Poseidon’s flow and Venus into Leo 5 June 2023 – by Mirasol

This week we will work with Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea, from the Gods and Titans Oracle. In the card we see Poseidon standing knee-deep in water, wearing a loin cloth, a wide belt, a blue cloak with gold outlines, and protective leather armour on his left shoulder. He is holding a large trident in his right hand, and his left hand is open, fingers spread out. The waters he is standing in are turbulent and flowing in the direction he commands.

Poseidon’s message is that of flow, he can assist you in releasing stagnation in the area which you feel is blocked. In particular, he can help with issues of creativity, abundance, fertility and prosperity. Because he is the ruler of the waters, his moods are changeable. By trusting him with our issues, we can better understand the flow of life. Sometimes things can go in our favour and other times they will be blocked and we need to find a way around this. By opening up to possibilities, taking risks and letting go and surrendering to the flow of life we can be open to receiving what is the best for us.

The Sagittarius full moon on 4 June highlights our quest for truth in ways which might agitate our rational selves, pushing us to transform our thinking from that which we believed in previously. Venus entering Leo on 5 June until October will initiate a four month sequence which will make us feel that our sensibilities are tested in a passionate way and revealing that we are allowed to commit to something that truly aligns with our vision. What do we stand for and where are our priorities? How can we focus on ourselves and also on a cause or interest which makes us grow, without depleting ourselves? Your heart is your guide for the next four months, let it open just a bit more, even the tiniest crack, so that you notice the opportunities arriving.

Our additional helper this week is the delicate looking, yet powerful Rubellite, or Red Tourmaline, a stunning deep pink-red crystal. The name Rubellite comes from the Latin rubellus, which means reddish. Rubellite symbolizes the perfected heart which is full of vitality and passion. Its’ deep pink- red colour connects to the heart chakra, making us aware of the love that is present on earth and in the universe around us. Rubellite also connects us to the root chakra, grounding and strengthening our life force and our ability to receive prosperity. It helps to ignite stagnant sexuality and opens us up to understand the magic of love as a creative power. Rubellite calms down fights or disputes and encourages diplomacy, it helps to keep a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere at home and at work. It promotes joy and it will help you to appreciate love, promoting gratitude and compassion. Rubellite helps to communicate with the person you love in a clear manner. It is a calming and loving crystal which will take care of you on all levels of body, emotion, mind and spirit.

Journey to heal with Poseidon

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, where you will be undisturbed. Place the Rubellite on your heart chakra. Relax and breathe in and out deeply a few times, and let any tension go. Feel safe, grounded and comfortable as you enter the journey.

You are in standing on a wide, pearly white sand beach in a tropical environment. It is late afternoon and the air is warm, and there is a slight breeze cooling your skin. You decide to walk along the beach and look at the inviting turquoise water, considering to take a dip. The water is translucent and you see small multi-coloured fish swimming around. You continue to walk for a while until you get to a wooden jetty, the poles decorated with gorgeous carvings. You walk to the edge of the jetty and look across the turquoise sea and feel calm and peaceful. Then you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.

Poseidon looks at you with his green blue eyes and takes your hand and places it on his heart. You can feel his heartbeat in your palm and it gives you strength. You close your eyes and you feel a dark pink energy flowing into your heart, calming it and soothing any tension and releasing any blocks which you may have accumulated. Then you feel how the dark pink energy travels downwards to your solar plexus chakra, to your sacral chakra, the root chakra, the knees, feet and then down to the earth where it grounds you. The dark pink energy then continues up from your heart chakra to the throat, the third eye, the crown chakra. You feel calm and grounded with Poseidon holding your hand on his heart. You stand in silence, and enjoy the silent flow of strength and healing from Poseidon. If you have any questions to ask him, do it it now.

After a while you feel that the dark pink energy is leaving your body and you begin to come back to the present moment. Take a deep breath and exhale loudly a few times. Open your eyes slowly and ground yourself to the floor beneath you. Say thank you to Poseidon and Rubellite for the healing and the messages received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How is your emotional state at the moment?

Where do you feel you are heard?

For five minutes everyday, practise speaking your truth, in any way which feels comfortable to you, in words, photos or music.

Be ready to receive opportunities for change.
