Winter Solstice, retreat and renew 21 December 2022 – by Mirasol

This week we will work with The Sacred Woman and Luminosity cards from the True Love Oracle.

The Sacred Woman card depicts a woman with long black hair, wearing a pale yellow leather tunic, with white fur on her right shoulder. Her left hand is raised and there is a radiant green heart in her palm. Behind her we see a mountainous landscape with a dream catcher and a white buffalo. In the Luminosity card, a smiling woman with flowers in her hair and a heart necklace, holds a pale pink lotus in her left hand. There is a butterfly and a crescent moon to her right, and a bird to her left. A yellow circle, a halo, is radiating several rays from her and she is surrounded by flowers.

The Sacred Woman card is the image of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, who asks us to step into the role of the Divine feminine. Embracing this energy we can become who we truthfully are, meeting the world with respect and in peace, we connect easily with others from the same soul-tribe. Luminosity reminds us that when we become a luminous being we attract that which is of the highest quality, we no longer need things, people or activities which drag us down. Living from and with luminosity creates a vibrancy which is true, grounded and appreciative.

With the arrival of Winter Solstice 21 December and the new moon in Capricorn 23 December, we can utilise the feminine support of both The Sacred Woman and Luminosity. This is the time to reflect on the past year and being grateful for its events. If there are any negative experiences which still linger, release these with the help of luminosity. Be open and receptive for a balanced and healthy new year.

Our additional helper this week is orchid calcite, a peach coloured opaque stone, a combination of both orange calcite and black tourmaline. It enhances creativity and passion and it is protective and grounding. Orchid calcite heals issues associated with the sacral chakra and supports healthy and positive feminine energy. It helps with emotional balance and to be able to start and finish creative projects. Orchid calcite supports sleep and it has a warming and comforting energy which makes us feel safe and cared for.

Solstice Journey with Orchid calcite

For this meditation, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Place the orchid calcite on your sacral chakra. Take a couple of deep breaths, in and out, relax and ground yourself. Make yourself comfortable and feel peaceful and calm.

You are standing in a beautiful, lush garden and it is late afternoon. The sky is turquoise and peach coloured and the sun is shining low at the horizon. You look around and you see that there are orchids in all colours of the rainbow growing everywhere in the garden. There is a warm breeze in the air and you walk among the orchids and enjoy their delicious fragrance and the calming atmosphere of the greenery. You notice a hammock hanging from a tree ahead of you and decide to walk there. The hammock is white and soft and you climb into it and relax. You sway in the hammock, letting all your limbs get soft. You feel very comfortable being here in the exotic garden.

There are several orchids growing next to you and you decide to pick one of them. It is a peach coloured orchid, with lovely petals, radiating feminine energy. You place the orchid on your belly and take a deep breath. You begin to feel a warmth in your belly, and you feel a peach coloured sparkling energy in your sacral chakra. The peach energy is sparkling and warming your sacral chakra, removing old energy, stagnation, anxiety and worry, and infusing this area with joy, radiance and inspiration. The peach energy begins to move down to your root chakra, then to your knees and your feet and cleanses these areas. Then the peach energy begins move up, back to the root chakra, to the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra, and here the peach energy sparkles and cleanses the crown and connects it with the luminous feminine energy of the universe. You stay in this comfortable energy, receiving and enjoying the healing.

After a while you start to feel how the peach energy is starting to withdraw. Now you are back in the present moment. Take a deep breath, exhale and slowly open your eyes. Feel grounded and say thank you for the insights and the healing received from orchid calcite.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What can you leave behind from 2022?

What is your deepest wish for 2023?

Wishing you a gorgeous and beautiful Winter Solstice and with your deepest wishes to come true in the new year.
