Spring Equinox Energy Renewal 21 March 2023 – by Mirasol

This week we will journey with the Water Lily card from the Magic of Flowers Companion by Tess Whitehurst. In the card we see a blossoming, open, white, water lily with two water lily buds at its’ sides. The water lilies stems flow to the bottom of the water bed, where the roots are attached to the soil. There are rays of light and sparkling stars in the blue sky behind the flowers, it appears as if they radiate from the Water Lily at the centre. The water is green-blue at the surface and then changes into darker green with purple tones.

Water Lily tells us to transmute any lower energies that prevent us from moving forward and instead we shall embrace clarity of desire and direction. If we have been feeling down and at loss what to do next, Water Lily reminds us that when we step into the joy of our being we can heal deeply. The imagery of the Water Lily and its stems, floating in the water, roots visible, suggests that we can indeed use our inner vision to observe what is occurring inwards as much as outwards. When we strip through to the layered core of ourselves and fully let go of stuckness, we can then reassemble and refocus.

We are currently journeying in the energy of the Spring Equinox and the new moon in Aries, and the Zodiacal new year has begun. With renewed anticipation, we can now let go of any stagnation accumulated over the winter months and instead follow the Aries energy to start something new, which brings us passion and joy. Additionally, with Jupiter in Aries, we may become lucky in those areas where we focus with bright intention, now ready to take charge of our wishes.

Our additional helper this week is Grossularite, a pale green opaque stone in the Garnet family. Grossularite brings hope and empowerment and it is associated with renewal and growth, prosperity and abundance. Grossularite is a calcium aluminium silicate and it can be yellow, red, golden or green, the latter two honouring Persephone, the Greek Goddess of spring who represents new growth after a time of rest. Grossularite releases limitations and old ideas, beliefs and patterns that don’t represent us anymore. It brings freedom and new beginnings and helps us to see facts for what they are. It transforms problems with loving solutions. Grossularite supports relaxation and promotes romance. Associated with the heart chakra, Grossularite balances emotional flow, and heals drama-filled relationships so that we can live in joy and harmony. It opens our hearts and heals any blocks we have towards love and feelings of unworthiness. Grossularite reduces anxiety around love and money, and it benefits new businesses and attracts clients. Grossularite balances passions with common sense, and it assists us in being of service to other people and strengthens co-operation in groups.

Journey for the new Zodiacal year with Grossularite

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, where you will be undisturbed. Place the Grossularite on your Solar Plexus. Breathe in deeply, pause, and exhale, repeat this a few times. Feel relaxed in your whole body, let all the tension go as you enter the journey.

You are now at the edge of a green field. It is a very comforting green, there are bushes and plants everywhere. There is a line of trees at the other end of the field, and you decide to walk there. You are barefoot and walking through the field you feel the soft green grass caressing the soles of your feet. When you reach the line of trees you see a small path leading into the forest, and you decide to follow it. The afternoon sun casts colourful shadows between the trees, and you enjoy the warmth.

You arrive at a very tall birch tree and decide to sit down in front of it. The grass is very comfortable and feel happy being here. You close your eyes for a while and enjoy the calmness and the peace of the forest and the calming energy of the birch tree. Then there is a sound, and you open your eyes. There is a Goddess in front of you, she is entirely green, with beautiful and calming features, this is the Green Goddess. She looks at you with her piercing green-brown eyes and offers you her hand. You take it and hold it, and feel a slow, calming energy flowing from her hand into yours. She tells you that your wish is already granted and now it is time for you to rest and heal.

You decide to lie down in the grass for a while, arms and legs spread out. The Green Goddess tells you to close your eyes and fully relax as she begins to heal you. You can feel the green energy in your feet, and you sense how it cleanses and balances you as it begins to rise in your body. The green energy rises to your knees, your root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, your heart, the throat, your third eye and the crown chakra. You can feel the Goddess hands moving and cleansing you in all other places where you have felt stuck. Stay in this calming green energy for a while, enjoying the vibrancy of the Green Goddess healing.

After a while you feel that the green energy is starting to withdraw. Relax and come back to the present moment. Take a deep breath, exhale deeply and open your eyes slowly. Say thank you to Grossularite and the Green Goddess for the healing and the messages received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What can you let go of?

Where do you need healing?

Take some time every day to sit with your own healing, in peace and quiet.

Wishing you a great new start to the Zodiacal year, with blessings and love from the Green Goddess.
