New Moon Leo 28 July 2022 – by Flavia

This is big. This is inceptional. This is fiery. It is the New Super Moon, which is happening on the 28th July, 2022, and taking place at 05 degrees and 38 minutes of Leo, at 17:54 GMT. About a couple of days later we have the biggest, and potentially most eruptive, event of the year, the triple conjunction of Mars-Uranus-North Node, taking place at 18 degrees of Taurus. This astrological – very rare event – ties in with the new moon, and, basically, sits at the inception of things to come. What that might be, we shall see in the future. But the promise is that it will run and run.

The Martian energy is itself initiatory as well as confrontational and aggressive, the Uranian impulse wants to break away from constraints and will be eruptive, sudden, and electrical, while we have the North Node involved in all of this, giving it insatiable hunger and growth. A lusty desire for stockpiling and hoarding are trademarks of both Mars and the North Node. A Uranian revolutionary energy can add an exponential scale to actions taken under this configuration. The North Node as a notion is itself contested. The evolutionary thinking in astrology places it as a progressive future oriented point of vision, whereas the traditional and eastern philosophical approach is that of a hungry daemon and a malefic spirit. It cautions us that where we’re heading might not necessarily be the outcome of wisdom and progress, but of lust and greed.

This triple conjunction takes place in Taurus, the sign of physical manifestation of value and beauty. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. A feminine sign. So whatever is solidified in Taurus wants to remain this way. It wants it cemented. It wants is set in stone. It has to be real and tangible. As indeed the Queen of Pentacles indicates as she sits right in the middle of the spread. Our focus is in the dictates of the Queen of Pentacles and her domain. The outside physical world and events taking place there will dominate and influence all of our lives. What is starting now with the New Moon in Leo will generate a sequence of practical outcomes in our lives that are dealing with money, food, possessions, clothes and items of personal value and comfort. This includes man made stuff as well as natural resources. But the Queen of Pentacles is not greedy. She’s generous and abundant.

However, things may disrupt that blissful feeling that the Queen of Pentacles provides. In the Queen of Swords we have intelligence coupled with inventive thinking, a maverick genius and an organising force. With it comes also competition, self analysis and self doubt. Swords can cut and can sever. Swords are a symbol of war and a symbol of word. We are not going to have an easy time. Communication will bring harshness and forewarning. Messages can unite but instead they will separate. Discussions will heat up.

It will all be sparked by a blazing fire at the core that looks to have a long future ahead. The Ace of Wands is the inception of life. The spark that starts everything. It is the New Moon in Leo par excellence. Dynamic and illuminating. And to use the Bible seems almost the most appropriate with this sequence of cards. We are told: in the beginning is the word, and the word is God. Some things are just outside our powers. They are bigger than us, yet, are still part of us. And we are part of that spark. It all starts with the symbolic word before life is manifest. But we still do not know what any of this would actually look like. We know now that a great change is coming. It will be a total upheaval. It will be confrontational. It will disrupt everything that we hold solid and familiar. In all of this, our survival and pride in the self is paramount. We have really intense astrology up in the sky and the cards give it credence down here on planet earth.

We might find that we are shaken at the root. Our reality broken, cut to pieces, our routine burst or spiked. In addition, with the element of fire prevalent in the Sun and Moon in fiery Leo connecting with Jupiter in equally fiery Aries, there is loss of control, complex things are simplified, the pace of events accelerates, regeneration is unstoppable.

And the Ace of Wands is the fire within. We have to remember that with the new moon we are officially initiating Leo season. That moment when we shine in the world has arrived. New Moon in Leo is never short of being the luckiest, symbolising heart energy and the power of love. Children, creation and recreation, fun, the joy of the sun, the heart of summer, everything that is light is represented by Leo. We must seize and take advantage of it now. As we are clearing out the old, we are preparing for the new with vigour and energy. We have to grasp the moment forcibly and purposefully, cause the moment of high summer will not last, but its outcome will be enduring. One word of advice: keep the hunger ghost in check and only go after what our heart truly needs.
