Full Moon Leo 5 February 2023 – by Flavia

In the middle of darkness, there is light. In the middle of winter, there is a fire burning. It is the full moon in Leo. We are at the axis of fixed signs Leo and Aquarius. Right in the middle of astrological winter, when the Sun is in detriment and the energies are low, we find the courage to resist stagnation and are empowered to assert our identity. The full moon is happening on 5 February, 2023, at 18:28 GMT, and it is taking place at 16 degrees and 40 minutes of Leo.

We are at a point where things are serious. The situation we find ourselves in has matured. The reflective light of the full moon gives it clarity. With the Sun in Saturn’s sign heading towards a conjunction with Saturn after the full moon, we are about to realise with maturity, and see in the cold light of day, the truth of our present situation. It is recognising the long game as we experience it today, and putting in place changes that will help us achieve our objectives in the future. The Justice card reminds us our responsibility and how accountable we are to ourselves. This accountability towards the self is illuminated by the moon in Leo, and therefore it is coming from the heart. Maybe Justice is blind and upright, but discipline to find justice comes from within. It’s all taking place with the Sun in Aquarius, so this justice hued self asserted action is directed, in one way or another, and it is indivisible from, society, groups, teams, and, generally, what we consider as our tribe.

We are empowered to confront reality, to defend our values and to articulate our needs. The full moon is blessed through a trine to Jupiter in Aries and a sextile to Mars in Gemini. Logic and feeling are activated in tandem. Intuition is working along amazingly well with our rational decision making. Logistics and passions work harmoniously together. We acknowledge that we have to make choices that are affecting us and others in a group setting or a social context. Self empowerment and self knowledge comes from within, but is expressed outwards. There is a lot of outwards directed type of action right now.

The gift that the Ace of Swords indicates is within the mental realm. It will show decisiveness to cut off dead wood with swiftness and conviction. It will fulfil its role as it supports us while we fight for justice. Once it has done its job, there is no going back. All planets are moving forward presently and, almost all, are out of shadow. This is a very rare, and an ever evolving dynamic situation to be in. And this is where we are at. Personal and distant planets are all in a forward movement reaching new territory. The old story lines are wrapped up and we enter an unknown part of our futures. One we might have envisioned or wished for, or one for which we have planned meticulously and worked towards for some time. And now it’s time to come to The Fool.

Both the Justice card and the Ace of Swords mean that the mental and rational thinking that dominates our actions, and planning strategies, might be, after all, standing between our goals and our own sense of well being. A conscious rational approach might have fulfilled its purpose already, and we might have to move away now to something else. Something more aligned to the subconscious. A more intuitive sense of justice. The realisation that another way of doing things is possible, another way of being is available to us. As we stand in front of our future aspirations, we find being possessed by an inner drive and, once again, with a childlike innocence we are inspired to initiate a project, to learn a new skill, to find a new direction in life.

With the Ace of Swords in the middle of the spread indicating a big split, between what we know and where we are heading towards, change comes with a break. Rupture is often inevitable. When things get so bad, time has come to break off and start all over again, without baggage, without hesitation. As with The Fool, we can only take with us what we can carry. And make space for a lot of optimism, music, friendship, creativity, an open mind, curiosity, personal style and adventure in the mix. This might be the time to do it without fear or resistance. It can be impulsive and unexpected. The Fool teaches us that we can surprise ourselves. Stagnation and inertia will dissolve. The Ace of Swords is wrapped around wreaths of fresh flowers. Success and glory are promised. It can happen in the simplest ways. This is not a soft full moon, but a fortifying and glorifying one.
