moon reminded us that our inner fire is helping us to move forward and that it helps us to transmute difficult situations. We can prepare and work towards our goals under the new cosmic energies of Pluto in Aquarius, which urges us to think in new ways and to incorporate community ethos into our lives on a larger scale. Looking ahead to the new moon in Aquarius, we have begun to shift to a fresh, more detached consciousness which will support us for the next weeks.

Our additional helper this week is silver aventurine, also called white aventurine. It is an opaque stone, silvery white in colour, with sparkling mica inclusions. Aventurine gets its’ name from the Italian a ventura, by chance. Silver aventurine is grounding, protective and uplifting. It is connected to both the root and crown chakras, and helps us to align with earth wisdom and higher consciousness simultaneously. Silver aventurine balances the feminine and the masculine within us and it helps with self-reflection, clear vision, and it attracts prosperity and new opportunities. It is associated with a sense of peace and directs us to find and increase our self-love. Silver aventurine promotes leadership and it shows us how we can become the strongest and wisest version of ourselves.

Journey to welcome your own star-light

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, where you will be undisturbed. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, let all tension go, until you feel relaxed and grounded. Then imagine that you are standing at a beautiful ornate gate, decorated with tiny sparkling stars. The gate is leading into a lush garden and you decide to open the gate and walk through it, into the garden. It is early evening, and still light, with a pleasant breeze in the late summer season. You follow the path through the garden. There are bushes and flowers and trees of many kinds in the garden and you admire their colours and shapes. Ahead, you notice a very large lilac tree. You walk towards it and admire its’ colour and inhale the beautiful scent.

Underneath the lilac tree there is a bench, decorated with small stars, the same as the gate. You decide to sit down on the bench to rest for a while. You look up at the lilac tree, the stunning flowers are swaying and making you feel at peace, their scent is soothing and relaxing. Closing your eyes, you make yourself comfortable on the bench and feel very peaceful and safe. Then you begin to sense a beautiful silvery colour from above. It seems to come from the lilac tree. You sit calmly and feel how the silvery light is flowing into your crown chakra and cleansing and lighting up this area. Then the silver light travels downwards to your third eye and cleanses this area and then continues through all your chakras, to your throat chakra, your heart, the solar plexus, the sacral chakra, the root chakra, the knees, feet and then down to the earth, connecting to the Earth Chakra below you. You feel how the silvery light is connecting you deep into the earth and her powerful healing qualities. Then the silvery light continues upwards, from your feet and into every part of your body and out into your aura. You feel very peaceful and enjoy this cleansing action. The silver light places a shining star into your third eye to provide you with clear sight and focus. You sit in this gorgeous energy for a while.

Then you feel how the silvery light is beginning to retract and leaving your body. You feel that you are returning to the present moment. Feel grounded and take a deep breath, and return to the here and now. Open your eyes slowly and say thank you to the silvery light of the lilac tree for the healing received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What is your natural star quality and how can you make this shine this year?

Spend some time cleansing away anything which may block your own star quality.
