Full Moon Taurus 28 October 2023 – by Flavia

This is a kicker. Just when you thought the pinch is over, it keeps on going. That uncomfortable and draining feeling reaches its crescendo and becomes an explosion. It’s the last lunar eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio axis for the next nine years. It is an outer sign eclipse, which tells us that even as events have moved on, we can not move on just yet. Not until we have completed our Taurus-Scorpio business. And not before illuminating the final purge of greed of power and lust of material possessions. It’s a dramatic ending to a storyline that has, at least, a year and a half history to it. The Full Moon takes place on 28 October, 2023, at 20:23 GMT, and at 05 degrees and 08 minutes of Taurus. The full moon’s dispositor, Venus, is in detriment in anxious, logical and detail seeking Virgo. Her assistance to our struggles will be veiled.

The Queen of Wands is full of passion and confidence. The Magician manifests practical outcomes out of transforming natural ingredients into supernatural forces. But the constant and pointless belligerence involving several players leads nowhere. This is not a productive full moon, though it is a very noisy and highly active one, as described by the Five of Wands. Bad temper and personality clashes will dominate. We will feel aggrieved and conflict will quickly flare up. This full moon brings to light chronic complains and unresolved arguments. And it’s rather chaotic.

We will have to take note in our own power through the help of the Magician, and move away in the style of the Queen of Wands with dignity and resolve. The best option will be to take the practical approach, focus towards simple goals, use ingredients that we have at hand to achieve what we are aiming for. We will have to stand our ground without having to be drawn in to debates that have no end. It will not be easy. We will be tempted to enter all sorts of painful disputes and arguments, whether at home, at work or in our personal life. With Mars and Mercury travelling together in Scorpio, words will hurt deeply. Words and decisions we take will be cutting. And we will be digging in. With the sun and moon in Taurus and Scorpio, we are in a lot of fixed sign energy. Possessiveness, intransigence and emotionality will easily take over, if we are not too careful.

The full moon happens in practical Taurus, but its ruler, beautiful Venus, is having to deal with things she does not normally enjoy doing, like scarcity and logistics, worry about the future and calculating details. And the nodes – those special points in the lunar journey – have already moved to the axis of Libra-Aries anyway. So, we are not finished with the axis of Mars-Venus, war and peace, fights and beauty, drive and desire. But the scenario is flipped. We are leaving behind the north node in a Venus ruled sign (Taurus) and the south node in a Mars ruled sign (Scorpio), to enter the north node in a Mars ruled sign (Aries) and the south node in a Venus ruled sign (Libra). For the next eighteen months, Mars energies will become augmented and Venus energies depleted.

We are entering flammable territory as presented by the Queen of Wands and as a chapter is closing, we are preparing the ingredients that will flavour our new adventure. So while the ending is dramatic, full of conflict and aggravation, it is also the beginning where we are leading our own destiny, in our own light. The nodes have moved from an axis of fixity to an axis of cardinality – Libra and Aries are leaders, initiators, in charge of events, of others and of themselves.

At this full moon, lunar eclipse, in Taurus, we are standing in our own power with passion and fiercely purposeful. And we can still make magic happen. Certainly, we need to be this way, because the difficulties are not over. This is an uncomfortable and anxious full moon, where a lot seemingly happens but nothing gets sorted out to its final conclusion despite the culminating energy of the full moon. All arguments and every fight is circular. One way or another, however, we are moving on, and events do not look like they are giving us a break as we are leaving a territory and entering a new one.
