Venus in Sagittarius, love wisely, 16 November 2022 – by Mirasol

This week we will work with the card number 42: Be free, do what you love, from the Iris Oracle Deck.

In the card we see a lit candle between two hands. There are rainbows radiating from each hand. A spiral is depicted above the candle flame and in between the hands.

The message of this card is to do what you love, as much as you can. Do not listen to others comments about what you love to do. This is your dream, your love, and your specific calling. By doing more of that which you love, you will change the perspective of everything. This shift will be subtle at first but then it will begin to attract more of the things you love.

Be receptive and radiate outwards, like the rainbows emanating from the hands. When you are aligned with your love vibration, you feel free and ready to welcome more. The spiral affirms that our dreams are the ones we have been assigned in this life-time, and that they are true to us. Time flows in many directions and our dreams will return to us as many times as needed – until we start to realise them. The candle provides a point of focus. Like the flame we become light and lighter when our hearts are resonating with our dreams and projected outwards.

Our additional helper this week is black tourmaline, an opaque crystal with excellent grounding and protective properties. Rich in iron and manganese, it helps to re-balance fatigue by repairing auric depletion through creating a layer which absorbs and transmutes anything damaging. It was first found around the 1400s in Saxony, Germany, and then discovered in Maine, USA, Brazil and in the mountains of Pakistan. Black tourmaline helps in situations where we feel depleted, mentally and physically, and are in immediate need for strong support. It cleanses and protects living and working spaces so that we can experience a more balanced and peaceful existence. Wearing black tourmaline in situations which cause anxiety will calm the energies and keep you grounded and safe. It prevents physical and mental exhaustion by recharging us with a steady pulse of earthy energy. Being grounded, feeling safe and calm, enables us to be free and to do what we love.

With Venus transit into Sagittarius, we can ask for assistance from black tourmaline to shield narcissistic love tendencies and instead welcome the spiritual love which is pulled in by the Sagittarian energy. We are at the end of the eclipse portal, discussed here by Flavia, and we can now begin to let go of the residues which we want to left behind. Embrace the Sagittarian flame and enjoy the freedom of being and doing your hearts work.

Journey with Black Tourmaline

For this meditation, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Place the black tourmaline on your root chakra. Take a few deep breaths, exhale fully and relax your whole body. Feel peaceful, protected and calm as you go into the journey.

See yourself standing on soft sand on a black sand beach, it is night time, the sky is deep black and the stars shine brightly in the sky. The ocean is calm, and the pale white light of the stars are reflected on the surface of the water. You decide to walk along the shore for a while. The black sand feels comfortable under your feet. The air is warm and there is no hurry here.

After a while you see three large boulders ahead of you. You walk to the boulders and look at the shape of the rock and the different grey shades with veins of black colour of tourmaline. You touch the boulders and feel a calming energy in your hand. You decide to climb up on one of the boulders and then sit down. You look over the dark ocean and then close your eyes to meditate. Then you start to feel a tingling in your root chakra, and you sense a protective and calming energy from the rock underneath you. This energy is travelling into your root chakra and settles there for a while. You feel how the energy is cleansing this area. Then the energy starts to travel upwards, to the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart, the throat, the third eye and then the crown chakra, reaching up and above to connect with the cosmic Goddess in the night sky.

There is a bridge of protective energy forming between the sky and the earth, this energy is being conducted through your chakras. The energy moves up and down until all your blocks have been removed. You are now clean to to receive the best possible for you. A protective layer is created around you and you can now feel completely at peace that it is so.

After a while you feel the energy disappearing and you are back in the present moment. Take a deep breath, exhale and slowly open your eyes. Say thank you for the messages and the healing received from black tourmaline.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What and who are your protectors?

What does protection mean to you?

You can repeat this meditation anytime you feel you need a deep cleanse and to call in a protective layer to yourself and your kin.
