New Moon Capricorn 11 January 2024 – by Flavia

New beginnings are golden. Here are the news from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot. The new year starts slow for us all but steadily we are engaged more and more towards mastery and joy. The cards point towards practical outcomes and happy new beginnings. We enter new territory. The New Moon takes place on 11 January, 2024, at 11:57 GMT, and at 20 degrees and 44 minutes of Capricorn. We are already in Capricorn season. Earthy and cardinal Capricorn is an initiating, leadership sign, that will gift us with maturity and longevity in any enterprise we under take. It’s ruler – and dispositor of this new moon – is exalted in Pisces. This adds a spiritual fluid dimension to the energies of the new moon in Capricorn, softening the harsh or unemotional aspects of its archetypal character.

It is not all-work-and-no-play as you might have thought. But it definitely means business. We have the Three of Coins to point to a lot of work and long term commitment if we want to succeed and reach the happy state of the Six of Cups. The artisan loves her work. It is physical as well as aesthetic and intelligent work. We will become a craftsman and a sort of artisan ourselves, in that we are going to use our hands to create and change our environment in tangible ways. And the work will be successful as we see from the two figures observing the craftsman’s work at the cathedral or palace. They look like prominent authority and high ranking figures supervising while the work is carried out before them.

We are at a point where we are masters of our profession but there is still a lot to be done for us to advance where we want to be. And there is a need to be seen. There is the need to be acknowledged by others, as well as ourselves being happy with the outcome of our work. We are talking about earthy practical issues here. We are now taking action according to our training and after re-visioning our values on issues of aesthetics and materiality, from the influence of Jupiter in Taurus that just turned direct. We have a Jupiter and Uranus sending wonderful, the strongest possible, support to the new moon.

Some of it might be sudden and unexpected. Uranus will give us quick solutions. Not everything will be laid out for us however. Our resources might be minimal. But our enthusiasm will be expansive. We are looking to the future with optimism. We have little to lose. There will be some type of risk-taking involved and perhaps we’ll discover that our innocent expectations do not materialise exactly as we imagined. At the centre of the spread we have The Fool. The first and foremost card of new beginnings, of a fresh start, or an inception.

The Fool is the card of initiation par excellence. The theme of January 2024, is indeed dominated by the energy of The Fool. And while the planets continue their direct motion – as they do in January – for some more months, this energy will only grow and spread across many of our activities. The outcome will be physical. We will experience it in our lives, in the real world. As with the Three of Coins, we are at the early stages of something monumental that requires tenacity, practicality, and sticking to it in adversity with hope. The Three of Coins is also a card of technology and communication. We use technology (our tools) to craft, to give form to an idea or a concept that will be enjoyed by others, that will be shared (communicated) experientially with the wider world.

Finally, let’s remind ourselves that we do everything for love. That is the greatest lesson to take away from this reading. We start or journey of 2024 with the hope and adventurous energy of The Fool, engage in work that requires practical knowledge and dedication, work that its outcome will be enjoyed with others, and it will all be because of love. Love of knowledge, love of beauty, love of others. Indeed it is a very strongly influenced Venusian new moon – for a lot of complicated reasons – but also an action focused one with Mars nearby, and very productive with an exalted Saturn as its ruler.

It is a nostalgic kind of love in many respects. and it foretells the upcoming full moon in Leo two weeks later. So the Six of Cups gives us a preview of the outcome of our hard work and display or transmission of its outcome in view of the Three of Coins. All cards point to our relationship not just with each other, but also with society. We see a cathedral in the Three of Coins and a village in the background in the Six of Cups, symbols of unity and cooperation. With The Fool walking towards new territory, our position in society becomes more conscious and can change for ever. These are all cards of respect and harmony, of contribution to something greater than ourselves, and at the same time of joy and pleasure in the simple acts of life.

So big changes are coming regarding how we are being seen and our place in the world. They start with small steps and large expectation of better times, a slight nostalgia or loss of innocence, but with the promise of more comfort and security for the future.
