Full Moon in Pisces 30 August 2023 – by Flavia

A Full Super-moon in Pisces takes place on 30 August, 2023, at 01:35 GMT, and at 07 degrees and 24 minutes. Emotions run high and an analytical type of logic is directed inwards as we are at the health and healing axis. With the moon illuminated in Pisces and the Sun shining in Virgo, both double-bodied signs, we are faced with experiencing a transitioning moment that is itself unnerving and unspecified. Or it is unnerving, exactly because of its lack of specificity and lack of clear direction. But in the reflective light of a full super moon in Pisces we find magic alluring, and we are overtaken by the vastness of our emotions rather than the doctrines of our intellect. Then to recompense we overanalyse and over calculate things are better left to chance, a definite method to loose our way altogether.

Virgo wants to take care of the details and organise the logistics of action, whereas Pisces rather takes the road of least resistance and avoids confrontation or a predetermined path of action.

The need for logic and a rational approach to clearing out the superfluous and removing the unwanted, is taking an equally masculine and feminine character, with the King of Swords and the Queen of Swords flanking the Page of Cups. They are enthroned, dressed in splendour, while holding their swords upright. They are not heading in any battle any time soon, or intend to fight the wars themselves. They are comfortable in their own authority, their own domain, as they exude power and magnificence.

So the Page of Cups in the centre is what it’s all about. Even as a story is coming to an end, a project has matured, a life theme ends, a cycle has completed, a vision is concluding and an emotional state is outgrown, something new is coming up to replace what is lost and fill up the empty space. The ground is prepared through the next couple of weeks for new knowledge, new adventures and new experiences. We will be creating something new from the beginning in at leasts one aspect of life.

But nothing can happen with out this transitioning moment which is so strong, so empowering and so complete. With the full moon in the last sign of the zodiac we start preparing for a new cycle, where we are learning new techniques, and where we are apprentices in the mastery of new skills. It’s an emotional journey that the Page of Cups must undertake. The Page of Cups has less tools, less accessories, less resources than those more mature or higher up in the social structure, and, yet, she has everything she needs in herself. The Page of Cups has faith and belief in inner wisdom, in pleasant surprises, and is open to change.

The super full moon in Pisces is a call to trust our intuition and creativity, to believe that anything is possible and that our imagination and inner child matter most. At this moment we are given the signal that we do not have to do everything ourselves. We do not need to do or can know everything. We can let others take care of us. It is good to allow for help from others. They can probably fight a better fight on our behalf as we hold our swords upright and beautiful in the way we are shown by the king and queen, by those more experienced and more capable, by those who hold power as benefactors. Venus will be going direct in Leo in a few days and Mercury will go straight in Virgo too. Soon we’ll regain our pride in our person and the practical path we should be taking to success and joy will be made clear. As we are transforming from a page to a king or queen, we are reminded that this process takes time. It can not be forced and it can not be instantaneous. Things are turning round, endings can be healing, and change is a healthy state of being. Ultimately, we can not afford to stand in the way of our own futures. The full super moon in Pisces on the 30th of August, is the pivotal moment in this transformative chain of events.
